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  • Ascaris Lumbricoides Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,436

    This is a reply to # 2,130,587

    Ascaris Lumbricoides


    Shows the life cycle and methods of treatment for infection by Ascaris lumbricoides, a human parasitic worm, and the sanitary steps needed to prevent infection. Contact to license this film for stock footage.

  • Barbesia Parasite Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,918

    This is a reply to # 2,130,587

    Barbesia Parasite


  • Bed Bugs INVADE!!! Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,409
  • Being Parasite Free ROCKS !!!!!!! Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,617
  • Botfly Maggots Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,380
  • Brain Worm Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,349
  • Cryptosporidium Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,370
  • Cyclospora Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,372
  • CZ's Worm Guru Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,325
  • Death by Tsetse Fly Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,354
  • Flesh Eater Invades Schoolteacher Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,330
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    Giardia Lamblia Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,610
  • Guinea worm - parasite. Caution graphic images!!! ...   plzchuckle   11 y  6,279
  • Hookworm - Trichinosis Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,314
  • How to Avoid Health Harming Parasites   plzchuckle   11 y  6,417
  • Human Heart Worm Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,366
  • Human Parasites Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,836
  • Intestinal Parasites Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,411
  • Leishmania - Hijacked Blood Cells Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,325
  • Lung Flukes - Angiostrongylus Cantonensis Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,462
  • Lymphatic Filariasis Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,319
  • Malaria - Plasmotium Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,400
  • MH Muses on Parasites and Parasite Cleansing   plzchuckle   11 y  6,251
  • Natural Remedies for Treating Parasites   plzchuckle   11 y  6,439
  • Onchocerca - a Round Worm that Causes River Blindn... Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,320
  • Parasites Eating Us Alive Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,898
  • Parasitic Infection Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  9,035
  • Parasite Invades Eye Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,338
  • Parasites: What's eating you? Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,400
  • Pinworms (Genus Enterobius) Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,451
  • Plasmodium - Malaria Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,244
  • Expand the next 20 of 268 messages

    PORK and why it's SO BAD for you!   plzchuckle   11 y  6,642
  • Racoon Roundworm Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,287
  • Ringworm Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,354
  • Round Worms Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,420
  • Scabies Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,363
  • Schistosoma Haematobium - Bladder Flukes Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,323
  • Stomach Parasites Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,782
  • Tapeworm Lifecycle Movie Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,317
  • Threadworms - Strongyloides Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,283
  • Toxicara Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,222
  • Toxoplasmosis Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,334
  • Triconosis - Muscle Eating Worm Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,444
  • Expand the next 20 of 268 messages

    Trypanosomes - Chagas Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,509
  • Worm in my Butt Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,325
  • Worms/Parasites - Remedies Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,348
  • Whipworm - Trichuris trichiura Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,301
  • You Are What You Eat! - P.1 - Symptoms of Parasite... Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,266
  • Its really true, You Are What You Eat! ... Video Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,291
  • Phytonutrients Image Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,307
  • Plant Oil Facts Image Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,532
  • PRObiotics Image Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,220
  • Processed Foods Image Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,858
  • Protein Facts Image Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  6,276
  • Expand the next 20 of 110 messages

    "g" Image Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  4,822
  • Expand the next 20 of 497 messages

    "h" Image Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  21,267
  • Expand the next 20 of 242 messages

    "m" Image Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  5,650
  • Expand the next 20 of 305 messages

    "c" Image Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  11,918
  • Expand the next 20 of 836 messages

    "t" Image Embedded   plzchuckle   12 y  22,572
  • Expand the next 20 of 148 messages

    "l" Image Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  8,783
  • Expand the next 20 of 68 messages

    "b" Image Embedded   plzchuckle   11 y  10,515