The Syphilis Book
I HAVE WAITED TILL 10/8 to put some of the best books on the 2009 school folder, before i go to bed to night, I will put on at least 1,000 pages of reading material....
Some these will be the best of the best books I have enjoyed for my education. Ideally as time permits over the years, I will collect about 108 of the best books. i hope to have 12 total new books on the folder before the year is over.
Here is an example of one I will put on tonight:-----------------
When we plant zinnia seeds in the earth we always produce zinnias. But when we plant a smallpox virus into the human body we may produce Spirochate Pallada, the cork-screw plant of syphilis. The soil of the body is variable. In one person the vaccine grows sleeping sickness; in another, spinal meningitis; in another, poliomyelitis; in another, the bacteria, feeding upon the body’s undetermined media, grow into the devastating spirochates of syphilis.
A number of researchers have suspected for years that the tremendous upsurge of this disease, in this age when simple preventive methods are known and education is widespread, couldn’t be attributed altogether to social in~ discretions and misbehavior. From clinical studies conducted during World War II has come factual data tracing cases of this scarifying and previously-degrading malady into the lab oratory.
In the April, 1941, issue of the Naval Medical Bulletin, reporting on the results of tests on 20,000 recruits at the Naval Training Station at San Diego, California, between July, 1939, and January, 1941, Captain G. E. Thomas of the Medical Corps of the Navy tells the story. He describes an experiment on these men. All had been checked by all known means and found free of syphilis, and were then confined. These men were vaccinated against smallpox. Those who did not show “successful” vaccination were re-vaccinated. The experiment showed that more of these developed syphilis from the smallpox vaccination than the percentage who developed syphilis from all causes in the civilian population in the United States.
Sorry for the delays, it has been a busy year and this winter promises to be even busier.
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