Most of your herb companies and medical places will start flooding your mail boxes with the lastest discovered remedies, the more exotic sounding adds will attract the most customers from their $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$, all will be loaded with false promises galore!!!!!!!!!! Their slick advertisers are looking for victims.....
Between now and the end of Feburary the over eating, living in the house more than normal, lack of sunshine, lack of exercise and STRESS of the holidays, etc. all are the perfect making of ill health...........
Just like Dr. Christopher preached 50 years ago, you will not usually find a usable product in your health food type stores and super markets. They sale highly commercial large profit products and what herbs they do sale are probably made practically worthless with manufactuering processes and most likely from over seas and heavily sprayed to make them last many years on the shelf, etc., etc.
So it Tis the Season to BEWARE! Health is SIMPLE, not exotic, so pitch the advertising in the dumper...............