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Day 3
plzchuckle Views: 20,068
Published: 12 y
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Day 3

Today has been busy, about 10 Pm and had no time to weigh myself or make any juice. I did consume 1 quart of organic Pineapple Juice on the run. I tend to drink once a day. I tend to get up at 7 am and get to bed after Midnight. When the fast has well developed, then sleep is an optional thing as energy is unlimited. Those that whine they will not survive working and fasting at the same time? I always get much more work done while fasting and the mind clears up and new ideas are thought of.

Tonight I picked up a Sony video camera that uses a 30 gb hard drive, this should allow me to do more with video if I can figure out how to use it. I sent a box videos to ELF today so the members/schooling page will soon take a giant leap forward. My entire fasting experince is also well documented there with 14 pages on days I and II already. Others are also documenting their fasting experiences and hopefully will be displayed on their space.

Day III and zero ill pains, no thirst, no hunger. This no doubt is going to be one of my best fasting experiences ever. A real fast does not get started until day 7.

I am already breathing more free, something all the $$$$$$$ in the world can never buy. So many old men are on oxygen machines and dieing a slow death as their lungs get weaker and weaker! I suggest cold water as the path to strong lungs, I am videoing more cold water therapy this year and waiting for some snow and ice to make for some impressive pictures.


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