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Day 4
plzchuckle Views: 21,232
Published: 13 y
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Day 4

I had a case of Organic Pineapple juice on order and it came in, so for day IV I was able to put an ounce of Longevity Spices in the juice as well as a teaspoon of the Iodine formula. I assume just a little less than 1/2 gallon total juice for the day and 4 lbb capsules.

When needed I will increase to 8 LBB capsules and more juice, but for now, I have zero hunger and still feel stuffed. This is by far the easist fast to date, makes a person wonder if we couldn't eat for 1 month and skip the next month through out the year.

The biggest mistake on this planet is having the sit down meal. People should eat once per day on the food of the day, what ever is ripe in Nature for their area.

Living in the North and skiing this time of year; I have the theory that God did provide a method for us humans to live in cold climates; this will be my experiement this season. I am 100% positive that God never ever designed us to eat any sort of animal or animal product. That I am sure of, even though we are raised to eat anything our superiors serve us.


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