By Chance
I had to travel to the Amish to pick up some honey and on the way I had the urge to go to a new place. It took me a few minutes to find it and it was a new good source for honey. Note: I am not one to stop at stranger's houses and ask anything of anyone, so in doing so, I knew something was in the making. The owner started talking about his wife as I was writing out the check for the honey, seems she had Breast Cancer a year ago and went to her cousin the one I call the Amish Healer, now remember, being amish he may have hundreds of cousins...
Anyway; he cleansed her and fixed her up and now a year later it came back and for some real stupid reason they went medical and today she has NO BREAST and this operation has now spread the cancer to her spine and thus at age 44 she was given the death sentence and HOPICE is coming now.................they now ask the Amish Healer if she can survive and he suggest after all the drugs/operation that the damage is too much and she will die...
So they ask Willy the Naturopath can he help? He takes some of their money and when I talked about parasites, her husband said, OH, Willy sold them some stuff to kill parasites and the otherday when they traveled to him his machine said she HAS NO PARASITES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like I said, I have never met a Naturopathic Doctor that was worth the powder to blow them up, they are just as STUPID and $$$$ hungry as any bad doctor can be, they just do it other ways....
I told him the facts of life and he went in and told his wife what I said, she wanted to see me and I was surprised, this lady was sitting in a chair and had just washed her hair and could talk fine...I said this is BULL, this 44 year old woman is not going to die, unless she continues to listen too STUPID PEOPLE and take their worthless and or toxic drugs..........................
I said once in a while I choose to help a terminal person out and would make her a care package; "IF" she would do as I suggested or at least try. He said can you bring it back tonight??????????? It was a 30 mile one way trip and I had alot to do yet!!!!!!!!!!!!
So when I got home and made her a 5 gallon jug formula to be taken 8 ounces per day. Then 3 bottles of powdered formula to taken in place of food, along with a bottle LBB, two lecithin fats, some sleep capsules, a bottle of oils for her spine and a simple 1 page paper explaining what to do.
I would have given anything to have a picture of her husband's expression when I reached in the van and hauled out a 5 gallon bucket of herbal liquid and told him it was a 80 day supply!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had prewarned him, to save a person's life, you don't mess around with little bottles.
I said, "I don't care if she does any of it, I have done my part, the rest is up to her and you!" I told him what I thought and i told her too, if she dies, it is only because of medical and "they" will kill her if given the chance.
If she dies it should be a crime, because she is in way too good of condition to allow hospice within a mile of the house...
I suppose the products dropped off would have totaled abpout $1,000 wholesale and I am sure they spend more money to have her breast cut off than I made in 2 years when I was in the factory and I wasn't about to ask a penny from such people down on their luck, they have little children all over the place and I am sure they don't mommy us dying fast with each visit from the nurse (hospice).
I had the boys all with me, so that was a good lesson for them. I said its not up to us if this lady lives or dies, tonight, God gave us an exam and we had to choose to take the exam or deny it. By coming to her aid the best we knew to do, thats all that is asked of us and all we need to do to pass the exam in my opinion.
I know her cancer/diseases can be overcome, now the question will be will she trust me enough to give it a try....the 5 gallon jug all made a permanent impression in all their minds, HOPEFULLY they will "believe" such a bottle given freely by a stranger surely will possess the answers they seek and the answers are written out on paper taped to the jug, the one and only cure for all. Complete with instructions to not work for 1 year, play with the children outside as you sun bathe and sun gaze, etc., etc.....Naturally I know much of what I suggest will be ignored, but thats up to them, not me, if they want a passing grade, they had better put the drugs down and start trusting God NOW!
She spent 44 years dying, I think it only fair to spend one year living! If she loves those children, they had better change starting tonight, because all they have done has lead Hospice into their home, if ever their was a walking creature that we could call Satin, surely, it is the over paid death squad called Hospice (in home nurses).
***Personal note: Without telling this lady, "fast on OJ for 40 days" MH put this lady on a fast that was what he had available, formulas that support life in the same way that OJ supports life. ~PC~
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