Too Thin
Back to work on the thin book tonight. The first 2 paragraphs explain alot:
ABSENCE of fat or “thinness” that is not inbred from a long line of thin ancestor, is due to either a deficiency in the intake of fat-forming foods (starches, sugars and fats), or to an abnormal expenditure of energy, or both; or to some mechanical or physiological disturbance of the body or its organs. Generally it is due to one of the two latter causes, sometimes the former, and, too frequently, to all three.
The too-thin individual is apt to be a “worrier,” a “fretter,” a “fusser,” a “high—tensioned person,” a “hurrier.” Thin people are seldom well-controlled and deliberate in their mental or muscular activities. Mind and muscle, jump and race to every little or great activity. The muscles move as if they were springs released from tension. The thin person holds down the chair, holds down the bed, holds down the couch when “relaxing” upon it, presses the head into the pillow, instead of yielding up to it an Inert mass as the cat or dog or infant always does. A thin person always “holds the body together” by contracted muscles or “tension.” In train or motor or street car the thin sit rigid instead of letting themselves sway and move with the jars and jolts of the vehicle.
I am glad I am not a thin person, all the thin people I know, are exactly as described by the M.D. author above.
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