Customers some times want to stop by when they are in the area to pick up a few products and save shipping, etc...and that is great. We don't always have time to talk, but someone will be here 5 days a week at least durring the day.
Those with a tent can pitch it for a day or 2 for free.
Those picking up a decent order can bring their sleeping bag and stay in Barn II free for a night or 2. It has a gym and a bathroom with tub/shower.
Those with a huge order or that in one way or another benefit our business can stay a night or two in Barn I (the school) for free.
There are a few one room cabins on the ponds, which is 1 step above a tent (that can blow away).
Those wishing to use the School Building like a motel room, can also do that. They would have to make arrangements with Brenda to do so. The ponds have so many fish that the kids can put a piece of dog food on a hook an catch fish most anytime of the day or night. Otherwise nothing much to do than just enjoy the country side/woods and listen to the birds sing. Quite borring to country folk, but maybe like a vacation to someone that lives their life in the cement jungle.