I will probably put the finished newsletter in with the other newsletters and the first one since the first of this year when I lost interest from the lack of interest. I never did finish the thailand pictures which were just getting interesting with all the elephants, but was just too borring for those searching for herbal / health newsletters.
In my theory, ONLY THOSE that THINK ABOUT SUCH PROBLEMS are ever going to attempt to find solutions and how many websites on this planet "think" about human health beyond their next $$BUCK$$ they can suc*** out of the public?
Air Freshen
by #####, M.H. 108
All information written is always just opinions of the author and written for pleasure and not as medical advice. Seek a good chiropractor if you seek help from others that can personally examine you, treat you and help guide you professionally.
All life on earth must “adapt” to the present air quality and the quality of our air determines the quality of life on earth. With the invention of fire, petroleum, bombs, germ warfare, airplanes, chem. trails and the modern age of chemicals our air has no choice but to be polluted. Living near industry / cities or even large highways will make for a more toxic living environment. To enter a room and close the doors shutting off the outside air, can even be worse, because our own exhaled air must be taken way with the winds so we do not re-breathe our own toxins and all commercial / synthetics; such as wallpaper, carpet, drapes, plastics, paints, soaps, solvents, building materials, etc. all for ever expel their own “fumes” and all fumes are toxic to humans to some degree. Only the purest of fresh air created in nature by our oceans and plants can supply us with the oxygen, moisture, and nutrients needed to support good life.
It is a fact no one can deny, we can not be any healthier than our last breathe of air. No one can live very long with any air or low oxygen air; even plants / trees will die within a few minutes when placed in a low oxygenated area such as a car in the heat with the windows rolled up. Yet, we humans take our air for granite and we rarely think about it and as well rarely do people think about their water and just expect that air and water is “good” and not a problem with their health. While in fact, we humans consume more air than anything else on earth and we digest water more than all other foods combined which makes air and water the two most important substances that determine the quality of life for all life forms.
Medical Science suggests mammals must slowly adapt to polluted air and polluted air always equals shortened lifespan. To do this, they took a common yellow canary and placed under a sealed bell jar and measured how many minutes it takes for the canary to smother to death from the lack of oxygen and the toxicity of its own exhaled breath. Once this was determined, they allowed a canary to stay in the bell jar for ½ the life expectancy and then with special equipment were able to remove the test bird and place a new canary in the jar and this new bird, not having enough time to “adapt” to the poor quality of air and the new canary would die rapidly and not live near as long as if the original canary was left in the jar. In their theory, they suggested if a human from 100 years ago was put into a room with the air quality of today, that human would die rapidly because the air quality would be too poor to support life.
Those working with toxic chemicals and especially those that choose to smoke always cough and must choose to stay with the toxic chemicals or choose to continue to smoke until their blood stream has adapted to the toxicity and deliberate self-intoxification has to be the greatest downfall of the modern age of the past 200 years. The original inhaling of smoke was developed by the Chinese well over 6,000 years ago by the burning of herbs ands standing over the smoke and inhaling it as a treatment for the lungs and no doubt this lead to the use of toxic plants to numb the nerves, brain and obtain narcotic effects that lead to drug addiction such as the narcotic plant called, “tobacco”.
As much as we would like to think our work place, the highways, polluted skies, etc. are killing us the fastest, the fact is; it is our bedroom that determines our over all health and longevity. While we are awake, our brain will make adjustments to our breathing in attempts to reduce the toxins from entering, which leads to “shallow” breathing and our blood stream on the “defense” all our waking hours. Only while asleep, do our lungs begin to take deep / large breaths of air and our heart rate changes and our blood stream starts “cleansing”. This cleansing is essential for the body and explains why the lack of sleep or the inability to sleep properly leads to disease and also explains why people that are experienced in fruit juice “fasting” often can go days with very little sleep and why those that “fast” often experience increased health and energy.
Back to those that smoke or work in toxic environments, these people automatically restrict their breathing and become “upper” lung breathers and eventually their lower lungs turn hard and quit working and it happens slowly over time and they don’t even realize they are loosing their lungs. People with reduced lower lung capacity can not properly breathe while sleeping, not to mention the mucus and worms that come along with such lungs. To examine yourself, it is simple; while at rest, watch your stomach or lower lungs and see if your belly rises with each intake of air as it should! If your belly does not rise, then you are breathing with your upper lungs.
The lungs are like a pair of bellows that bring in and expel air with each movement cycle. Proper air intake simply means better health and strength. The fully developed human has what was called a “barrel” chest with good proper developed lungs. The more deformed humans have flat chest and low intake of air. The lower lungs are designed to raise the belly with each intake of breathe and this rise put pressure on the heart and “massages” it and the other internal organs. This makes the organs “flexible” always and does not permit them to become “stagnant” and harden with accumulated waste.
With each inhale enters life providing oxygen and the exchange of deadly acidic waste thrown off in the blood stream. In fact, since tree fruit juices need very little to no digestion in the human stomach, these fruit juices quickly are absorbed through the stomach walls and enter into the blood stream providing the natural acids that acted as preservatives for the fruits when they were alive on the tree and the blood stream makes use of these acids to aid in the killing of bacteria / viruses and when these acids and pass through the heart, they are expelled in the next breathe of air and only the alkaline salts (minerals) are left in the stomach for digestion an later use by the red blood cells for the body’s daily needs.
On the other hand, when humans are “poisoned” by various means of accumulated waste or direct poisoning, the same blood stream collects these poisons and throws them off into the stomach walls to be expelled down and out the colon; or if too toxic, the stomach will immediately throw up as a method to save the life of the body. Few people understand the functions of the human stomach or realize we can not have health when our stomach has ill health.
The bedroom becomes the most toxic room and the number one reason for ill health because of one very simple reason. Humans as well as all mammals are not designed to be able to re-breathe their exhaled air, nor is it healthy to breath in all the chemicals of the closed door bedroom while the lungs are working after we are in a deep sleep to cleanse our blood stream.
The very best author I have ever read that was a M.D. that lived in Toronto many years ago, removed the window from his bedroom and put up a device to keep the snow from blowing in. Since our skin breathes in as much air as our lungs do, he also practiced wearing the bear minimum of clothing year around to allow the skin freedom to work.
The open window method takes care of the poor air quality due to our exhaled air. Those that smoke, have cancer or any disease for that matter, are going to exhale their disease while they sleep and attempt to restore their health. Those with mercury, nickel, etc. dental fillings are also exhaling very toxic chemicals into the air that must be removed from the room or house so others do not breathe this in. People do not bother to study and understand just how toxic dental metals are to their body and those around them. Sleeping in the same room with someone that smokes, has dental metals or is sick; is not wise, especially if your health is not great and your elimination organs working properly to not accumulate the problems of others. Most advanced diseases are “fungus” related and while sleeping, much of this fungus is exhaled into the home, where it can grow on moist / dirty surfaces, etc. and spread through out the house. Having pets in the home also introduces their health problems into the family. I highly suggest no pets within the home. Even the common fish tank that has an air pump is going to spread bacteria through the entire home. Those with flushable toilets, even if they close the lid, it has been proven that what ever bacteria lives in your toilet bowel, also enters your entire home, even into every cupboard of the kitchen. Those with a shower and live in the city limits and have city water are going to fill their homes with the fumes of every chemical within that water supply and the same goes for country well water, which is normally loaded with arsenic and up to 70,000 chemical variations according to authors that do such research.
These are only the larger examples of why the normal home has become the number one place for ill health over a human’s lifetime. It is a fact that for every act we commit against Nature, we will suffer a health penalty, if you like that or not, it is a fact you’re never going to change! We were born to be naked and live in the wild on what God freely provides for our specie. Every act we commit to live life our way that goes against the original design has a price to pay, ever how small and over a lifetime, those prices multiply.
In Nature, there is enough moisture in the air and trees and grass to cover the lands that we would breathe in very little dust of any kind. Everyone knows or should know that every machine that needs air to run, such as your cars, trucks, tractors, etc. all have air breather filters, to keep the dirt out of the engine. The same goes for humans, our lungs are the bellows that brings in and expels our air supply and the air and mucus membranes of our nose are designed to filter only what we would encounter in Nature, not modern day pollution. It is essential for us to breathe through our nose and not our mouth. Few people realize that a gland within our nostrils is responsible for making the electricity that maintains our perfect body temperature as well as filters out the common dust found in nature. What do most sick people eating mucus producing foods have in common? You guessed it, their sinus’s clog up and they have troubles breathing properly through their nose.
The common home that has carpet in it, has an enormous amount of dirt in those carpets, same goes for the drapes, blinds, etc. and all the clothing and dust collectors of the home. When the sun shines through the windows, most everyone on this planet has noticed the enormous amount of dust in their living space and they move out of the sunlight so they don’t see it, because while seeing it, the brain panics and restricts the breathing in belief of being poisoned based on what the brain is analyzing from the eye signals sent to the brain. Once out of view, breathing returns to normal as the “fear” subsides. Some researchers have suggested that one every piece of dust accumulated worm eggs, such as tape worm exist as well as limitless bacteria and viruses and everyone that lives in that home, shares all the same bacteria, viruses and parasites of all kinds. People don’t inherit problems near as much as they “share” the same problems based on the fact they share the same air and the problem becomes worse as the home is made more air tight. Enter another home or building and your naturally going to pick up every disease left in the space and in the most natural living, humans would never enter a building or home and their air always be free of other’s diseases. This is just part of modern society that we all have come to accept as “Luxuries”! I know I enjoy all the modern conveniences of this wonderful age that allows us to have houses, barns, roads, etc.
To make matters worse, starting in 1949 as described in the book I made titled BOOK II and the Video I made called MY SKY, the invention of the jet airplanes developed into the spraying of metals such as aluminum, titanium dioxides, germ warfare and most anything Science desires to spray upon us, even vaccines from the sky and anyone can prove this fact by just watching their sky and witness these jets as they fly in patterns above you and make large Xs in the sky that satellites see and enable mankind to seek to control the weather as well as the populations world wide. This simply means, all these materials, especially the metals must fall to the ground, onto the grass and enter food chain as every cow, pig, horse, sheep, etc. have no choice as does all gardens, fields and trees have this metallic fallout that we can visibly see with our own eyes.
Those that have looked through powerful hunting spotting scopes have seen the metals in the air as the sun shines. Otherwise to see this horrible fallout (dust) if you have a 1 or 2 million candle power flashlight which is common today, wait until a dark night when all the wind has stopped. Go outside and shine this light straight up and you will be amazed at the solid mass of aluminum dust falling down to this earth by design by these chem. trail jets. After 50 years of doing this world wide, movies have been made about this; unlimited websites have been made showing great detail of these military programs and even taught in some schools as the governments way of blocking the sun’s ways and told that the government is doing this for our health and cooling the earth by blocking of the sun. You can see a particular group of 5 jets or more that follow the sun spraying only so the sun’s rays don’t shine direct on the earth and otherwise when the weather changing jets appear, they are the ones that paint the entire sky and also put the X’s all over the sky.
So when you consider most all people eat a mucus forming diet along with man created metallic dust in all our air, along with synthetic dust in the home from carpets, furnishings and the massive amounts of chemical gases, along with loads of dirt brought in on the shoes; not to mention the disaster of pet hair and their dirt they can’t help but fill the home with… it any wonder, our lungs are over worked and some authors have suggested there can be upwards of 25 different worms that live upon the waste accumulated within the lungs.
It actually seems like a miracle that the lungs survive as well as they do for the average population, while for a few, they struggle from birth all their lives with poor lungs. I have read that our lungs are as delicate as “soap” bubbles, in that the membrane that permits the blood transfer of oxygen and expulsion of waste is as thin and delicate as a soap bubble. Consider those that smoke and work in very oily / chemical toxic factories and it proves we humans are very difficult to kill. I believe all of the organs of the body can nearly be dead and people still can “function” in wheelchairs and assisted living and death does not occur until liver / kidney function is 99% dead. Autopsies show organs that look as though they had not worked for years and yet, somehow the people held on; in fact, it seems like organs can adapt and help the body as the organs fail one by one. The largest all purpose organ has to be our skin! Our skin never lies; the condition of the skin is the outward sign of the inward health. When the skin is lifeless, the insides have been exhausted beyond repair. When the skin on the back of the wrist is pulled up and it “stands” up and does not snap back tight to the flesh, then you know the body has lost circulation as each organ has been over worked, clogged up and parasites feasting.
We are the results of what we have lived all our lives and yes, we do inherit the weaknesses of our past 7 generations, especially when our mother did not prepare and try to break these inherited chains. We can make decisions to break these chains after we have grown up and on our own, but much of the damages have been done in the womb and by the age of 5. Yet, God created all with the greatest of “perfection” and even though we my have not taken care of our body our entire life, God has built in mercies and once aided, the human cells respond and with faith, comes joy and no one gets more out, that they put forth. Health is not guaranteed, it is a result of respect for God’s original design and not the world’s ways. Those that work, reap their benefits, there are no cheating methods when it comes to health, we are a result of what we have lived and nothing more. There are no unseen monsters out to get us, we are all treated fairly by nature, each a result of the whole picture and with humans, this means what we have inherited from our ancestors; which is mostly the diet of the land settled upon.
So how does one seek to restore their lungs and safeguard the lungs they have from decaying over time? Common sense naturally suggest the removal of all mucus forming foods, of which dairy and grains are the worst and the majority of the people would choose death from lack of breath over diet change, so diet change rarely works for the general population.
The open bedroom window has been used for as long as houses have been made. Those in natural habitats where it never gets colder than 65 degrees can easily live in open air the majority of their lives and this accounts to why people that live south are known to live 10 years longer than those in the northern states, that and more sunshine.
Breathing exercises are something every human can avoid to do! Many books from the 40’s to present explain may methods of inhaling and exhaling properly, but this usually fails, because the average person just won’t take the time or care enough to properly exercise their lungs. For those that do, it is actually quite simple. Breathe through your nose and watch your belly raise your shirt up, never allow your self to start breathing in by your mouth. You can exhale through your mouth, but otherwise always breathe in through your nose! There have been people who never changed their diet and when left for near dead in their seventies, they restored their health by means of simple breathing exercises. The oldest author I have ever read of that wrote only one book that I am aware of, was110 years old when he decided he should write his method down for future generations and his method was quite simple. He stated that when he was a soldier in India in the 1800’s all humans past age 150 were being hunted down and had a bounty on them as the government convinced younger people that only evil people could still be living past age 150. So this soldier witnessed some young mean trying to beat to death a man that was way past 150 years old and the soldier stepped in and chased off the hoodlums and for saving his life, the elderly man said he would give this soldier the gift of “life” and explained to him a very simple breathing exercise that the man ignored at the time, but never forgot.
In his late 70’s this soldier became bedridden and very ill and was dieing. While unable to get out of bed, he remembered what this elderly India man had told him and created his own version of the exercise that he could do while stuck in bed. The method is quite simple and goes something like this: Upon wakening each morning, before you get out of bed, lay flat on your back and take in a large breath of air; then raise your knees and grab them with your arms and pull them towards your chest as you hold your breath. Then exhale as you let down your legs flat in the bed. Do this 10 times each morning before you get up and this basically is what this 110 year old author did to save his life. Not only did his health restore, he stated that he grew a new set of teeth around age 100 and new head of hair and didn’t need to wear eye glasses until he was 110, which prompted him to write his book while still in excellent health.
Why did this simple method work? Very simple, the compression of his lungs with his own legs as he raised them expanded his old mucus laden lungs and restored circulation. There is a standard rule in nature when it comes to health, what you do not use, you loose and every older person can testify to that fact. Inflating his lungs, got them working again and once oxygen could enter his blood stream; it was his blood stream that enabled him to restore his body. The same theory applies to the human stomach and most all people allow their stomach to shrivel up and once it shrivels up, it is the stomach that actually starves the human to a slow and agonizing death. In a similar method, the stomach can be inflated and a subject for a FUTURE newsletter.
Otherwise, I have many old health books on breathing and each has their theories of how to hold or not hold the breath and various ways of exercise, but only one author had the story of how he saved his own life and was in great health at age 110. I believe the best health authors by far, are the ones that learned a method to save their own life and then felt lead to help others.
I personally believe heavy metal accumulations to be the leading cause of loss of circulation and cause for a lifetime of bacteria / parasites that eat upon these heavy metals for a lifetime. This is why chem. trails putting metals in our air, dental metals, inorganic minerals in water, drinks, added to foods and all vitamins / drugs of a metallic nature flood our body tissues until the entire body struggles to maintain circulation and why all these metals as well as natural sources of metals can be found in our skin and hair samples as our skin attempts to save our lives. The greatest driving force we have is our lungs, because every method that could be possible can only be possible, when we have proper lung function.
The biggest plague on the modern civilization has to be the clogged sinus and runny nose. I have heard that our lungs that are forever struggling because of our mucus forming diet has a pump like method to push the mucus from the lower lungs up into the neck and sinus cavity to flow down into the throat, stomach and exit the body through the colon. This works well until after months, then years and a lifetime this mucus over worked the sinus cavity and flooded the lymph glands and the membranes and tissues ruptured with this mucus forever pressing / expanding the glands until they could no longer “squeeze” and drive the mucus down and out the colon. Once ruptured, these glands soak in the mucus and this is like a feast for parasites to come feed upon. The more mucus / waste, the greater the population of worms, pretty much that simple in my opinion.
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