Elf received the first box of videos for the on-line schooling and has a piece of equipment coming so the VHS older videos can be transfered on line. Hopefully tonight or soon MY SKY will be on line as well as my favorite CD audio. The MY SKY will complete BOOK II education and possibly be the most convincing video ever done to prove 100% that the chem trail jets seek to filter/reflect our sunlight which also proves the chem trail jets are the number one reason in this world for the green house effect / global warming.
I warned Elf that he could eventually be putting up over 40 educational videos. He is so good, he is making a download for those with high speed and a down load for those with dial-up, because these videos will be space hogs. Basicaly the on line schooling is Elf's Project, because I would be lost to be able to do any of these things with computors/web sites. He flet like it was Christmas all over again when he opened the box of videos because I filled the empty space with some bottles of Longevity Spices.......... AS long as he has this attitude, I see him making a world class web site to put the School of Self-Applied Prevention on the map for good..
It will be cool to see a video I made on the internet, even though my equipment had a audio flaw I was not aware of at the time, but all future videos will be nice. I am videoing my 2007 fasting experience and it will be your typhical home made movie that will also provide some laughs and you will get to see "ALL" of MH, because in water therapy you don't wear much more than a swimming suit....