I had 2 cups of apple juice and 2 cups of orange juice, 8 lbb for the day and tonight 7 oranges and 1 grapefruit fresh squeezed along with the 1 ounce of Longevity Spices. I also will take 1 dropper of Air Restore in the morning.
pH has dropped to 6.8, I sssume because I skipped the Longevity Spices for day 3; also a sign the fast is starting.
No hunger, no thirst. Reduced 7.8 pounds from the start, as expected, no surprises.
No need to exercise, you never want to make muscle with trash accumulated in your body. I see it as foolish to go to a gym when your fat. When the fat/trash is put in the toilet and the body in the best shape diet can do, then it is time to exercise more than every day common work.
Excess exercise creates and acid system, so mild is always key to living long. Yoga types have the key to living. The weight lifters have no chance.