The Walnut is the supreme tree for food and herb. The wild raspberry likes the walnut tree, the grape likes the walnut tree, echinacea flowers like the walnut trees, comfrey plants like the walnut tree. Golden rod flowers like the walnut and these things all follow the walnut trees, while other fruits/vegetables don't like the walnut tree.
I conclude the wild raspberry the most potent natural fruit, the Grape the best eating, easiet to raise and care for and very productive fruit man can grow in my climate. The walnut tree the best tree for health because the entire tree can be used and has many properties.
So the garden is getting plowed and rows of walnut trees planted, what doesn't grow with walnut trees can grow somewhere else. I will take the grape over all fruits when you consider how productive and easy it is . If I had to, I am sure I could live well on grapes and Black-Walnut s.
A while back in Urbana, Ohio, a flour making plant "blew" up. They make flour from trash trees to be used by manufactuers of such things as cakes, etc...They also produce those white pills called asprins.
A guy we know that ran that plant, is in N.Y. state, seems their plant up there, burned for 11 days and he is helping them rebuild it.
Naturally you can't just grind up trash wood and turn into cake flour and pills without some use of chemicals and those chemicals probably are what burned so long and causes the explosions.
The companies must be so wealthy and so well connected with the local governments, when they blow up, they simply rebuild with no one complaining. I remember at the factory I worked at it was the last Aluminun Powder Making company in the USA of its kind, the forman had a picture of the last factory in Texas that when it blew up, the aluminum took the building into the air with it at such high tempatures, all that was left was a black hole in the ground, the factory and ever who was in it all vaporized.
So basically most all humans have grown up on products they thought had "wheat" flour in them, but many such cheap snack foods often are made with wood fiber. The wood is cheaper than wheat.
It is a fact, modern day manufactuers feed humans materials that will kill cows and pigs, so the pigs/animals get better grains than are used for humans. The animals will die when they don't get enough minerals, but that is fine for humans, that way the hospital rooms keep full.
Goats milk is an alternative for human children who's mothers are prematurely done nursing and should be well diluted and from healthy goats and never used after the human child is 18 months old.
We have a neighbor that loves their goats, milks the crazy things and then feeds the milk to a calf, dogs, cats and drinks could never attempt to explain that they are killing them selves with each glass and surely a lesser sin that drinking booze, smoking and the numerpous other habits they could be doing in life to achieve self inflicted suicide...
anyway, they are drowning in goats milk and started giving it away and as they leave the driveway, the dogs are enjoying their goats milk.....drinking cows milk is a sin most humans enjoy or have enjoyed in their lifetime, but fewer have drank goats milk and actually liked the taste.
A goat sad to say, it one of the more stupid animals on the planet, far more stupid than a cow and that is really hitting low as most cows are not so bright and both supply milk suitable to their babies and not human adults.....
milk is only 1 step away from drinking animal blood.
I noticed a pop machine the otherday, Fago for 25 cents per can.
One must wonder how a company can make and distribute a product for a retail of 25 cents....and you know the store owners want to make $$$ from each sale.
Cost of manufacturering.
Shipping to distributors.
Cost of delivery trucks.
Cost of employees/insurance, etc..
Store desiring to make 1/2 the retail price as their profits.
It always seems like the most destructive food products are made extremely cheap, such as canolia oils, corn oils, corn cheap, I would have to think that the tax payer is picking up the tab to poison the kids of America.
A documentary explained that it would cost coke, pepsi and the like 1 penny more per can of pop to use grape Sugar instead of harmful corn syrup....YET, it seems like 95% of all pop companies prefer the corn syrup; OR, are they be compensated by the government to put this poison in the foods, because it is in more and more foods every year; so much, they claim every child consumes 25 pound yearly and this chemical that has nothing to do with natural corn, has altered the human race into a more slave like "mule" race.
The reason I suggest these companies are being strong-armed or bribed into poisoning their products is because Wal-Mart dictates to coke and pepsi how much they can charge non-walmart stores and what those non-walmart stores MUST charge their customers OR walmart will not allow such products to be old in their stores, which basically means most food stores in America that have sold out and became a sister walmart store under hundreds of differant names. All being owned and controlled by the UN.
So why does the UN/WHO want us loaded up wth corn syrup and corn oil?????????????? Makes a person wonder if we are be fattended like cattle to be consumed by "something" later...
The really sicko parents put mountain dew in baby bottles and feed to their 1 month old babies; but they also blow pot smoke in their face to calm their babies down as well and many of these mothers pick up their monthly welfare checks via the tax payers.
Then the tax payers pay for the kids the rest of their lives as they are on drugs throughout school because they can't sit still, can't or don't want to learn and are addicted to the drug filled foods.
WHO PROFITS from evil systems? Medical, every hospital in the world. Who controls every government worldwide? Medical, they have the $$$ to buy every politician and give their dead beat realtives faked jobs in drug companies and often the politician after he has done his dirty work, takes a job at a drug company himself...never shows up for work and receives his monthly check.
Our Concord grape vines have alot of grapes this year. In TN they told us 85% of their grapes got hit by the cold and were lost. We had the same sever cold weather and the apple and peach trees all have nothing; but the grapes suffered nothing and are doing geat.
I have experimented several times now and when you eat these grapes straight from the vine unwashed, whatever was in your colon is coming out FAST! Then with in a few hours, out comes the grapes! I mean in 3-4 hours the grapes you ate, can be OUT!
Grape juice you buy in the store does not have such a strong effect. Eating the LIVE grape has to be one o the most benificial fruits on the planet and maybe why they are mentioned so much in the Bible. The imported grapes from the lands near the equator can be HUGE and truly the lands designed for humans to live on. But once these grapes are picked/sprayed ad shipped, you can eat a handful and not experience this effect near as strongly as eating direct from the vine.
The friendly bacteria along with a few small spiders/bugs etc. are what we are designed to NEED and to eat direct is God's plan for man and NEVER store food for more than one day ever. (manna story). Just as the old doctors stated that man should never keep his food more than 12 hours and the natural man no long longer than 8 hours; I believe 100% that if we ate raw wild fruits ONLY, our colon would be small and firm and our lifespan into the hundreds of years. Food being the cause of all diseases, we would rarely experience a sickness. Just as wild animals do not experince sicknesses.
The stupid thing is, all wild fruits normally taste GREAT! The junk we eat that kills us doesn't taste great, so we cover it with seasonings/sugar until we can tolerate it. We all know how long we can live on wrong foods: maybe 70 years, but who knows how long we would live if we only ate as God instructed us to? Few in the civilized world has a clue. We work hard to go to the box, the human body is tough and takes years of poisons to kill it. Look at how many drugs a person can consume before the body (liver) dies.
Out of all the berries/fruits a human can eat, I give grapes the number one award. They are low enough to pick with out a ladder, high enough above the weeds that you don't have to work the soil and they are sweet and taste great...............Grapes have my award for being the number I human food and in season now.
Today I picked 10 gallons off of 2 vines and had also been eating daily for the past 3 weeks and I figure at least 5 gallon are left for the bees, etc... Thats alot of good food for such little effort raising. A good grape vine will last hundreds of years and will grow and grow and you can put a rock over the vine and a new vine will grow roots.
Frozen the grapes are a winter time or next summer cold treat. Makes jelly, juice, etc..and even wine for those that like the taste.
I get tired of fighting weeds, fruits that grow above weeds are ideal, all of them!
I give grapes two thumbs up. For well over one month now I have been eating fresh grapes. My two concord grape vines have supplied all the grapes I wanted to eat, plus enough for 10 gallon of grapes made into juice, etc..I probably have a hundred or so grapes left on the vine. I know of no better fresh food that taste great anytime of the day or night raw/fresh picked off the vine and swallowed skin/seed/all.
They needed practically no care. They are above the weeds. While I love raspberries, they are down with the weeds and are harmed by cold snaps and dry periods of weather. The grape on the other hand has supplied free food year after year and gets better with age.
I am totally sold on grapes and plan on planting more. Grapes and raspberries both love the Black-Walnut tree and that is sign enough that they are good in my book. Being deep dark purple is the premium color for healthy fruits and no doubt high in potassium and natural iodine.
This fall I will be converting the garden into grapes and will still struggle with the weed problems that comes with growing tame raspberries.
Goldenrod Honey
Today I was able to obtain17 gallons of Dark Goldenrod Honey! A Honey that is good for the kidneys!
I dropped my jugs off tonight down the road since I saw them firing up the trough. They said if all goes well, they hope to cook 1,500 gallons of tree water tonight..
I ordered 100 gallons of finished product, that means they will collect 5,000 gallons of tree water just for me and condense that down to 100 gallons of maple syrup.
That is a tremendous amount of work.
They have maybe 30 cords of wood stacked all around the maple syrup shed and they will burn all that wood in just a week or two.
When you consider how much work it takes to make 1 gallon of maple syrup, you then know why you don't see factories; there is no $$$$ to be made for the amount of labor used. These people do it always as a hobby and love of the art more than making a living off of it.
The local guy makes 3-5 hundred gallons yearly.
Trevor age 4 has 1 favorite drink:
a shot of maple syrup in a glass with some distilled water added. he ask for this almost daily. He is drinking the finest "concentrated" minerals available. One step better would be to drink direct from the tree.
The January thaw came in February and the thick ice and snow melted for 4 days, the land is clear and the wheat wanting to turn comes and goes as freezing rain, but the birds have been returning, which promises that Spring is near.
The warm above freezing temp in the daytime and cold nights makes for the Maple Sap to rise in the tree trunks. All commercial sources filters out the rich tree minerals in favor of making a Sugar product, which then is about worthless. The only good maple syrup is when it is lef alone. nothing but boiled down sap...50 gallons of sap makes 1 gallon of thick / darm syrup. Naturally raw tree sap would be the purest, but hard to consume enough to get enough minerals from it, so you never read of people that gather the sap to just "drink"...
Because making maple syrup is a labor intense method, I know of no one that does it for a living in our area. It is done as a hobby only, same as a handful of amish still make sorghum molasses.
So if you don't buy maple syrup direct from the guys that make it and insist they do not filter out the minerals, then your only wasting your money and time buying Sugar syrup....
In the past 3 years, we have only been able to acquire 1/2 what we want, simply because weather has been messed up in the past 5 years to produce large quanity maple syrup, that and the fact the guys that make it, are tired of it after 1-2 batches and those making it, are all older than seems like young people today have zero desire for hard work and very little desire for hobbies that are not electronics.
Those seeking good maple syrup need to start looking now.
This is turning out to be a fairly good year of the wild woods sponge mushrooms. The boys enjoy finding these, so each day I have been eating large portions of these. They never have made me sick, but I know many people eventually stop eating them because one time they will throw up or have diareah, etc.... I believe it is because they cook them in grease or some other method that makes them harder to digest. The mushrooms are best eaten with no other foods; usually they are fried in butter, even though they can be eaten raw.
I assume they provide a source of rare food, because they can grow over night and not like common garden/farm foods. The largest I have ever found is 16 inches tall. Plenty of 12 inch tall mushrooms can be found, with the common mushroom being 2-4 inches tall.
Most outdoor-types enjoy finding the mushrooms even if they don't eat them. The American Mushroom is considered valuable to some people who will pay big $$$ for them. Some reasturants will pay for each mushroom by the piece or by the pound. Some stores sell the dried mushroom for big $$$ by the ounce.
Most of all they are fun to hunt for and grow best 3 weeks out of the year. This year has been better than the past 4-5 years. Many years ago I could find over 1,000 mushrooms per day, while some years you may barely find 200 for the season.
Always Springtime Mushroom (Sponges) can be found by April 10th. I looked today at 1 favorite spot and saw 3 that were just pushing through the the cold weather has slowed them down, but should be up in a few days...the early ones we call blacks, then the grays come and then the large yellow sponges.
The largest yellow sponge I have ever found was 23 inches tall, while normal large is about 10 inch tall.
I like Olive Oil, it must be cold pressed, otherwise you risk buying a "blend" of oils and often a blend from 5 differant countries, which shows it truly is a commercial product if it ends up in such a factory.
I have noticed this:
cold pressed
first cold pressed
With such companies from Europe, you have to read their bottles well.
California no doubt has the best olive oil on earth simple because they seem to have the longest history in trying to make a "pure" product bottled in glass and not a mass product bottled in metal cans that seems so common with the European brands sent to the USA.
The first cold pressed, I like. May also say "hand" picked choice olives and one of the few brands I have ever seen marked "first", while cold pressed could mean second pressed very easily!
The first cold pressed can also easily cost 25% more than normal cold pressed olive oil.
Olive oil is still a very cheap source of food for humans...very cheap when you consider the health value.
I like how so many cold pressed tree fruit/nut oils are showing up on the world markets...some can cost over $100.00 per gallon, but I am most impressed with the many differant "colors" of these oils and how yummy they can taste....
COLOR is so important.
We buy oranges direct from the Florida Truck around the first week of January! I am still juicing these fresh oranges and have at least 10 cases left. I do believe you get less juice as they get older, but as they age, the juice becomes sweeter. One thing I have noticed over the years, with each box, ONLY ONE orange rots/molds while all the other oranges seem Immune. I have always seen this strange but it must follow some law of Nature.
I also find it amazing that the oranges store well until we have warm days of Spring that allow the oranges to warm up through the night, once that happens then they will spoil unless laid out to dry. Allowed to dry they seem to preserve themselves extremely well.
I have drunk an average of 1 quart of fresh juice for the past 3 months. On average I get about 5 quarts of juice per box and each box cost $18.50, so it is expensive juice, but superior to anything in a store I beleive. The other night the boys were playing hard and they drank the juice of 1 entire box of oranges.
The orange is a special tree fruit with the most impressive medical history on earth! It went down in history with the 100% cure rate, something no billion dollar drug/hospital could ever boast of.
Trent and I juiced the last 2 cases of oranges. We purchased these off of the Florida Truck back in Feb. and juiced them now in June. They produced the sweetest drink with the best flavor we have ever drank, Trent age 6 drank a quart while we were doing it and I drank well over a 1/2 gallon, a drink fit for KINGS!
I feel sorry for those humans who avoid sweet fruits, they are missing out on life!
By Feb, 1, the Honey Bells are at their SUPREME SWEETNESS!
You buy the first/second week of January and by the first of Febuary they are SUPREME! The juice starting NOW is fit for a KING! They will keep through out Febuary if kept in the cool.
NOW is the time you would drive to Florida and buy fresh squeezed orange juice direct from the orchard in bulk and return and freeze it for the entire year, similar to the same way you do apple juice in October in the notthern states.
These juices along with the chest freezer makes us, today, live more like KINGS than any KING on earth was living just 100 years ago! Indoor plumbing, electricity, freezers, etc...all mean we live better than the KINGS of old.
JUST when you think life on earth is a bowl of cherries, the rug can be pulled right out from under your feet in so many differant manners. For this reason, education into the Spiritual World is essential and a path every human has to take on their own and naturally most will be preyed upon and devoured into the worldly systems. When all the world seems to be living well, odds are the entire world is about to have the rug pulled out from underneath, because when people think they have it made, is when they look to God the least and when the rocks find their mark.
To many people work too long, when you have enough, RETIRE, let the younger kids have a chance. If your loaded, HIRE PEOPLE, give them jobs. If your really loaded, OVER-PAY all your employees!
Raw carrot juice taste great (to me) my kids avoid it like the plague, the little ones will spit it the other hand they will drink fresh orange juice till they
The crap they sale in the store for Orange juice gives me a nose
While the fresh juice I can drink for 2-3 months 1/2 gallon a day with no problems...
I can drink 1 quart of orange juice at bedtime and not wake up all night, while if I drink 1 quart of carrot juice I will get up 3-4x a night until it is all out of me...
My bowel will show the carrot color, while it never shows the color from the orange
Orange juice is a fruit, carrot juice a
The old mds said vegetables are not human foods, would Trevor age 3 already know this with out years of medical education???????????? His total consumption of carrot juice to date is what he couldn't spit out. My 15 year old boy refuses it and would rather drink water (GAG).
I personally like the taste and many old herbalist used it as a way to cure cancers, etc....
In my hot tub, if I drink 1 ounce of Longevity Spices in a quart of fruit juice in 15 minutes the filter turns red, the color of the Longevity Spices......When I drink a quart of carrot juice in the hotub for 15 minutes, the filter turns carrot orange.
Not sure what that all means, but I have concluded this:
I guess we humans should take a bath after every meal/snack, because if our food comes out our skin, it is proof positive that our stomach was over loaded, our liver over loaded, our intestines over loaded and as a result of this toxic over load our blood is over whelmed as it attempts to exhale these poisons and our Lymph glands come to the rescue and expel the toxins out our skin......
No one will ever convince me that the greatest old MDS were wrong when they said we humans were designed by GOD to breath AIR and absorb SUNSHINE..........
For the past 3 months WHOLE FOODS has not had any frozen concentrate organic juices that don't have citric acid and other crap added making them worthless for the high price asked.
Few of their bottles organic juices are not poisoned, still on top of the heap is LAKEWOOOD, but you have to watch some of their blends, if the juice is blended then it probably has crap added, but most of their pure juices are great.
You won't find many juices that are not toxic in the common stores, at the very most, you may find orange juice that claims it has no additives, but otherwise most juice is from concentrate using city water and added citric acid and worse making it crap.
Children need fruit and fruit juices to drink. Trevor is almost age 4 and if you give anything but fruit juice at home, he will complain unti,he gets juice. As children get perverted with commercial foods, they eventually can tolerate and even eventually like the toxic drinks.
For us, the first Peach Tree is ripe! I have maybe 5-6 peach trees and it seems each is a little differant and all ripen at differant times. The bugs were slurping up the peaches so it meant they were well RIPE so I went down and picked a large box of them and used a handfull in the vitamixer with ice cubes for a wonderful drink the entire family loved.
There is one butter worth having. Springtime butter from a fresh Amish raised cow is something Kings would fight for. The butter is BRIGHT ORANGE, brighter than a new school bus. The spring grass is full of vitamin A and it shows in real raw butter made with real salt.
The Amish make this now and it only last about a month. I buy 10# each time, it melts in your mouth. This type of Vitamin A is used by the body and does wonders. There is nothing better for the eyes. I do not need my glasses of 35 years now and this is what is suppose to happen when you can get a usable Vitamin A. If I was smart enough to eat grass and allot of it, it would even be better yet.
The butter like all raw dairy needs to be eaten on an empty stomach and not an acid stomach. A sick person can not take dairy in any form and do well.
Make friends with a old fashioned small farmer that makes things like these and maybe they will share such a treat.
Many Blessings,
The BAREFOOT Herbalist