I personally believe what we call Adult De-wormer and Adult Longevity Spices are the 2 best worming formulas that exist on earth and nothing anywhere would even come close as far as a complete formula would go...both in 16 ounce syrup/tincture style formulas......seem to be practically perfected now....I do want to ad a few old time rare herbs from past history to the final mix someday, but the formulas are about as good as they possible could every be now.
They are potent, smell potent and loaded with herbal minerals as part of their preserving method, etc...Clark made de-worming popular..her 3 herb beginning (walnut-clove-wormwood)made her a forrunner to the public, while de-worming use to be popular back before the ama took over with chemical drugs.
Shelf life should be permanent!
Liquids have been taboo by most herbal companies, but now that herbal powders/capsules are on the fda hit list, I must wonder if the heral liquids will become popular again, because in general, the liquids don't need all the testing like herbal powders/teas do. Once made liquid properly, spoilage is not a problem.....a true tincture fro example should last well over 100 years.
Time Tells
Has anyone noticed: I personally tried my best to educate Dr. Hulda Clark , I sent her scientific information given to me from the best teacher of the School of Natural Healing that originated from her home country of Germany and she ignored me.....She ignored her own beloved scientist...........I tried to tell her that others in the past succesful with parasite elimination learned this or that and she had no interest, her gig was electronics and never really herbs!
Years ago Clarkia sold for $34.95 for a 2 oz bottle and if I remember correctly, that was about the only size offered and we all know the instructions/suggestions were all extremely exaggerated to max beyond belief. I was out there saying that 2 oz bottle was about enough to deworm a cat.............basically just a pain in their butt............
As time went on, their prices went down and their bottle size went up!!! I think they never did like the idea that I ONLY sold 16 oz bottles and suggested a person needed 4 for the first year at a minimum and those poor folks fighting diseases like cancers may be drinking quart jars; making the theory of those 2 oz bottles seem more and more like they were catering to the cat population.
Have you noticed their prices going down, noticed they have always been the number one advertisers of the curezone or basically the curezone info all leads to Clarkia , etc., etc...which makes for many people to at least try a product ONCE!
This is my experience:
GIMMICKS make $$$$$ from their slick adds and as the public has tried the product and does not come back, eventually the gimmick comes to an end and the prices start dropping as the customers slow down. Now I suppose as a company made more $$$$ they could modernize and lower their prices to be more competitive.............
With the Barefoot DeWormer which I guess has no name, doesn't play off of Clark's nameI have seen it sells by word of mouth, sells increasing every year. The best thing being the same people buy it year after year. We did a few seminars starting 10 years ago to show people the DeWormer, but basically never spent anything in advertising it. The use of a website along with one forum is the only sources of advertising and actually the DeWormer is not spoke of all that much and actually others are the ones speaking about it.............again, that word of mouth thing. 10 years ago we spent $5.00 on an add to sell Real Salt and received zero inquiries and that was the extent of our adds for selling herbs. An unlimited size website cost $180.00 per year.
Our local Amish couple that decided to resell the DeWormer with their name of Worms B Gone about 4 years ago has doubled their sells almosy yearly with a business now that receives up to 75 letters in their mail daily, asking for the dewormer and the owner has often remarked how he gets reorders from the same families over and over or letters telling how so and so told them to order some of the dewormer!
Strong sells have enabled price increases for the few who resell, while those going out of business day by day start lowering their prices!! I plan on being around long after the Clark history becomes a thing of the past. That is why I never used the Clark name on a product, etc .. because eventualy the fads/gimmicks will fade away, while old fashioned herbs were good hundreds of years ago and will be in the future.
Just plugging away, watching the gimmicks come and go..............A strong foundation can stand the winds/storms of time.
How many people are freely telling others in this world to go and buy any other dewormer but the one that has no name???? What makes Dr. Sutter go on the radio and say it is the worlds best? What makes old Amish men tell others to deworm their babies with that expensive Worms B Gone?
LISTEN, listen to her latest radio interveiw when the interveiwer ask her about herbs for parasites and she passes him off, because her gimmick is ELECTRONICS.....she made the mistake of telling the world to make her formulas and sell them worl wide, she did this I BELIEVE as a way to promote her self/books and didn't realize at the time so many others would take off and actually become competition for her, even though she lies and tells the interveiwer she has zero connections to those who sell products she mentions, when the truth was 100% of those tons of vitamins and gadjets all came directly from her son and the first major website in the world promoting his mother Dr. Clark. Today, she denies such a thing ever existed and suggest she should take legal action againt all who use her name.
I believe all she did was well planned from day I to create a mega-empire, but she didn't realize when she told the world to freely use her name and her books and sell the products that she would lose such a large piece of the PIE! She believed all people world-wide would buy her products from her son's website and tons upon tons upon tons of toxic powders passed off as vitamins have been sold world-wide and resold by many people....but those HERBS, she had no control over those herbs and simple people took her book advice and made their own and not buy them from her and today she won't even aknowlege she is using herbs, but BOAST of a 100% cancer cure for all who will come to her pink house and drink well, Mexican well, water and sleep in brown paper............................
I SUPPOSE we now have people desiring to buy and resale Mexican Well Water, because if Clark says it, it must be true and the cure for all cancers......................................
In simple lingo, her/their foundations are crumbling year after year, the hundreds of gimmics have became old...................people can only be fooled just so long.............the internet can promote your product or it can condemn it like a wild out of control FIRE!
Dr. John R. Christopher didn't take much credit for any of the herbs, he admitted he was just handing down his education from Dr. Shook and Dr. Shook learned and did the same thing, etc., etc.....
suggest this;
BEWARE those who say they have anything NEW!
My chiropractor
I have seen him since I was 19, no doubt I have sent over 600 people to him over the years, do you think he ever had to place one add in his lifetime? Think he ever lowers his price????? No, word of mouth has kept him in full business all his life. He cares for his patients and always treated them all correctly and if he sees one in need, he never ask for $$$, he knows $$$ is not the answer to life.
"IF" you can give and someone ask, then you have to discern "WHY" did God lead that person to ask you! Many may ask under false pretenses and you will know when a true person ask. The results will always be good as well, such as The Twins.
I like knowing a customer came because they were "guided" and not because they are a victim of some slick add. I think the customer likes the idea that their product was hand-made and not made by some sterilized/oiled machine and order taken by some New Millinium child that could care less if they made their order or not.
I have heard this a hundred X +:
You are welcome! You make the best and tastiest dewormer. Where can I get the free booklet that you talk about in Curezone Forum. I am interested to learn more about the correct protocol od the orange juice fast.
Many thanks,
I seriously doubt you will find anyone on this earth that says the same about the Dr. Hulda Clark method of making De-Wormer, other than from those who like the taste of 90 proof alcohol.
We got a call tonight with this story. Years ago an Amish family in MI purchased some of our Olive Leaf Syrup, yesterday their 2 and 1/2 year old son had a bad cold and all they had to safely give the child was our old Olive Leaf Syrup from years ago; they did so and out comes a 8 inch long Ascaris Worm and "FREAKS" mom and dad out and we get the call..................... They were so scared they asked if they should take this worm to their MD and demand drugs to WIPE this horriable plague out of their children?????????????????????????????
Naturally Brenda calmed them down and they opted to deworm the entire family for 30 days, except for mom and the babies that are nursing and yes, there are kids from age 8 months to adult for about every year in between......................
30 days of part of the family will do some good, but not that much if a few don't, the family pets don't and they don't continue daily olive leaf and or oregano and the weekly dewormer... Once the HUGE Ascaris worms eat their channels through out the body, not to mention the tape worms, liver flukes or anyone of a thousand+ differant worms that can be there, the body needs a little time to clean house and then some time to replace all of the damaged organs and tissues, this is why you clean house and then keep it clean.
Odds are the babies are born with worms and the worn out mother is loaded and like all women having a child for every year of marriage, she can not possible have a healthy baby and this is supper for the worms from the day of conception. This is why a large portion of the Amish have so many defects.
Most people would see this as in-breeding, which is common with the plain people of the USA. The open mouths, bad eyes, off balanced walk and having 5-20% "special" children in the family is a good indicator the defects go back several generations and my guess it is not all to due to the in-breeding, but in fact more due to worn out mothers so full of worms that the babies are wormy while being developed and this produces idiots and plenty of still borns.
"IF" they took this worm to the local hospital, they would gladdly poison the entire family and they would look upon the family as dirty animals and treat them as such and it may cost them whats left of their health and all of their $$$$ before it was over with.
The problems are all due to lack of education. This is magnefied with the meat with every meal diet, that generation after generation drives the Amish males into sex maniacs. Their entire religion is based on making sure every male has a mate early in life and every girl pregnant usually until death in many familys and the man may end up with 3 wives before he is old in a few cases and huge family by all 3 wives.
Eating allot of meat and being raised to believe that to be normal is to have sex every night and a child each year and mom nursing 3 babies at all times, leads up to thousands of defective babies that grow up to have more defective babies, until they are eventually born sterile and then called "SPECIAL" Children, that are too retarded to marry and in many cases can't take care of them selves.
This is nature's way..... Punishment handed down generation to generation.
Everyone chooses their own dose based on what people have written or how their body craves it, etc...I couln't help but chuckle with this self-experimenter!
Just as a note: I have been experimenting with the DEWORMER which my body craves, BUT one day I drank an entire bottle within 24 hours. Boy, was I drunk!!!! Not bad drunk, but crying jags! So now I don't drink more than 1/2 bottle a day. That is my limit.
2 years ago a very young Amish Couple decided to resale the De-Wormer. They came out to see the water therapy room the other day and showed me how they have doubled their sales each year and wanted to make sure I could make them enough De-Wormer fro 2007 as they predict they will once again double their sales. They also brought back my books on Parasites. I loaned them maybe 15 books on the subject.
3 years ago this couple KNEW NOTHING about health and herbs, they had zero back ground. They came around for 1 full year before they made the decision to try to sell it. I talked to them many hours on the phone and that first year they really purchased very little and seemed be turning into the normal "pest", the person that calls and really has no questions...................Once they felt confident, they purchased a bucket of De-Wormer and over night they had a business and soon an employee. The employee bottles the dewormer, ansers the letters and sends the products. The $2 per bottle they save by bottling their own pays for their employee ( an Amish lady).
Their first year, they netted more than I made in a year working in the factory, this year they made twice what I would have made working in the factory. Their goal is to have their land and house paid for in 5 years or less based on the sales of the De-Wormer. They are happy and I am happy, the 1 year of pestering phone calls and visits ended up being our very best customer.
With "NO" education, this couple would have never learned about herbs, never made a change in their lives and nothing would have happened. 99% of the herbs stores sell bottles. Bottles fillied with such weak things that big brother could care less, because the person is getting nothing for their $$$$$. The people do not learn to help them selves, so they get no help. Soon they have hundreds of worthless bottles in their cupboards and not one of them known how to use or may be of no value to start with.
It takes simple education to make life changing habits. People should know about a product and how to use it long before they buy it, but the norm is the opposite, 99% buy and then ask questions, this is how public education has trained them to buy products.
NO ONE really knows what it takes to get worm free....I looked for 2 years from a large variety of people that passed worms using the standard Dr. Clark 3 herbs along with pumpkin seeds, olive leaf and oregano. After 2 years I consluded we need to stay on anti- parasite herbs every day of the rest of our lives....
NATURALLY, this is why I have zero patients with all these websites selling their tiny bottles at big prices and lieing about the use and how you can be worm free in just a few days or the current fakes telling amish families they can de-worm the entire family with just 1 bottle of the crap the new out of country owners are saying so they can make more and more$$$$$$$$$$.
Medical knows we have 20,000+ possibilities of parasites that can find their way into calling our body HOME. Royal RIFE would suggest more than 20,000 possibilities..
IN FACT FOLKS, we humans live on the bottom of an ocean of air, which is home to more parasites per square yard than a human can count....we only live because we have an Immune System that can fight off these creatures, but they have all the time in this world and one day will eat us and turn us back to dust.
I can't say I won't attempt to make a stronger de-wormer formula some day, but if I do, it will include the same herbs that are in the adult dewormer. The adult de-wormer would work even better if I added cayenne/oregano to it to SPICE IT UP, which we would always do free of charge for anyone thinking they would like it HOT. Otherwise I like it the way it is now, yet it does have 1 powerful taste.
Only a handfull of people have tried it and Jody told me today, that the 1 product people are ordering out of the large kit, is the de-wormer spray.....That particualr product is probably the most unique product on earth...in theory if could do it all, in ways never done herbaly before..NO ONE knows what parasites can be driven from the skin by applying this formula externally and as well a few squirts in the mouth, etc...
IF something works, it gets added to the best products....with all products, they should help in ridding the body of parasites as well supply essential plant minerals. The Barefoot Formulas are the most unusal herbal products on earth and my guess is; no other herbal formulas even come close to attemtping what these formulas do...not even close.
I had no lung congestion and then started the adult dewormer, adult stone breaker and for 6 weeks I had lung congestion/expelling mucus....what ever it was, I do not know...but I do know I breathed dirty lead/nickel/copper/solvents/oils in the factory 6 days a week for almost 30 years and the one thing damaged the most would be my lungs and anything that causes them to clean out, is good in my theory. Did the herbs do it? I will never know. I just know it started when I started the herbs and I kept with the herbs every day and 6 weeks later I feel great... and ready to go skiing.
A long term customer / captain that flies the world and probably consumed more Longevity Spices than anyone I know, sent this today:
Warning, this testimonial contains graphic detail. It also makes
refernce to Alien life! Not for the feint hearted.
I had used the new Dewormer kit virtually continuously since getting
it in Mid Oct. I was in the fortunate position to be able to do a ten
day fast whilst using this kit in Nov, I thus had two weeks to begin
using it and then get into the "swing of things" in a fast. During
this time I was using the parasite blends and sprays twice daily,
spraying the skin and air twice daily. My diet leading up to this time
has been pretty good, tending mstly towards raw dishes, lots of fruit
and fruit juices. I was ideally set up having a long standing history,
and success using MH other herbal blends.
Initially for the first two weeks the Air-spray caused some coughing
and runny nose which then settled down. I went straight to the max
dose on the tinctures as I had done a lot of preperation before hand.
I had no apparent ill effects.To this day the spray no longer has a
big effect it initially had over those first two weeks. Being aware
of what was coming out into the toilet bowel, I noticed several wormy
type things that could have passed for parasites, always when the
bowel first moved. At this stage even the LBB was battling to get my
bowel to move, and had to on occasion augment it with an enema.
During the latter part of this period I did on occasion find my bowel
to be little more active than usual.
First week of November, I began a ten day juice fast in Patagonia
Arizona. Nothing noticeable happened during the fast except that the
colonic irrigation proceeded to remove enormous amounts of accumulated
solid debris. By the end of the fast, and slowly coming slowly back
onto raw food/fruit/juices added the worm lure into the midday meal.
The third day of eating saw an ENORMOUS Tapeworm being passed. Im am
still unsure who was more surprised. Me...at its arrival, or the worm
at being dislodge from its "home". This worm I subsequently caught and
photographed. See the attached photo. The photo shows only some of
what I managed to catch. There was a considerable amount of it which I
wasn't able to catch.
I then continued my "holiday" (what some people do on their
vacation!!!! ) in the North of Thailand. The place I stayed at was
home to a rather unusual signature massage known as Chi - Nei- Tsung.
It was this massage I had sought out because of its reported benefits
on the abdominal area. This massage was developed by a world famous
Taoist, known as Main Tak Chai. He has authored some 40 books in his
life on the various subjects pertaining to the body, its energy fields
and human health. The man has been school by a long line of ancient
Chinese sages. He is the real deal.
This massage he developed works entirely and deeply into the abdominal
cavity. It releases blocks on an emotional, mental and physical level.
I was able to take seven of these massages over an equal number of
days, and somewhere during the middle of this continuing to using the
parasite kit, and worm lure, I managed to entice another release of
some highly questionable looking parasites . No dount the deep massage
assisted to dislodge and oust unwanted critters. Always at the
begining of the bowels opening up. Many hair type worms, thin, white
and up to eight cm long... many with numerous strands. occasional a
single thick long strand. Nothing related to anything I had consumed
in the previous week. Somewhere in the middle of all of this a rather
large one with numerous/octopus legs, absolutely alien in nature, very
akin to some of the specimens that MH photographed in his 108 pages
book. I saw two such BIG releases, the rest much smaller amounts.e
This continued daily untill I ran out of worm lure. Upon returning
home I continued releasing lesser amounts, and believe that If I had
continued I would have seen more. Unfortunately because of both the
nature of my lodging, being ill prepared to trap these critters, I
couldn't catch them for closer inspection.
In my opinion based on the experiences over the last few weeks, I am
in awe at the power of this parasite kit. I truly thought I had got
them all out. My experience over the last 6 weeks has given me much to
mull over . In a fasting environment, or at very least following a
minimalist and healthy cuisine the parasite kit is getting in really
deep, and facilitating the body in its release. No doubt that it
penertrates deeply, creating a inhospitable environment causing them
to flee to higher ground.
I am ordering more of the Kit, and will be taking a good batch of it
back to Thailand with me in April.
These people that feel like worms are crawling througout their body...this book back in 1935 explained these folks have nerve exhaustion and to IGNORE the feelings and seek to treat their body as a hole and when the nerve strength returns, all those creepy crawly feelings will go away...all of the nervine herbs were reccomended.
Tonight I took the first steps to making a non alcohol de-wormer. I will use many of the herbs of long ago known for tapeworms, thread worms, round worms etc....and hopefully have a fullblown formula finished latter this summer.....if it works out, I may start phasing grain alcohol extracts out in favor for the non alcohol formulas "IF" they work.....
I also have learned that those that suggested fasting as part of de-worming were wrong and eating foods worms hate is the proper theory....I actually made such a herbal formula as part of the adult parasite kit last year and really had no clue why I did it until now....I didn't understand why such a thing was done as part of a true parasite cleanse until now...It seems worms get sickly and weak when they don't eat...so as you eat stuff they don't want, they get tired and easier to kill and expell, while fasting does not kill parasites or make them weaker according to the old medical methods that treated worms in humans succesfully.
I am figuring that when my final dewormer formula using all the historical herbs for treating parasites the formula will have over 20 differant herbs....and it can be made with no alcohol.....but I have always been lead to believe that alcohol extracts were stronger....until now...now I am learning that non alcoholic has its advantages as well. Maybe this is why years ago I blended non alcohol extracts into all my formulas for no real reason other than I just decided 1 day to do it. Now I am learning that maybe that was the better solution.
Finally finished 10 gallons of LURE for the fellow in DUBAI that has been asking for 5 gallons for the past year+. Another person wants a couple of bottles. TWO PEOPLE that tried the first very small batch never made it a priority to "re-make". The only way you understand the product is o read the VERY FIRST newsletter introducing the parasite KIT, of which has been pretty much and obsulete kit as well as only a few tried it and I have made each indivual products much stronger.
All of the ingredients in the LURE are at least 3 years old, making it PRE-JAPAN! Luckily I was well stocked up prior to JAPAN and business dropped in 1/2 and I should be well off for a few years as I stock up a few years in advance. I did have to add 1 herb to the mix, because I used up all of the base formula for LURE into a cancer formula, so it should have a little bit more kick to the flavor, but otherwise same herbs, same theory that made 1 person ask many times over the past year to send it to the other side of the world...to the muslim world that is pretty much anti-herbs and such herbs have to be hand carried in by those with first class privileges, because in that part of the world, he who has first class, means he paid 5x too much and can walk right through customs....otherwise such countries are known to not like herbs shipped in and since you can't grow much in their deserts, you don't see herbs sold.
"IF" one skiek or so called royal family member could be "turned" on to herbs and allow importing openly, WOW WHAT A MARKET THAT COULD BE, since people spend millions in the deserts trying to act WESTERN!
So there is about 30 extra bottles of LURE and I do not plan on making it again and we made a large batch of FARMERS HERBAL SOLUTION and have about 20 extra bottles from that batch, which is a "sleeper" formula that only a handful of people read about and tried. IF people do not watch this forum or have not read the newsletters, then they never know about such things.....I quit the newsletters at the beginning of the year because of the lack of interest people had and spent my efforts on the amish newsletters which has 2 more to go to finsih up most of what I have to say, the last 2 newsletters will be the "best".
Monsters Inside Me, shown on Animal Planet, has to be one of the best public education on worms there is. Anyone smart enough to watch it, should be smart enough to seek herbs for prevention and not drugs and operations as promoted by the producers...
THE SHOW is proving that when "you" see your M.D., your M.D. should explain that you have WORMS and instruct you to live your life practicing worm prevention.....starting with, DO NOT EAT PIG, never have a house pet and clean yourself up and avoid dirty people....
The show pretty much shows just about every problem you would seek a doctor for as an "ailment" is nothing more than parasites eating you! I found it interesting that they are finally saying cyst are worms, mostly pork Tapeworms and even epileptics are just people eaten up with worms....
When you figure the human body can have any number of the over 20,000 varieties of known parasites...ya would think people would wise up and every house on this planet would have a lifetime of herbs used in their diet as parasite prevention.
Years ago, I had the "best" connection on this entire planet for the Russian Zappers, direct from an employee in the ONE PLANT in Russia and I let it go, because there just was not enough interest from enough people to buy and sell them, so I let the connection go, which was the most stupid thing I have ever done......in recent years, I have ONE MAN on earth in CHINA, willing to obtain the rarest herb on the planet with the world's best medical history for treatment of every worm known on the entire face of the planet and bottle by bottle small box by small box, I now have enough to last me and the kids our lifetimes......but if i don't order anymore, soon enough, that contact will be lost forever, not to mention the fellow barely can commuicate in English and we are just ignorant 12th grade educated Americans that can barely communicate with American slang and if we had to communicate in Chinese, we would just be "screwed" and yes, it is amazing that much of the rest of the world is willing to learn enough American language so we dummies can obtain products from around the world.......
So learning from my first huge mistake, I plan on secureing 1-2 packages per year until we lose the connection and stock pile bottles. The concentrate will never spoil and I don't think will lose its potency, especially if I store it with a little pure oregano oil.
Most countries have restricted/outlawed and forgotten the best of the best herbs on purpose, because good herbs are bad for medical business....and it is amazing how people in Russia are still willing to make things the rest of the civilized world "rejects" and how chinese business men will practically sell you anything made on this entire planet.
I doubt the business will ever develop with humans having the interest, but I think people owning horses have the will to deworm and the powerful herbs back 100+ years ago were used by zoos for all mammals with suggested very small doses known to cure every worm known at the time...
IF you're the type that goes to your MD when sick, ask him/her what worms are your troubles and see what they say and if they say you have no worms, tell them to watch animal planet....the monsters inside me and never go back to those liars again.
I will have my first "ADULT" Only anti- parasite formula. Not just for worms, but for the bad bacteria such as syphilis and the such..........because a parasite is any creature that eats within the human body in a manner that causes ill health.
From what I am thinking the places the bad bacteria live, that the body has little to no defences, which means herbs can't help either, are:
OTHERWISE, any place the blood goes parasites need not live.Those on the ourside of the skin, herbs can get as well, etc.
THE de-worming will be a new method, some new herbs. The kidneys will have to function, the Liver will have to function and the heavy metals will need to be expelled at a tolerable rate for the rest of the person's life.
It is very safe to say, everything a person has read on the internet about parasites is linked to medical or herbalism ONLY because there are products linked to the authors....I will suggest 99-100% of all INFO on how to get worm-free has been maybe 5% effective for the average human that has somewhat tried...Bad bacteria-free? Give it up, I will guess 99.98% of all humans on earth are maxed out with bad bacteria that are eating their skeletins like termites eat wood. The ones that do the medical drug thing? Yep, ya might as well get ready to have your flue shots, your too far gone to even consider trusting herbs and too fearful to remove a few hundred free loading demons from your body, after all, your ONLY ONE spirit, so if your some whimp, your surely not going to evict 666 bad boys that have bullied you into a corner most of your life...
The only herbs for parasites that SALE $$$$$$$$$$ are those Dr. Hulda Clark made famous in her so called "CURE 4 ALL" books, that have netted I will guess BILLIONS $$$$$$$$$$ in the last 15 years for all those in this world that are selling the Clark Products or copying her theories and making their living from all those that read her books and want to give it a try.
Hulda was no dumb broad....she knew COMPANY is the best way to SPREAD a new FAD. Let everyone copy from her books, let everyone know the formulas, etc.....such a theory was pure GENIOUS! It made her simple little books, known world wide, for the simple fact, thousands jumped on the band wagon to make $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. The common sales tactics used to sale level marketing is the same type of deal, it attracts GREEDY get rich fast types.
After all, First came Hulda, then the curezone and hundreds if not more thousands of websites making $$$ frm the Clark theories....
DE-WORMING dates back well over 150 years ago and medical makes sure most people are confused about the 20,000+ types of worms and only God knows how many thousands/millions versions of bacteria can exist....but some genious scientist insist there is only 1 true bacteria and all other bacteria are just "mutants" based on how much food and air they receive and to keep life simple, I accept the 1 bacteria theory as well as anything else I have read.
The people that are driven by greed have created an internet that basically the public will not believe, unless they ave read similar things within the clark type books/info. So it doesn't matter what anyone else has done hundreds of years ago or to present, those books and her genious plan to include all the greedy sales people on earth has in deed captured the market. And before Clark, the working man didn't even know about worms and dental metals very much, so Dr. Hulda Clark pointed the way to the path of "knowing" we humans are dirty beings, ate up with worms and poisoned every way we turn in public life.
I read many parasite and bacteria/virus books over the past 15+ years and indeed, it paints a bad picture for humans. WE ARE WHATS 4 LUNCH! We are living on the bottom of an ocean of air that belongs to bacteria. Whn the sun is not shining, bacteria creeps up out of the ground and no doubt, if we had no sun for 3 weeks or more, we would be consumed an turned to jelly.....and how many can understand how a human must be 85% bacteria or we can't even live, because we have a strong relationship with bacteria....in fact, we need balance.
Hopefully within about 2 weeks i will have a fullblown maxed out Adult only kit. No simple little 1 or 2 step kit, but a full blown kit that supplies what has to be supplied and rules that have to be followed, etc...if success is what is desired. Naturally, with no author, no books, such things are scary products that maybe 3-5 people may go out on a limb and give it a try. Why can i say it should work? Because herbs really are simplistic foods and God predestined all us humans to make use of the plants on earth...in the weirdest ways, it seems like we humans need such an amazing variety of plant minerals to keep "balance".
I just have fun making such things and I have wanted to for years, but only in the past 3 months channels have been opening up and supplying me with herbs that before i could never find, so now it is their turn. I have everything made for the first batch, but naturally can always ad any good herb in the future that may make it "better", but to begin with, this will be 1 full blown kit like never before. Adressing everything I can think of to clean house and along with a clean temple, people should gain control over their own body more than they may have ever knew they could.. Those that just want the herbs to use in place of their drugs? Don't bother..this kit will be for those that over the past 10 years have listened and removed all their dental crap, they will have been making their own distilled water for 5+ years already, they will have not drank a glass of milk (cow puss) for many years now, etc......otherwise, why would they even want such a product? If they are still so poisoned, so polluted and so posessed with free loading destructive spirits, no way will the demons allow them to get near anything that will kick their butts out to the curve!
I personally believe worms and by worm, I mean every parasite that is longer than it is wide......absolutely fills the entire human body and no author to date as ever even come close to explaining how bad it really is....
I believe every drop of fluid in your entire body is swimming with worms galore and where blood does not freely flow, these worms flourish.....
Literally, the fluid that keeps your eyes moist is teaming with swimming worms, because such none blood fluids are home and not only home, but in my opinion, the caffetaria for all worms to feast.....the lymph glands might as well be called hotel human...
People in general think of the large worms when they do think about worms, but it is the small ones that basically call you HOME!
Dr. Clark basically just exposed a little of the medical education of worms to the general public and medical came up way short as did clark....I believe Royal Rife learned one simple fact:
a human is all worms/bacteria/viruses or basically loaded with parasites that are so tiny, no matter how you kill them with electricity, smaller ones appear within minutes to eat the dead waste, even down to 1/70,000 of an inch and beyond.........and he destroyed his brain using frequencies as did clark and everyone else that got into zappers in my opinion...truely doing nothing but frying their brains...because they never understood the human body....not even close, all they knew was how to kill, which killed them selves in an unnatural manner.
When it comes to worms (parasites), electricity/drugs/poisons will do nothing but more and more damage.
The human body must produce blood that kills these worms and this is done by proper diet and the use of herbs and I do not blieve a single commercial source on this planet understands herb & worms and 99%+ just sell "crap" based on some book and they know nothing about their herbal products other than they make/sell them to people willing to pay them $$$$ and that is as far as it goes with them all.......just "business".
I don't think anyone "Gets It".
Medical "knows" the human body is a walking puss bag feeding worms and they love it, it is good for their busines and they never ever will ever understand how the human body works as they have their heads up their bank accounts that pharmacutical (medical colleges) trained them to keep their eye on $$$$$ and nothing else..because if a doctor discovered a cure, he would become the "enemy" to every medical college on this planet.
I have read plenty of old herbal books and medical books and I 100% believe, they just don't get it the total picture...other than a few long past medical doctors that knew, but had no way to cure it.....but they knew the problem well.
Take a few commercial made herbal formulas 1/2 ass will do NOTHING past the placebo effect....when you loose faith, your symptoms come back...
There have been a few medical doctors that concluded all medical drugs have never ever worked beyond the placebo effect and what I call BOOK I author that was the top surgeon/m.d. in north america concluded that same fact long before anyone of us was even born.....yet, today we have these idiotic old people that will seek drugs from europe in plain brown box, make runs to canada or most stupid of all, drive/fly to mexico and get the latest dope.....all because they have been lead around like a herd of mindless sheep....socialistic governerned mindless sheep.....same as every country that has the so call "free" drugs/operations to all their slaves.....if they had any brain activity left, they would avoid every government hand out like it was the black plague...
THE USE OF DRUGS AND MODERN DAY POLUTION has made all humans more toxic, which feeds the worms more.....
SO, what was written 50 years ago about worms killing humans, the subject today should be 100x more.....yet, commercial has zero answer and wants all to simply do CHEMO.....kill it, fry it until the brain is brainless and you are laying in a old folks home as a human vegetable and your car providers abusing your nearl lifeless body daily and your house,wealth all absorbed until you might as well never existed on earth and the moment your out of $$$$ and government says no more $$$, your heading for the big cookie sheet with a colored toe tag.....dust to dust so they say......or who knows, some wealthy person may eat some of your brain organs and other sellect organs depending on how you check out...
People need to "wake" up and take what they have read about worms and human health and multiply it x 100 and see it as enemy number 1 within.....and realize the crap they can buy for parasites, is just that, "crap" as we all know the authors that created such businesses by writing their books, are most likelu all dead or dieing of the same diseases everyone else is dieing.....period, because they never even came close to seeing he total picture.
I can bet you for a fact, everyone world wide, selling something on their website, in their store, not only knows a thing about their product and most likely they them selves have never taken it....and the ones making it, have just read some current book and are seeking to supply a product based on that book and as authors die, new books appear and new products appear....making most current authors that I have read in the past 50 years nothing but commercial whores making their living by way of "marketing".
TO ACTUALLY LEARN HUMAN HEALTH saves a fortune by avoiding all the commerical crap......easily identified by their fancy websites, their fancy adds and their marketing skills that honest old time people always were told was the art of lieing...
Like moths flying to the light, people take/want the wide road......they like the company, they believe they should be just as healthy as all those dieing around them.....while a few that wake up, take a turn and walk away from the crowds and set their eyes on the Nature that God created in perfection...
The wide road is expensive and leads to tormented death...while Nature is always cheap and leads to health.
Just my opinons and how the internet has always been the play ground of the professional marketers.
I am about 50% done making the Adult Only parasite method. I must admit, it is getting very complicated as far as a formula goes......BUT, when your seeking to KILL an ENEMY, one you can't see very well, yet you know he is there, you just know the direction and not the exact location, you DO NOT seek a single bullet......you will NEVER hit the needle in the hay stack that way...what you seek is a SHOTGUN...point it in the general direction and start BLASTING AWAY>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Then once your enemy is dead, you must remove it, or it can rot and attract fungus/disease.....
Ideally you don't want a parasite problem again, so you want the parasite food removed.....do not invite the parasites into your body for lunch.....this means cleansing the lymph glands and basically getting all the elimination organs to work properly and REMOVE the heavy metals that fungus must eat all their lives in an attempt to keep you alive.....
So in theory, KILL / PURGE....and if that is not enough...some of these tricky ###### do not die easily, they can be huge and they can tunnel and escape, just like one of those World War I or II movies...SO YOU HAVE TO OUT THINK YOUR ENEMY and TRICK THEM into showing up where you can PURGE THEM OUT OF YOUR BODY.....and naturally, you have a head, you have organs, you have skin, lymph glands, bones, muscles, etc......and these parasites basically can make LUNCH out of your body when they are hungry.....
NOW GET THIS, if the above is not enough to make your head spin, you have to TRICK these worms into LETTING GO OF YOUR FLESH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have to know how to handle these rascals........
FOLKS, Clark openly opened the door about parasites, she never really wanted to be known as an herbal doctor, but more of a vitamin/electronic doctor, so she never really did seek to understand parasites in detail..she concentrated on the common worms mostly and a few of the common bacteria...
THE ZOO doctors? Now those guys desired to learn about parasites. Some of the very best natural doctors of long ago learned about them. Most of the herbs and methods in the past 60+ years seems to be to promote a new herb, in a new book, etc....but the sad fact may be that no one for a very long time has explained what it takes to attempt to get WORMFREE.
And even further, BAD BACTERIA FREE, both of which is impossible, but gaining control and keeping control should be doable for most folks....
Those that refuse to remove their dental work, will come up short. You can't remove the heavy metals out of their body, they can't have friendly bacteria, etc., etc....and those that ignore Book I food/diet, etc...will all be in treatment, because a cure is very hard to obtain in todays polluted world.
When I get done, this will be the shotgun of all shotgun approaches....it will take several differant bottles and a theory to follow; with the goal of removing bad bacteria, all parasites and their sources of food such as heavy metals, etc... My approach will take it one step further than I have ever read of before. Compared to a "master cleanse", this shotgun blast will seem like a nuclear attack on all critters that have been eating us for their lunch.....the ONLY GOOD PARASITE is a DEAD PARASITE, because they can be huge or micro scopic, but they all do damage by eating us and pooping and peeing in us as well as having sex and their trillions of bbaies inside us....IN FACT:
You could say PARASITES RULE EARTH, we humans are their food source....Friendly bacteria save us, while the bad bacteria/parasites seek to eat us alive.
People who have drank silver water? Your pretty much screwed; in the same ball park as those with metal fillings, only worse. As long as the cells are loaded with in-organic minerals, the elimination channels will be clogged and create massive amounts of food for parasites....those that have stopped their toxic habits, can expel the waste, even if it takes a lifetime; as the waste is removed, they will feel more and more alive..
Those with extra weight? If your packing 50 extra pounds of fat, your doing as your parasites desire, LUNCH 4 ALL!
Treatment is what 99% of the population could only hope for, while a sellect few have clean enough bodies to really get the parasites out and keep them out.
You have lost your circulation to some degree, a situation most all Americans have in common. Those born after 1992 that truly desire to beat the system, will have to be wise, study their enemies in this world and seek to avoid as many as they can possible can.
What I consider the most rare herbal extract on earth for de-worming all known animals.....that seems to be outlawed or long forgotten in every country but Russia, where it is known in past history......and can cost over $150.00 per ounce when you can find it, which in its self seems 99% impossible now as all these companies desire to play the games so they can ship internationally, etc....and they just forget the best of the best herbs and with this one, it has the best "medical" evidence world wide as the "cure" at incrediably low doses........so once I was able to obtain even teh smallest of amounts, it is basically the powerhouse herb in the P/W E and in all the adult formulas in a very small amount........
We found this Chinese herb company that has access to Russian Herbs, that is willing to send and our first batch set in customs for many months and one day showed up...so we doubled that order and the fellow split the boxes to increase odds of receiving and avoid a total huge loss$$$$ if the entire order was lost or destroyed......so last Spring 2 of the 5 quarts showed up........and then nothing......the second box set at customs for better than 5 months and then sent to a place of LIMBO........and we were always told by customs that ONLY THE SHIPPER can contact them ad not the receiver...evidently because only the shipper can identify what he has sent into the usa.....and this chinese fellow that does not speak english and can barely read our e-mails, had no clue how to do anything with customs, basically that would be my opinion of dealing with such a government agency as well......and most likely, the only problem customs ever has is this fellow marks the bottles as "Plastics" products, which anyone knows there are liquids within the box.........so eventually Jody finally gets a customs lady that is "helpful" and says they can make a "special" request and BOOM, 3 days later the missing 3 quarts show up!!!! So that is like an early Christmas. I would value this liquid about 108x more than the purest oregano oil.....but since pure oregano oil was not in the herbal medical books 100 years ago, who knows, maybe it has just as good a value....but with this russian herb, it is the only herb I have ever seen puss exit the human body and can exit at almost any location on the entire body, but mostly near the joints, the under arms, lymph glands, crotch, etc...and my only theory is the expellion of cancer/lymes but all just a theory...no clue what the body is actually doing with this herb and since I may be blending in 30+ other potent anti- parasite extracts which all adds to the mixture that the liver then gets to work with and the wonderful red blood cells can armor up and get some parasite butt.
I am sure with out a doubt I have the largest collection of desert parsley in the world, which was the only cure for the 1918 germ warfare swine flue that killed upwards of 35+ million people and if I only had 2-3 ounces of the medical historic used herbal extract, I surely would have the largest collection in the states...but instead, hopefully I now have a lifetime supply as well........
why are such herbs of importance? Very simple, medical Science believes all humans have died as a result of lymes disease for the past 300 years, which to me, also suggest all mammals of all kinds have died from it and it is in deed a silent plague that could be the great last plague....
EVERY HERB of all countries that has historical use of working for the 1918 swine flue (mustard gas / germ warfare), all herbs that works for syphilis, tape, etc. worms....but mostly the herbs known to kill those microscopic corkscrew worms that eat our bones.
WHY isn't anyone really seeking to go make herbal formulas for such worms? VERY SIMPLE, most are still riding on the skirt tales of the late Dr. Hulda Clark and the plain Jane walnut/clove/wormwood tincture.
I am confident that the old farts that chewed tobbacco all their lives, ate pigs, chugged whisky, etc. and weighed 300# in their late 80's were still alive for the simple fact their toxic life kept alot of their parasites killed and any human should be able to double their lifespan by doing little more than keeping the little corhscrew bastards killed.......
KEEPING IN MIND, something as simple as the common mosquito can be a carry of over 300+ lymes worms just waiting to transfer them to you! Same goes for all blood sucking bugs and every mammal you have contact with....everything is a "carrier".....
There are so many sickly / poor young people today, it is getting zombi looking out there!
It is time to make P/W E (B) for the second time. This normally means it has been a long time since I made the original an often the original is an exotic blend that just "happened" and I usually write it all down and hopefully can find it in the future if I need to make it again.
With the P/W E (B) I have to admit, this was one of the most exotic and expensive blends I have ever made and after reading what I did to make the first batch, even I was amazed at what I did and now know why it taste so horrible.
Often such a formula can never be made 100% identical and more often than not, I change it up with what I think is better and make it even more bazaar. This is such a formula. I now believe I have "better", but will still be using all the same herbs, just in "different" ways. The taste will still be horrible and I will still believe it to be the ultimate de-wormer on this planet with "nothing" ever even coming close to it and naturally P/W E (C) 10x stronger and too nasty for even me to taste, but such things may be needed one day, so the nastiest on the planet also means the worms have to run.
I have been out of the P/W E (B) for some time now for the simple fact it is such a bazaar formula to make and I hope to have it finished maybe tomorrow if all goes well and this will be a double batch and most likely will last years or even forever based on what happens; because customers never like the nasty tasting stuff and this stuff is just plain nasty, even though I do alot to calm down the taste.
This formula makes use of herbs from all over the world for the treatment of lymes/syhplis/worms etc.and uses the rares and most expensive de-worming herb on this planet that medical has stopped the production of over the past 100 years in all but the country of russia from what I know of. The herb is only explained in 1 book that I know of, the greatest medical written book I am aware of that was written long before anyone reading this was born and the herb of choice de-wormed all mammals known for the entire planet. I consider each herb with a history "valuable" and like to blend them all when I can.
The Original P/W E powder I blended the powders direct with this liquid formula and people made their own capsules as a 1 shot does it all formula. Since normal people dread making their own capsules, I chose to have the powder encapsulated with a machine using veggie caps and supply the liquid de-wormer on the side in a dropper bottle...thus P/W E capsules and P/W E (B) tincture/liquid. I am sure no one on this planet would ever consider making such a herbal formula and you never read of anyone making/selling adult de-wormer or even mention lymes, etc......they all avoid it, because they don't know it or know how to "copy" what some author writes....
It takes an enormous amount of raw products collected over a lifetime to even dream up "bazaar" herbal formulas. AND WHY? WHY make such bazaar herbal formulas? All I can say is it is fun to do and I just go with the flow....often the formulas get so bazaar that when I go back a few years later to make it, it even seems bazaar to me! As long as it keeps me alive and fun doing it, that is my only goal. I never expect people to try such formulas and I accept that everything has a purpose and the idea existed before the product is made and that "idea" comes from where? WHO KNOWS? It just has to happen the way it does and with good herbs, they never go to waste; they are all just stepping stones to the next formula, the next level.
EVERY HERBAL liquid extract that never ever gets sold, must find its way into what I call BOTTOM of the BARREL and that original base is now over 16 years old and growing. It may very well be the ultimate herbal shotgun ever formulated and forever in a state of change and never ever possible to duplicate.
With herbs, you can not understand their use by reading a book...books only provide us with another person's opinion. The only way to understand herbs is to pick your own, make your own and listen to your body and always "look" at the results....your skin never lies.
Take a few minutes and watch the 3 short videos on the above website. Think about it; "I" assure you all, these same micro-scopic creatures live in every tissue of the entire body.
They are there from conception till the moment you die and then they eat you until your down to hollow bones....
People that lie to you and say their de-wormer does wonders at just 4 ounce bottles and that you only need to deworm x amount of days per year, etc...are all quackers.....
parasites are in you all by the billions...you keep them under your control, or they will devour you...They swim through your body like fish through water.
Lymes, Syphilis and maybe 100's of mutant worm like creatures that receive such disease names is probably going to be the end of the human race....appearing with CIVILAZTION, these worms are like termites eating away at your life...so gradually most human never realize it.
Today they suggest well over 300 creatures can bite you or get saliva on you, sting you, etc...and give you Lymes or more properly said: worms, very tiny little cork screw micro small worms...
Medical is using drugs so powerful, they literally can kill you with only a few doses and that only kills the adults, it is no real cure what so ever and only does harm to the organs, etc...
Bug bites
This time of the year we are seeing bug bites, people are calling them spider bites, mosquitoes, etc....never seeing them, but they leave a bite that turns red or otherwise swells into a large lump for several weeks..most don't realy itch, they are just annoying.....can they be infected bites from Lymes carriying bugs? Sure they can, these bugs are packing anymore and all those dogs and cats, YEP, they are packing Lymes type worms if they have ever been in the tall grass outside. OR, even been bitten by the over 300 creatures that enter your home and hunt you down because you have warm BLOOD!
Sadly we are living in such a civilized manner of drugs and poisons, that we are all heading for massive disaster as far as plagues go....In the last 300 years, I will suggest we are reaching a cllmax soon, when all these drugs and poisons do as much damage as they possible can that all hell breaks loose as people become puss breathing zombies....NATURE always strikes back, she never allows the human race to succeed with all of man's evil deeds...in every specie, plagues come and wipe out the over population and the strong survive and the weak all die..
Question is, who is strong enough to survive a world wide plague that could easily kill billions? You know for a fact the governments would chem trail us 24/7 with drugs and zap the earth with micro waves in an attempt to pull a Hulda Clark and STERILZE ALL...
History proves, plagues do happen...these little worms are coming at a rapid rate to all.
I have been working on consolidating everything I have done in the past, with the present and for the year 2011 into one newsletter.
Hopefully this will take a little of the confusion away on what formulas I have made / use, but naturally I don't expect anyone to understand why I do what I do....everytime I have made a new adult style de-wormer formula, at the time I swear I can't take it any further and then it happens. What I do learn does go into each formula and I try to not make too many formulas that confuse people, but with the subject of parasites, the variables are big, in that people have so many differant taste, desires and expecatations and then a smll percentage want the absolute strongest formula possible, regardless how nasty the taste, not to even mention de-wormer for children.....as far as I am concerned only the parents should make the choice to give their child a herbal formula, long after they themselves have taken it.
Then to complicate the subject even more, NO ONE knows proper doses for each person's issues and past problems, etc...and if the formula is made well, there should be no toxic dose.
There never have been any medical/scientific studies with any herbs that have any value other than knowing that an herb is not toxic. Herbs are made so many differant ways, using radiated dead powders to live/fresh herbs direct into the mouth seconds after harvest; so results would be so varied that no book has the truthes and most authors today are just paid to say whatever the sponsors want the books to say, or the authors have no job $$$$.
Over my years, I have my theories on what herbs work for sure and all I can do with the old herbal history is take the authors words for it, the herbs may be as great as what the long dead past authors said they were, or my safety net is blending all the unknown, with what I do know and that way i know it does work to some degree for all.
What it all boils down to is this, the formulas that people will take are the ones that have to work and they will take those formulas based on their cost and their taste.
Sadly most consumers are guided like sheep via flashy website adds and colorful magazines that come to their homes. The manufacturers care less about their products, their factories exist because of 1 reason and 1 reason only; MARKETING ABILITY aka writing an many lies as it takes to keep selling their products. When it comes to health products, they want the ones that no customer gets a benefit, because that means a customer may get sick on their own accumulated waste seeking to expell out their body and that experience could be blamed on the commercial product that could lead to a fda recall, etc.....so all of the commercial and otherwise junk health products want a neutral effect for all and they exist on their sales people to lie for the company, their very job depends upon their abilties to lie.
We have all seen the experts in lies with products like Noni and Acia......2 good herbs, but not when processed commercially into a sick tasting water drink that basically is rotten by the time it reaches the consumer, but with enough lies, such products make companies millions and when the lies won't float anymore, they come out with their next chosen gimmick and trick enough greedy sales people to hit the roads and enter people's homes to make the sales.
You would think the world would be tired of all the worthless vitamins, drugs and trash supplements, but as we all see, according to the news, humans desire more and more drugs, simple because most drugs are cheaper than supplements now, because the tax payers are paying for the free or otherwise cheap drugs for all the poor people.
The subject of parasites and worms is so huge, I don't think any one file could ever cover it, after all, practically all disease and eventual deaths are a result of parasites.....I think it is better to just know herbs can help and basically no drug, vitamin or other method short of perfect diet and habits can help. I also beleive that regardless of diet and habits, worms have such a strong presence in the human body and environment, that I believe daily herbs are essential in keeping worms down low enough that they don't effect our health.
Every breath of air has parasites within, everything we touch, in fact, we are basically swimming in an ocean of bacteria.............bacteria that one day will find us "TASTY".....we all basically know the smell of death..which is a parasite smell resulting from massive lunch.
Hopefully I can get this parasite file finished early this week, it is mostly done now and just needs some proof reading and final arranging.....never learning how to type/spell well and using 2 finger method doesn't help matters!!! but I get by!