Oregano Oil by MH - 2012
If anyone / author wants to believe a herb / mineral / vitamin , etc. is better than Oregano Oil, then it only proves they are a fraud, ignorant and never used oregano oil properly and have no clues about human health.....TO USE ANYTHING STRONGER would simply be overwhelming to the human elimination organs and any author trying to state that 1 herb of any kind is a cure for all, is so false, so wrong, their book would be suitable for the dumpster.....
A spice comes closest because it can thin the blood, increase blood circulation, kill bacteria/viruses/
parasites and cayenne, oregano and the spice trade herbs come close; but it is a fact, NO HERB(S) period can ever be more than 1/6th the cure and only "Quacks" of the worse kind try to say different and when they do, we know they are nothing but "sales"people.
What I call BOOK I, was written by the best Medical Doctor in North American History and the top medical colleges of the land all agreed with him, his orange juice method was the best known medical cure ever known and to them, it was their cure for all and I suggest it works better with herbs...even though the medical author believed all herbs are "harsh" on the body and that is the reason he ignored their use....I can't say I disagree with the good doctor; but I would take that a step further and suggest all food consumed by the mouth is "harsh" and herbs help the body by helping eliminate the foods better/faster.
SUNLIGHT is more powerful than any herb or method known on this planet and when the fake authors ignore so many things and only try to sell you their herbs as the cure, that is often enough to know they are a fake. Not to mention people who keep their dental metals, drink coffee, booze, smoke, etc. and want to believe some author that ignores all those subjects and wants the reader to believe that this herb or that herb will be their cure and we all can notice 1 thing with all these types......every month/year you see them talking about their newly discovered cure for all herb that is "RARE" and not find-able in your back yard.
MIND YOU, just because most are fakes, often they supply clues in their books that can be used to go onward and possibly discover a better way...but never believe a herb will be your cure...because it never will be.....there have been no long lived herbalist in current history....which is proof enough.
Herbs understood, applied properly, sensibly along with a total understanding of natural human health is the proper use and the best to be expected is to LIVE BETTER!
Otherwise there are over 20,000+ herbs to choose from and some quack will tell you 1 by 1 they are the way, the cure..
What makes oregano oil a great herb of choice? Availability!
Easy to buy, very non toxic, but to be respected and dilutued properly.
I keep 5 gallons of pure oregano oil stored away for the possible day that I can not afford or otherwise obtain it...my next hoarded herb Olive Leaf and then cayenne and lobelia.
I have tried ,many herbs that Dr. Christopher never made mention of and herbs not used by north american indians and ya know what? I have yet to discover any of those herbs worth using and when i try to sell them, soon, very soon, people stop buying, because they discovered "nothing" as well and this is what made all these thousands of herbs basically worthless and not repeated through out human history...while those that worked, still to this day are used over and over and easily available by herb commercial sources.
Not saying this or that herb is worthless, but saying odds are, if only 1-2 authors are promoting it and you can't find it in a herb book of 50+ years ago, then odds are, it will either be toxic or worthless or both....you only will ever know by your own self-experimentation.