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Tension, What Is It?
plzchuckle Views: 20,115
Published: 12 y
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Tension, What Is It?

The thin doctor says this:

• As you sit upon your chair you find your hands, arms or legs tightened up, as if holding you together. It may be your jaws are clamped together or your neck muscles are set as if trying to hold your head on; or it may be all of these tensions are present; and, in addition, the chest muscles may be set so that the breathing is shallow, deep or abdominal breathing being practically impossible. When you lie on your bed or “relax” on a couch your head is either pressed into the pillow or prevented from settling down restfully onto the pillow by contraction of the neck muscles. There is also tension in your legs and arms. People even become so habituated to this tension that they sleep with the muscles taut and tense, and often when they drop off to sleep and the tension gives way to some extent they are wakened with a jerk and a start which may be even alarming. If you are too thin you are probably one of those who do so.


No doubt, the too thin person should try taking 4 Sleep Eze capsules every night at bedtime and even throughout the day if they are just too tensed and unable to relax.

Actually, the sprays have ingredients that relax the flesh and aid in carrying away the accumulated acids, so in fact, a well tuned spray or 2 to address these issuesof tension and acid may be a great experiement. I know several herbs that just let your mind go and body relax and you become talkative like you had 1 too many drinks, yet you consumed no alcohol! Maybe these too thin people "hold" too many emotions within and just need to talk to someone!!!


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