A local farmer for about 10 years has complained to me about his prostrate problems. He has maybe taken 2 eight ounce bottles of herbs in that time period and ignored the other 98% of my suggestions. We ran into him at a store the yesterday and again he said the same things and again ignored everything and said he maybe will have to have it cut out. I suggested doing the orange juice fasting, living as a fruitairian, etc..was a better option that wearing a diaper the rest of your life!!! Naturally, he ignored me and only wanted to know if there was some new miracle herb he could take.
It all boils down to this; if we live against God, we receive enough judgement to end our lives miserably......and for the man, the prostrate/heart/kidneys are the first to go and the younger males quickly replace him with the females as they take their turn in doing the same as their dads did before them. Humans live to die, they are trained to die, do all they can to die and ignore just about everything that would allow them to live in peace with God and this earth; this must be the truest sign that life on earth is school, because most humans do not like to be trained correctly and resist. Maybe life on earth is like boot camp for the unrulely spirits!!! "IF" you act up in Heaven, your booted down to earth!!!!! The Bible makes it clear, humans will resist God and fight to stay alive while on earth and earth is a battle grounds.