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This One Got Me a Free Bottle of Experimental Farmer's Spray
plzchuckle Views: 19,956
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This One Got Me a Free Bottle of Experimental Farmer's Spray

This is the third testimony that came in for the farmers solution experimental qualifications. The second one was from one of the TOP FELLOWS in the WORLD, but he has the age ole problem of being from the far / far North out of country....if he were in country or shipping not such a problem, he most likely would bath in the herbs.......shipping farmer's solution out of country would cost more than the product and not a bottle or product I care to have go through go through customs in my opinion, it would need to rebottled into smaller bottles and relabeled.

We all know this person, she does more for the curezone than anyone I have ever seen....



my older child, GT's mama, lives in my house. She is allopathic all the way!! Her diet STINKS; she couldn't tell you what year she last ate a piece of fruit or anything raw.

At age 16, before seatbelt laws, she backended a car, crashing both knees into a real metal dashboard. Her kneecaps were literally pushed up her thighs. We saw an ER doctor that evening. He said this happens from stretched ligaments and tendons and since she was walking, a minor condition that should correct itself shortly, but did warn that she may have problems with her knees later in life. Sure enough, we watched as her kneecaps returned to their proper place in her body.

Twenty years later (last summer), I realized my child was grunting everytime she walked up the each of the 7 steps from the basement where she lives to the kitchen. She went to the family doctor (well, the nurse practitioner that she sees). She was sent to see a surgeon. Xrays showed she had a spur on the back of one kneecap that was eating away at her minicus(sp?), the cartilege between the kneecap and the knee joint. It required surgery of course. She deligently saved for what they expected her part to be. As the appointed day for surgery approached, she experienced a family emergency that used up all her savings and then some. She groaned over the cancellation of that surgery; she'd had enough of the pain!

She had witnessed the "miracles" that BF&C had worked on GT's sports injuries. I offered to try and help. We sprayed with Spray III generously, applied B&W salve to keep it in place (we had no BF&C salve and were using what we did have, wrapped the knee in saran wrap for over night. She washed this off in the mornings to go to work. MH, after 6 mights, she told me she didn't need it anymore, the pain was GONE. That was last Oct, and it still hasn't come back!

I'm the only "Barefooter" in this house, but everybody - my Mama, my daughter, and GT, my grandson asks me to "get the spray" for aches, pains and injuries. They even have me helping their friends!

A 2nd testimonial, this one for Spray II, this time a teenage boy across the street:

He's knocked a chunk out of his leg on a metal bracket corner of a hauling trailer. It had been 3 weeks by the time I saw it; it STILL needed stitches by allopatic standards; the wound was large, gaping and too deep! I had him call his mama and have her get the large sports bandades. I didn't even see him daily, but when he'd come over, we'd spray with Spray II, add a bit of the B&W salve and bandage it. Within 1 week that gaping hole was all but a memory.

We use the sprays on an 80 yr olds aches and pains, sports injuries (I've been known to take it to baseball games to spray team-mates, my kidney and gall-bladder meridians, a knee, sprained ankles, and the list goes on ...... It hasn't failed to work on anybody or for anything tried so far! Spray I, II & III are staples in my herb box.

Fill free to leave my name attached, if you choose to use this.


PlzChuckle/~PC~/Marilyn in SC/original #9


she still knows her number 9, hope she has a barefoot cup bearing that number?

Anyway, those that have a heart for others and by others, I mean those that have had pains for years or at least not scared to try herbs and this often means they are too poor to afford medical and will give herbs or anything "free" a try to help their pains go away, would LOVE the farmers helper BECAUSE the BOTTLE is HUGE!!!!!!!!!!! A bottle used for human use and not animals, may last a lifetime. It is warm enough that it should be only used on hips/knees, feet/spine, otherwise it will be pretty strong on tender skin, UNLESS someone has used products like oregano oil, cayenne, Spray III and gotten use to it and by use to it, I mean you have lost "FEAR" of the spices and once the fear goes away, the spices do not burn, THEY NEVER DID BURN, it was our nerves that caused our body to make acids in an attempt to expel the spices we apply to our delicate skin.

So Farmers Helper is not a product your going to easily use on a neighborhood child, the B&W along with Spray I will be their BOO BOO solution.......I have always wanted to make a Spray Bottle that said BOO BOO SPRAY....since Spray I works as an all purpose BOO BOO SPRAY, I have never done this...but with your story of helping neighborhood kids, etc.....if you order 1 bottle of Farmer's Solution, I will spend a day and make a formula I will call BOO BOO Solution, which will follow the "faster" (cheaper) method I learned from making the Farmer's Solution and Send you a FREE bottle, the very first to let you experiment with it...A 24 ounce bottle will be a lifetime supply, so i will try to find a smaller similar spray bottle, maybe a 16 ounce or something, or what ever I have at the time I make it and send you a bottle......YOUR STORY gives me this idea, because the amish kids don't get much herbal use, simply because ma and pa are so poor.....but if they had a huge BOO BOO 24 ounce spray bottle, odds are, it would make childhood easier to deal with. So I got the idea of a package deal, 1 bottle Farmer's Solution for (dad) and 1 bottle of BOO BOO Spray for (mom) to make a REAL FARM SPRAY KIT, because if the kids run around like "animals" they will need help like the animals.




Testimonies, stories help in so many different ways, not only with sales, that keep the ability to make herbal formulas alive, but gives ideals on what is "needed", with the amish family's, I have heard of so many needs it is almost mind boggling, YET on a spiritual plane, when things are collected before the need arrives, it keeps proving ALL WORKS AS ONE and "we" could not change 1 moment of our life ever, never ever.....we are living out a pre-written scriipt word for word, action for action and some kid in the future, will be changed when his mamma receives her huge 24 ounce BOO BOO SPRAY.......what the heck, lets just leave it 24 ounces if you order a Farmer's Helper, then your BOO BOO first made experimental bottle will also be 24 ounce.........a gallon of B&W style made slave and you could treat the neighborhood...JUST THINK, "if" you were near the hard hit japan coast, what you could do with 2 such sprays and a kilo of pure oregano oil.......every human in japan should be taking 1-8 drops of pure oregano every day for the rest of their lives.


MH's Curezone Forum:

Ask Barefoot Herbalist

MH's Website:

The School of Self-Applied Prevention

Jody's Store for Barefoot's Herbs and Formulas:




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