After accidently finding out that Spray III has an unbelieveable ability for some to feel pain free from just a few breaths of air that has the Herb Spray III misted into it; I figured out that the air was entering the lungs so finely that the herbs went into the brain within a few seconds. I can actually "feel" the herbs travel the circulation for the first few seconds until the blood dilutes and carries the herbs off for elimination probably on their next pass through the lungs as the same herbs are exhaled.
I first assumed it was the "circulation" that enabled the brain to give the sense of being pain free. Now I have another theory. An accupuncturiest in Florida gave me a bottle of Chinese herbs that he uses to massage the skin for pain, some years back. I put the bottle on the shelf. Then a few years later, a lady that does massage, gave me the same bottle, I put it on the shelf. A year after that, I saw that product in a Chinese herb store and I picked up a bottle. These 3 bottles have been around here now for sometime. Last night I opened the NEW bottle I had purchased, it had a paper, while the 2 free bottles that had been given to me, had no paper with them.
Like the author of BOOK I states, all these people out there doing some health service, they have a "GIMMIC" and usually that involves a better diet. In the case of the accupuncturist and massage therapist they both use this Chinese herbal product that gives their patients a sense of pain relief and the patient assumes it was the massage or needles that did this. After reading the little paper, I discover I am using the ONE Ingredient of that Chinese bottle that claims it has anti-pain ability.
It appears I had 3 bottles of this; the first I ignored, I ignored the second and I was even prompted to pick up a third bottle and STILL, I had no use for such things and never opened them up, never once tried them or new anything about them. Then, I guess I had to make my own and the particular herb in question, I have NEVER EVER USED before, yet, I had purchased this some time ago and had it on the shelf, for some unknown reason and after Herbal Spray II was finished, I just added a little of this and with Herb Spray III, I doubled it and at that time, I had zero reason why, other than it has a smell to it that I thought would counter the other smells in the formula.
I figure this.
The accupuncturist and the massage therapist probably would not have any customers if they didn't use their massage oils and they probably don't have a clue what their massage oils are actually doing. They pour this stuff onto their hands and rub you down and the vapors enter your lungs. The product on the skin is doing very little other than making the skin reject this and then slowly over many hours safely as possible remove the material.
A few days after the patient is home, the person feels their inner pains and wishes they could return for another treatment..........
With the herb spray, the base nutrients are "sucked" into the skin like you were starving for them. This would be the effects of Herb Spray I along with a handful of herbs that do aid in circulation and all these sprays are extremely anti-viral / anti parasite.
Herb Spray I, has the effect of pain relief on the location you spray it, simply because the added circulation and dissolving of calcium cyrstals which removes the foundation cause of pain.
Herbal Spray II is the same, but based more on the BF&C theory of "Feeding" the bones with natural plant calciums and minerals and it does have a minute amount of the annointing oils and Chinese theory of pain relief, again, all by no real reason why I did it at the time. With Spray III, I deliberty "beefed" up the spray for crippling arthritus for a 93 year old woman.
What the accupunturist and massage therapist are missing is the delivery system that the body "accepts" as food. They are flooding the body with only the pain killer in a mega amount, probaby way over a million times of what is needed, simple because the body is rejecting it and they must flood the body and overwhelm it so some enters and their patient feels less painful and the patient wants to believe their effects came from the person.
So when Spray III was first used on the man with the severly damaged lower back, he felt pain free body wide in less than 2 minutes and after saying miracle a few times, a few days later he was saying this stuff is "CHIROPRACTOR" in a bottle and I have to agree. The chiropractor can manipulate bones that are out of place, but rarely does the effect last if the pain was not from a dislocated bone, so if a chiropractor has to see you more than twice for the same problem, odds are, they are not going to be able to help further.
We go to a chiropractor, a accupuncturist and a Massage Therapist for one main reason, WE HURT. We all know, these 3 professions are no cure, you return to them the rest of your life.
The foundational problem is just as Dr. Christopher and many doctors long before him said, WATER! The rock in your water enters your blood stream, clogs your kidneys and then calcium cyrstals form in your flesh and stick you like a billion needles and we say OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can your chiropractor, accupuncturist or massage therapist REMOVE YOUR CALCIFIED NEEDLES? The massage therapist just HURTS YOU and your own body response makes your blood remove the pains, which return the next day anyway.
So all 3 people hurt you more than you hurt in the first place and this makes your blood come to your aid and that is about the basics of those 3 professions, accept the good chiropractor can put bones in their proper place, but a good one is like 1 in a thousand that are out there!
Most people know my interest has been parasites from day one. I do not like the idea of being eaten alive, can we all agree on this!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kill the little suc***s and keep them out. Our blood and tissues are not food for them!
The available information for parasites dates back about 100 years, I actually have the best parasite book ever created, with only 1,000 medical copies ever printed and medically approved as correct information about parasites worldwide and it agreed that virtually every known disease is parasite related. They used one herb to cure all parasite problems. Naturally we know this didn't work, or people worldwide would be growing this plant in every back yard and eating the stuff, but it worked enough to be used alot and still is, 100 years later, the strongest parasite herb.
Then 50 years later, the Germans discover the Black-Walnut tree has the ability to kill parasites, then Hulda Clark comes along 40 years later and creates her empire based on the Black-Walnut tree. Dr. Christopher and others all had their parasite formulas, but none of them ever made a splash like Dr. Clark's formula of walnut/cloves and wormwwod, simple because of the fact she wroter books saying CURE. Before her, that was a forbidden practice that landed you in jail for ripping people off, because sick people will buy books that say cure on the front.
But clark didn't understand the walnut tree, nor does she understand alkalinity and the red blood cell and she destroyed her reputation with worthless electronics and toxic vitamins and became known as the acid doctor that if you do what she does, you too will fry your brain.
The herbs work as written, when made correctly and this has kept herbs popular for a few hundred years now.
BUT, most herbs are usued internally in large doses. The stomach and liver take these herbs and makes the chemicals the body then uses. The same was always known for iodine, when taken internally, no Iodine ever reaches the thyroid, so Dr. Lugol had you put it on your feet or wrist, the furthest place away from the liver, because once through the liver, the Iodine would be changed.
THE LIVER should have first chance at all we consume, it saves our life and maintains our life. IT ALSO is the number one source of parasie food in the human body.
For this reason, internal herbs help that liver on the very first dose and internal herbs must be used for the rest of our lives to help keep that liver clean of large worms that eat it.
BUT, what about these worms in the BRAIN, they are hiding there, very well protectd and we often just call these hot spots tumors/cancers.
Lets think about this, when we take alot of herbs internally, if you are a worm, where are you going to go to survive, besides the brain and pancreas? YOUR GOING RUN AS FAR AS YOU CAN! That would be our skin! Get up into that clogged up skin and those clogged up lymph glands and get away from those herbs and the chemicals the liver makes from them! Then when that humans slacks off their herbs, then return home and eat that liver up.
I pretty much think that is just how the little suc***s operate! The GOOD NEWS. I think they just ran out of hiding spots!
You got a lump, you have hidden parasites in that lump hiding from your blood stream!
You got parasites in your brain, skin, can reach them with your next breath of air and by applying herbs to your skin.
ALL OF THE HERB SPRAYS WILL BE ANTI-PARASITE, THAT WON'T CHANGE. What I will do, is make a herbal spray based on the original parasite herb known to kill them all, add in the others that gained fame by authors and throw in the herb that can take it into a painfree application as well as herbs that are the DELIVERY SYSTEM, because with out the delivery system, you are dead in the water with a hit and miss situation leaving behind plenty of survivors that lay 20,000 eggs daily and just fill your body right back up!
Can external herbs also kills the worms in the liver and intestines????? That I have no clue of, a new person, NEVER taking internal herbs, would have to use the external parasite spray, use it a week or so and then do a Liver Flush and examine with microscope like I did years ago and COMPARE! Do 3 Liver Flushes and record the results and then do 5 days of INTERNAL PARASITE HERBS and repeat the 3 Liver Flushes and if no new worms fall out, then YES, we could say a spray is all we need for parasite freedom!
I will make this external spray starting Monday. Naturally you need a toddler spray, teen spray, adult spray, super adult spray and MAXIMUM FORCE for the adult that has no fear and wants to drop a nuclear bomb on their worms and have taken their kidney cleanse and restored their colon and take their sweat baths and have the channels of elimination wide open and these people often want to feel the POWER of the herbs and their increased circulation and get these feelings of life they have never experienced, but these types are few.
Since the herbs can be administerd by air, litterally, you can spray the room and with their next breath of air, it can work. On the skin, they will be absorbed like food the body has always wanted. In the mouth they will enter the blood/tissues 1 second after spraying. THE GOOD PART, each dose will only be 1 drop.
Something virtually all humans and pets can do! No more grabbing your cat, dog, bird, snake, etc. and applying herbs down their throats; just give them a daily spray on the face or in their close air. Spray them anywhere!
Did I invent even one thing new? NO. Just as the late Dr. Hans Neiper wrote back in the 70's, most everything of any value has already been tried prior to 1900. Not one part of this is new, all I am doing is "MIXING" what others have done into a formula/method I like. In this particular case, I ignored the Chinese product simply because it kept coming to me, but I never took my hands and eyes and experimented with it and it would have done no good at that time, because it by itself does exteremely little, but it held a "KEY" to what I now believe is the case of getting pain free.
NO, I don't think we can invent anything new, but we can mix it all up and try new combinations and what we love today, may be obsolute next year. 6 months ago I would have laughed at any idea of applying herbs externally, because I had never read of such a thing and would not have thought it possible.
I know goverment are the experts at this game. Their chemtrails vaccinate us all daily, they medicate us all daily, "THEY" own our air and thus know they OWN US. They can kill us all, with our very next breath and they know it nd they control our population just that way!
The survivors must be wise! You must outthink your enemy and stay out of their way at all cost! Never stand in your enemie's way, or they will kill you. They won the war the day the airplane took to the skies. Just ask any nation, when we come to do battle, we destroy all your planes, all your missles and once we own your air, we own you! Your all at the mercy of the general commanding those jets.
For the average Joe, we know "They" are not going to kill us all. They are going to kill the old, the weak and the young. The farmer only wants X amount of people per city, per state, per country. They have thousands of reasons why. We do not care why, we only want to avoid their evil.
FREEDOM starts with returning to NATURE, the more freedom you experience, the less dependant you will be of government. Nature's freedom has you trust God for all, while public education has you trust government. Government controls all that depends on $$$$ for their survival. Government hates those that BARTER! In fact, if you make your own money and use it amongst yourselves, you can end up in prison as a traitor to your country.
The AMISH barter alot in the older orders. Guns, ammo, food, tools, antiques, etc. have always been the best bartering items. Gold and silver work, but have zero value, they are just worthless rock, absolutly worthless rock that has no value past the mason $$$ system.
I have learned more about human body in the past 60 days, than I have learned since I was born! For these reasons, each year, the herb formulas have to keep changing, adapting to each new tidbit learned. First it was Olive leaf, then it was Oregano, then it was tree Iodine and now it all comes together and used not only internally as herbs are, but externally...a new fronter for me. Since I have almost learned weekly, I can only imagine what I might be saying 1 year from today! It just makes each day a delight to wake up to, because when you have something to look forward to, life is more desired.
Then just think, in a few days it is orange juice fasting time again and ALWAYS, ALWAYS, new ideas come with the wind when your fasting. Ya almost need to keep paper and pen at hand and write down things as they come, because you never know when you will think of things and 2 minutes later other things are flooding your mind as though a group of our past are taking turns seeing who can convince a human on earth to try this or that!
We humans here on earth may only know 1% of our Spiritual existance and church/government do all in their power to make sure you never do! If we are God's children, the bible suggest we can move why do we live for $$$$$?
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Ask Barefoot Herbalist
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The School of Self-Applied Prevention
Jody's Store for Barefoot's Herbs and Formulas: