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Life Force: Oxygen & Electricity
plzchuckle Views: 20,186
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Life Force: Oxygen & Electricity

The human body is the vessel/temple for the Spirit to dwell within. From dust to dust is its destiny. As long as it provides circulation of air/electricity the Spirit will dwell within and make use, and do great works.

As circulation slows, so does the current of life. Life is an ever burning fire in a body of water and this fire leaves an ash that if not eliminated, will clog the tissues and smother the fire! Every breath of air provides electricity and fuels the fire within the cells. Every exhaust expels the wasted ash.

The sun circulates around its sun as all things are in constant vibration. All existence depends upon the sun’s rays of electricity/radiation. Life depends on each breath of air and ends the moment the ash smothers the fire. Life depends upon the negative and positive flow between the cells and proper pH must be maintained or what is known as disease is established. Once out of balance the body has too much positive or too much negative flow of energy/electricity and must recover or be consumed in ash and smother.

The skin, and its 7,000,000 pores, expels the excessive acid waste at a rate of 20-40 ounces daily. When this fails, the blood is charged with too much acid and the body reacts by building the fire within known as fever and seeks to expel the acids through all the elimination systems. The lungs, skin and feet handle the gases/vapors while the elimination organs expel the solid waste until the acids are removed and the balance be maintained.

In the winter months, these 7 million pores react to the cold weather and do not expel the acid waste as rapidly and people experience more illnesses due to the lack of the skin being able to do its work.

The lungs consume 1,440 cubic inches of oxygen/electricity per hour and expel carbonic acid at the same rate. In the average bedroom this means 10,800 cubic inches of carbonic acid is expelled and can be trapped within the unventilated room. An experiment was done and it was found that a canary bird will die when suspended in a cage near the top of a human’s bed as result of this deadly gas. Only in captivity will a person re-breathe their own exhausted air and the bedroom is the chief source of this deadly gas.

The invention of the fireplace/furnace heat adds to the poor quality of the home’s air as does every toxin evaporating from the furnishings and soaps, etc. Every fire depends upon oxygen/electricity, and will die when the ash smothers the fire or the oxygen withers. Humans are air-breathing furnaces that obey laws of electricity. The left and right side of the nasal cavity closes and opens as it channels oxygen/electricity into the lungs, in doing so, it charges the oxygen in a manner that maintains perfect heat.

Awake or asleep the furnace must be kept in perfect balance or the fire can go out. All comes from the sun, all being electricity. The direct rays of the sun power the winds and activates the cells of all living creatures. The human in perfect balance can obtain “ALL” from the sun/wind. Just as plants, humans can convert the sun’s rays via the skin. The rays upon the eyes activate the pituitary gland that governs the body’s daily functions.

Those that need only sun and wind have been studied many years ago and were nicknamed “Breathairians”, some were on record of not eating or drinking for up to 50 years. Some were born this way and others later in life or even as children had no need for food nor water again, their body’s had the ability, as plants do, to live off of the sun’s rays. Not until it was learned that 1 cubic yard of air has enough electricity to power a jet across a country, and when man entered outer space, they then knew the minerals man uses enters the atmosphere as microscopic particles and breathed by all and the air is full of water vapor, only then could the scientist accept these individuals that lived on air alone. Autopsies on such people revealed approx. 100 glands that secrete hormones that the average ill person does not possess, or are so diseased that they have shrank beyond recognizing.

It is known that with every pass of a asteroid or planet, the earth changes and all life on earth changes every so slightly. It is seen in plants the easiest and the plants are in constant change that is noticeable. Mankind changes as well and every generation has degenerated and lost the ability to maintain the fire for life!

A scientific experiment was done to prove a good fact, it went like this; 200 pounds of dirt were dried and then put into a covered vessel and water added and a tree planted that weighed 5 pounds. Only water was added for the next 5 years. Leaves fell each season and twigs broke here and there, etc. but no dirt was added and none allowed to blow away, etc. In 5 years the tree gained 170 pounds. It was removed and all dirt recovered from its roots. The dirt was again dried and weighed. It weighed 200 pounds minus 2 ounces!

The tree was not made of water, but made of air. Later another experiment showed how wood could be instantly made by air, but not important for this paper. The mighty oak or redwood giants can not be made of dirt, if this was so they would consume the dirt beneath and have no way to stand, these trees can weigh many tons, yet use no dirt for their construction.

Today people are such gluttons that they consume 1,500 pounds of liquid per year that must all be filtered through the human system leaving what ever nutritious or poisonous properties they possess. As much solid food in weight as well is consumed. What value are these liquids and foods “IF” all we need is free from the sun?

There is ample water in the air. People drink water to dilute the wrong foods they ate and supply enough liquid to dilute the acid waste from these foods and enable the body to pass the toxins outward. These liquids/water, unless steam distilled, possess inorganic minerals. Organic minerals are very fine minerals that have been eaten by fungus within the soil and made small enough to pass through the roots of trees and be stored in the winter months and made fit to makeup the liquid with in the spring fruits. Organic minerals can be used to stoke the fire/furnace of the human body and then expelled as natural ash. Inorganic minerals are too large, yet can enter the blood stream and not being able to be used, will fall out of solution and stick to the side of the veins/arteries. This will create stiffness, irritation and blockage known as varicose veins or hardening of the arteries All metals, such as vitamins/drugs hard water, etc. contribute to loss of circulation this method.

The more wrong foods that are consumed, the more liquids are needed to keep the sludge moving. So why all the food? Food is second hand dead waste of a once live plant/animal. Modern methods of preserving and or making non-eatable foods taste good enough to swallow consist of unnatural combinations of rock, dirt and hundreds if not thousands of chemicals and normally preserved in acid so parasites can eat it.

The human body has been starving most of its life, regardless of its size or weight. It seeks electricity/radiation from the sun. Through degeneration of the ages and wrongful education, few people seek the sun as a source of food. Their skin is rarely exposed fully to the sun’s rays and has lost the ability to make it’s own food. All life on earth has been degenerating along with each year and the diets of all have been getting more and more perverted or against Nature.

The body seeks to keep the furnace fired and the unnatural act of eating dead plants and animals does not add anymore to the human body than the dirt adds to the making of a tree! God made all creation in perfection and God’s Laws do not change over time. The eating of dead plants and animals, (dirt and rock) creates a “FALSE” fuel. The result being that the mud produced from the consumption of these foods is an overwhelming amount of acid waste/ash that smothers the fire of life.

What is this “FALSE” fuel everyone but the Breathairians experience? It is a fact, the foods/water we consume accumulate as what we know as mucus waste. The stomach absorbs what little electricity/radiation there was and then fights to get rid of this mud. Just as the tree, not 1 atom of these foods ever enters the human atom, there is no dirt in wood and no plants or animals in the human. This “FALSE” feeling of energy from eating foods is none-other than the release of electricity of our own human cells in their destruction. The act of eating the most un-digestible foods create the most “FALSE” energy, best known as dead animals. The quicker the body is destroyed one cell at a time, the more the “FALSE” energy is experienced as in the use of refined sugars and chemicals such as caffeine.

The use of these “FALSE” foods demands great work from the human system. Ideally, the stomach’s job is to filter the blood stream and extract the toxins and send them down the intestines for elimination, this is why today “FASTING” restores the health the fastest, for the first time in the human’s life, they have obeyed nature and allowed the stomach to do its job. The kidneys expel the liquid toxins and are clogged early on in life with inorganic metals/minerals from hard water and in the past 70 years from vitamin and drug use. The creation of fast growing vegetables also contributes with too large of minerals that enter the blood stream and fall out of circulation.

Once it starts to fail, the kidneys restrict blood flow, so the heart must build more pressure and push onward via the strength of the nerve force upon the arteries/veins. The consumption of liquids only burdens the kidneys and heart and greatly prematurely wears them out.

A very “FALSE” energy is experienced with all the modern methods to trick people into eating the wrong foods. Caffeine and all the chemical stimulants have no power of their own, they are dead inorganic poisons that enter the body and force the adrenal glands to fire up the furnace to get rid of these deadly chemicals, it is the adrenal secretions that gives the power experienced, not the fake foods and chemicals! It is the same with all drugs, they are dead chemicals, no power, just poisons that the body must respond to or die.

What happens to the adrenal glands? After years of over stimulation, they rupture. Their hormones escape and when they hit the heart, the heart reacts as though it must run from a tiger or be eaten and it freezes/stops and the family is told the person had a heart attack. Most death being a result of drug/metal use, the truths are kept secret.

The human body is comprised of 20% human cells and 80% bacterial creatures, the human cells being large and giving the human appearance. The huge amount of bacterial creatures is the body’s garbage men, those that eat the waste and maintain the balance. The unnatural act of eating dead plants and animals creates a HUGE job for these bacterial creatures, the body being overwhelmed with mucus, which is food for these bacteria.

The more food-waste there is in the body, the more bacteria, the more bacteria the less oxygen/electricity for life. When the oxygen gets too low, the bacteria/fungus overwhelms the system of elimination and is known as cancers. Cancer is a result of eating dead unnatural foods.

These friendly bacteria keep the body functions in check. Keep in mind that all humans that eat foods are not functioning correctly and are in a state of survival everyday of their lives, never knowing true health and peace. Only friendly bacteria keep the bad bacteria/viruses in check by eating them. You can never kill the bad bacteria with out killing all the friendly bacteria as well, with the use of drugs, etc. The death of the friendly bacteria would mean instant smothering in the body’s own waste.

Bacteria mutate depending on the amount of oxygen and amount of food supplied, this is why the medical scientist can find new bacteria to blame every year. Only when the food supply is reduced, oxygen levels restored will normal health be maintained. Normal health is far from true health.

In Nature, all living things have natural parasites. There are well over 20,000 known parasites. When a live thing dies, nature provides parasites and fungi to dissolve the remains and keep the earth clean naturally. Many parasites are specific to certain animals or certain plants, etc. Humans are the exception. We consume most anything that does not consume us, and the parasites that come with this ill habit. The body defends against these unnatural creatures and loses the battle to over whelming numbers of offspring.

With the habit of eating parasites, we also gain them by direct contact by skin and by breathing. We live in their world, we live in an ocean of bacteria/viruses/parasites. They are apart of Nature and not something you can avoid totally. As the human body fails, so does the ability to defend against parasites and the body is consumed until no longer able to support circulation.

With the invention and consumption of solvents, humans now have the ability to hatch out the eggs of parasites that are not natural to humans and once alive, no parasite wants to die and it quickly adapts to human fluids/flesh if it can. The body is at constant war with the meat eating “animal” type parasites. There is no good use for animal parasites, their only goal is to eat us and lay their thousands of eggs, they serve no noble purpose such as the friendly bacteria.

The use of herbs in human health dates back thousands of years. These herbs are dead, they possess no powers, no magic. They do provide chemicals and missing nutrients that the liver takes and makes the day’s needs. Keep in mind, all of this battle is mostly because of accumulated mucus acid waste that developed from eating the wrong foods.

I suggest herbs that control animal type parasites throughout one’s life because their job is to eliminate everything that does not obey nature and sadly, most humans fit the profile.

“IF” all creatures originally received all their needs from the sun and never needed what we refer to as food, what then can be “Good Foods” ?

All foods have side effects of ash waste, the better foods would be foods that leave the least amount of waste and aid in elimination of accumulated waste. The whole live fruits fit the bill the best. “IF” the fruit is fresh picked and eaten within 7 minutes, the stomach absorbs the radiation/life of the fruit and send it directly to the brain. After 7 minutes the fruit is dead other than the seeds and provides organic minerals.

Fruits have ample liquids, sugars and minerals, they do not demand the stomach to produce hydrochloric acid and when the juice is drank, it needs little to no digestion. The acids within the fruits are nature’s way of preserving and allowing them to be dried for long term storage and when consumed these acids enter the blood stream through the stomach and are exhaled out the lungs as they aid in cleansing/dissolving the waste in the arteries/veins. The alkaline minerals are left in the stomach and enter the digestive system where they provide the minerals to balance the pH acid/alkaline balance that enables the cells to live electrically.

Fruits cleanse the wrong foods that were eaten. Fruits must be eaten on an empty stomach and best 1 type at a time. Cooked fruits and foods provide minerals, but heat also destroys their live enzymes and friendly bacteria. Raw vegetables are normally not natural, have too large of minerals, accumulate and are second to fruits. All life that had their life in the blood, most likely is against nature no matter how you eat them and have the ill side effects that nature hands out to all.

Vegetables and grains that have allot of starch need to be well chewed into a liquid before swallowing and the standard best method to consume all foods is 1 type per meal, well chewed into a fine liquid and only eat when hunger calls and never eat more than needed. Eat to live, not live to eat.

Animal flesh cannot be chewed to a liquid and all flesh eaters gulp their flesh. The eating of flesh not only consumes all it’s toxins and diseases it was fighting while it was alive, but also the deadly fungus that started consuming the flesh the second the animal was killed. To eat the liver or any of the organs of elimination is the worse habit of ill health.

There have been thousands of books written on food and diet, I won’t rehash it all here, the School of Self-Applied Prevention’s BOOK I is all about health and foods and it is suggested those that wish to know more about proper health and foods study this book.

Metals are deadly to friendly bacteria; this is why metallic vitamins and drugs give a temporary false feeling that always backfires later with more disease. Dental metals of all kinds make it impossible to maintain proper balance of friendly bacteria in the intestinal tract.

There are many reasons for ill health in today’s world, they will be discussed later along with the need to keep the spine in proper alignment, etc.

The purpose of shedding just a little light on human health is to propose the human body is a ever burning furnace that the fire must burn brightly for the life of the body, “IF” the spirit is to make good use of this temple. As a vessel for the spirit a well maintained body can travel to and fro doing the works and reaping the harvests there of. The ill body nothing more than an example of those that lived against nature and nature hands out equal justice for all.

The ideal path to a healthy body is a body that lives on sunlight. This is being done and it is not easy for anyone who is already ill or damaged by everyday modern life. Maintaining an alkaline body creates a healthy body and Longevity and takes education in obeying nature and living within the laws and not against them. Civilized man addicted to houses, cars, and the making of money is a slave to all his possessions and has no chance to live with nature.

When you look at all the reasons the air-burning furnace fails, it is quite easy to see how humans lived to 1,000 years old in ancient times. “IF” a human can live to 100 in today’s pollution of the air/food/water and never eat the right foods once, it seems 1,000 years would have been easy in ancient times before radio/tv/sonar/micro waves and the migrating away from natural habitats.

It is my belief that 99.99% of the modern civilization that live according to the ways they were educated will never live in accordance with nature. A few will live better than the average, but most will be scammed into buying junk products that will only hasten their ill health by introducing more and more metals into their systems.

Dr. John R. Christopher and Dr. Mom as well as hundreds of herbalist, dieticians, naturopaths, as well as some nurses and M.D.s have written many hundreds even thousands of books on the use of herbs and herbs work well, but the root causes such as diet and toxins can never be overcome with herbs or drugs. The best herbs kill parasites and aid in removing the food one eats, so many years ago medical doctors wrote, the best way to avoid disease is to not put it in your mouth.

I have the herbs of my choice listed elsewhere and all in the method that this newsletter has been leading towards! On the subject of the air-fueled furnace known as the human body, I have made an experimental method based on many, many books I have read and my own experiences with herbs over the years. It combines the handed down information of so many! Rarely have I read a book that I did not gain something. I have always felt these authors all had a piece of the puzzle and my hobby has been to piece the pieces together the best I can and record what I can, so maybe 100 years from now another can keep on investigating.

I do not believe anyone on earth has conceived anything close to this method before, I have never read of anything that compares, it is based on the following;

The body is of the earth, therefore if it lacks the balance of these earth minerals a deficiency results as a disease. This has been well exposed in the raising of farm animals. Correct the deficiency and correct the health. Man being civilized, fits the laws of a captive animal.

GOAL 1: Provide the liver/body with a large selection of plant/earth source minerals to choose from daily.

The human body is made of the air they breathe and the stronger the circulation the stronger the connection of the Spirit that dwells within and animates the body.

Goal 2: Use herbs that aid in circulation and the keeping of the blood from thickening.

The human body is made for playing. Work is a learned habit and wears the body out. Habits of possessions make slaves to the possessions and much work is done to achieve such goals. An ideal body has good circulation, movement and play is a must.

Goal 3: Use herbs known to supply chemicals for energy and aid the lungs in expelling accumulated mucus. Light the fire, shake out the ash and stoke the furnace to create a bright glowing light from within.

With the act of eating foods, one food leads to another and many commercial foods have addicting hidden chemicals, etc. One food group that is left out is plant fats. The lack of plant fats allows the liver to fill up with gallstones, the arteries to clog and the brain to wither, among other things.

Goal 4: Supply a selection of plant fats.

All disease and health issues have one common problem; they all started with constipation. For every meal eaten the bowels must move. The goal being one or more bowel movements per meal eaten. Ideally what was eaten the day before should be expelled before noon the next day.

Goal 5: Supply herbs with a long track record of keeping constipation under control and that aid with over eating.

The abused human body makes an attractive dinner for parasites.

Goal 6: Supply herbs that are well known to aid in control of the animal type parasites and bacteria/viruses.

The human brain must understand, accept and then apply and learn from the experience. Everyone only believes when proven by self-experience! To take herbs or anything with out learning and accepting first leads to failure.

Goal 7: Provide education for those they wish to learn.

The above can be done successfully with one herb formula after another along with proper diet habits and eliminating of toxins in one’s life. Using herbs like this is similar to the manner as medicines in that you're manipulating the body to respond to the introduction of certain herbs, that in which Dr. John R. Christopher was a master at doing and teaches anyone in the school he started called The School of Natural Healing. His books also educates anyone who has the will to read and learn.

The more herbs are mixed together becomes what is known as a Shotgun approach, many of the older herbalist made such formulas in their later years. When you depend on the sale of many herbs for your living, many herbal stores will provide hundreds of products, with little education of their use. The shotgun approach, basically, supplies organic minerals that the body may be lacking and if the liver has the ability to make use of these herbal chemicals it will attempt to correct the deficiencies and restore health.

I believe in a good Shotgun approach that supplies the body its daily needs along with proper education in application.

I have taken everything I know of from my herbal collection and after 15 years of experimentation have the newest version. I would like to say it is finished, but as I learn, I change anytime I find something I believe in. Much of this formula has been perfected over the years and I believe strongly in these herbs and the methods.

This method is dose related based on the idea that if it is not working well enough, take more! These suggestions are in general, everyone will decide their own doses according to the way they feel as they understand to listen to their body.


Spice 4 Life : (Shake first) - 1 tablespoon in an 8oz or larger glass of pure water or preferred liquid (room temperature is best) after each meal. Those with an illness take 2 tablespoons and 2 glasses after each meal. Those with a very serious illness take 3 tablespoons and 3 glasses after each meal.

LBB 4 Life: 1-3 after each meal or as needed to obtain 1 bowel movement for each meal eaten.

Plant Fats 4 Life: 1 tablespoon at bedtime on empty stomach, chew well as you swallow it. Those with nerve issues may take 3 tablespoons daily.

The above method has no other requirements. This method is designed to supple that which the diet is lacking and to stoke up the fire and keep the circulation flowing. I supplied a little information prior to explaining a few things and as one gets better. It is the hope of this author that you will seek to learn about the things that effect the human body and cause loss of circulation and the goals of removing these from your life one by one will greatly be rewarded with better and better health.

This method has its roots in an Amish healer’s protocol that was started 26 years ago. It allows the diet to stay the same as the person is use to “ONLY” because the person refused to change any bad habits and refused normal herbal and natural methods. The original person survived even better than the Amish healer could have believed and he also used it on many cases with good results to all those that followed his protocol. His rule was to take the main product (Spice 4 life) after EVERY MEAL 4 life. This is not a herbal medicine you only take when your already sick, this is a method to kindle the fire within and keep it burning as bright as possible while the person maintains the habits that made them ill.

Next Option:

Do the above instructions as a “FAST” Take the Spice 4 Life 1 teaspoon every hour in an 8 ounce glass that has the juice of 1 fresh orange and then fill with water and drink with 1 capsule LBB 4 life starting in the morning and approx. every hour for 8 total glasses. Take 1 tablespoon of the Plant Fats 4 Life at bedtime, (can be taken up to 3 tablespoons in a day as an aid to curb appetite during a “fast”.)

14 day Fast: Very Good, multiplies the red blood cell 5X.

21 day Fast: Excellent! Was medically written to say the body will have built a brand new heart in 21 days.

40 day Fast: The best, even the skin will be new.

Break the Fast with a mono raw diet of fruits/berries/nuts for best results, chew well and consume approx. ½ gallon of pure juice or water daily for best results.

Next Option: 3 or more days into the “FAST” the optional Russian Silver Bullet can be taken. Repeat use 3X or as needed.

Next Option: Every day do at least 1 proper sitz bath. Sweat for an hour in a hot bath or similar method, then get out of water and apply 50-55 degree water for 15 minutes to the sex organs and anus and allow to run off with out touching the legs. If needed do this 3X daily, it is one of the most powerful methods to restore the nerves and remove accumulated mucus.

The options are unlimited. The design was for lifetime use, as the person regained their health over the years the dose was reduced from 3 tablespoons after each meal to 1-2 teaspoon after each meal, but at no time does the original method suggest to ever stop taking the product. “ONLY” when a person corrects all the past problems and has restored their health completely, do I suggest they take no herbs.


The “BAREFOOT” Herbalist

MH's Curezone Forum:

Ask Barefoot Herbalist

MH's Website:

The School of Self-Applied Prevention

Jody's Store for Barefoot's Herbs and Formulas:




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