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Herbs: Not Magic Bullets or Medicine
plzchuckle Views: 21,223
Published: 13 y
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Herbs: Not Magic Bullets or Medicine

I still find it interesting that the Jimmy Videos on the curezone library demonstrate that of the people that watched the first of 4 videos; over 50% didn't waste their time past the first video.

Maybe seminars are too outdated and a thing of the past. If its not about sex and being crazy, many people get borred. Too much like church and puts them to sleep.

I am still waiting on a date for the Amish Healer seminar, with 4 seats left I would rather have 6 with interest that would stay awake than have 10 and find 4 fail asleep!!!

As much as we would like to think that Herbs are making a come back, I think the reality is the opposite, people today know less about herbs and spend more time looking for the ultimate drug and if they are looking for herbs, its only for a replacement for their drugs that aren't working.

I will take a guess and estimate 60% searching for herbs gives some commercial product a fair chance by buying a bottle or two before they discover they have little to no effect on their daily diet/habits in life. The ultimate goal to find a cheap product that prolongs life and has no restrictions on diet/habit. Thus the fountain of youth has never been for sale in a bottle.


MH's Curezone Forum:

Ask Barefoot Herbalist

MH's Website:

The School of Self-Applied Prevention

Jody's Store for Barefoot's Herbs and Formulas:




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