Trevor's past 2 weeks!
Two weeks ago he high dives off a chair and messes his left shoulder and forarm up, it hangs lifeless for 2 days, 3rd day he was about normal and by day 5 back to normal via BF&C syrup and 50% Calcium Balance syrup.
2 days ago he eats a cup full of Sam's Wholesale dark grapes and they never digest, the stomach and body rejects them and by evening he is expelling in all directions at a rapid rate. Grapes being one of the toxic commercial fruits have never bothered him, till this batch. He goes high fever and off food for 2 days. He gets Red Raspberry Tea, then KIDS BE WELL first, then Maximum Restore and sleeps mostly for 48 hours with a high fever.Tonight on Slippery Elm Gruel and getting back to a normal toddle having fun in the tub.
Did he have a disease or did the grapes poison him? I have no idea, his fever was high, but how high? Don't know, don't care, the human body can not get too hot as long as fluids are being used properly, so use zero testing. Nature KNOWS what to do.
2 situations that 15 years ago we would have ran to the Hospital and got drugs. Today a 48 hour cure does well and tommorow a trip to his chiropractor to make sure all mended well and in the right places. Cost of cures well under $10 for both and his chiropractor treatments are free until he is 13 years old.
"IF" a sickness last 3 days, then you bring out the heavy artillery, that rarely ever is needed. People who are sick for more than 3 days, need some education to set them free from drugs/metals/enslavement.
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