How going gluten-free can benefit your health
(NaturalNews) Gluten is found in many foods including rye, oats, wheat, malt and barley. While it has been found to cause mild allergic reactions in some
people, it can lead to full-blown Coeliac disease in others. Many people have found it beneficial to eliminate gluten from their diets, ranging from those
with ADHD to those with auto-immune disorders.
Gluten-free diets have also been shown to be beneficial to those suffering from thyroid disease, cystic fibrosis, multiple sclerosis, anemia, autism, and
irritable bowel syndrome. Eliminating gluten from the diet can also be of great benefit to those wishing to lose weight.
By eliminating gluten from your diet, it is also possible to increase your energy levels, lower bad cholesterol levels and even assist the body`s digestive
Gluten is found in almost all processed foods, often masked on labeling by names like shortening, natural flavouring, stabilizer agent and thickener. This
makes it very difficult, and if not almost impossible, to avoid entirely as it is even found in chemical medications, some vitamin supplements as a binding
agent and also in cosmetic products such as lipsticks, lip balms and chap sticks. Soy sauces and Mono-Sodium-Glutamat (Natrium Glutamat) can also contain hidden gluten.
Going gluten-free helps to eliminate symptoms such as diarrhoea, bloating and excessive gas. A gluten- free diet is also low in carbohydrates, therefore
making it very effective for those wanting to lose excess weight. It has also been shown to reduce or even eliminate the symptoms of dermatitis
herpetiformis, which is a skin ailment that causes itchy blistering. Gluten has also been shown to compromise the immune system in some individuals.
By eliminating products from the diet that contain gluten, you may find yourself instead consuming more fresh, whole and organic foods. This in itself will
be greatly beneficial to your overall health, as it will mean that your chances of consuming processed foods will be virtually eliminated. Another benefit
to going gluten-free is that your Sugar and fat intake is drastically reduced.
One of the best ways to avoid gluten completely is to prepare meals from scratch. Ensure that utensils that are used to prepare them are kept and used
entirely separately from those used to prepare foods that contain gluten.
About the author
Shona Botes blogs about green living, budgeting, saving money, natural remedies and humour (which is often combined with the abovementioned topics). Her
spare time is spent tending to her organic herb garden, cycling and engaging in photography.
Her blog may be viewed here
Some of her photography work may be viewed here
Other articles written by her may be viewed here
How going gluten-free can benefit your health
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