The Benefits of the Pomegranate
If you haven't jumped on the pomegranate bandwagon yet, you might want to reconsider. A new study has found that a substance in pomegranates can slow or
even stop the growth of Breast Cancer tumors. The study, just published in Cancer Prevention Research, found 10 phytochemicals in pomegranates that seem to
inhibit the growth of estrogen-responsive breast tumors.
The phytochemicals, called ellagitannins, work by blocking an enzyme called aromatase, which feeds estrogen and plays a key role in breast tumor growth.
The ellagitannin called urolithin B had the strongest inhibitory effect.
Different fruits have different mixes of ellagitannins, with each mix providing a different emphasis of benefits. Whereas the mix of ellagitannins in red
raspberries appears particularly well suited in combating colon cancer, it now appears that pomegranates provide special benefits when dealing with breast
cancer. The study also confirms that the health benefits in pomegranates and raspberries are in the ellagitanins, not the ellagic acid as offered by some
supplement manufacturers.
The researchers didn't expect to find the pomegranate derivatives to be as effective as they were. "We were surprised by our findings," Dr. Chen said. "We
previously found other fruits, such as grapes, to be capable of the inhibition of aromatase. But phytochemicals in pomegranates and in grapes are
The fact is, supplementing with antioxidant-rich pomegranate couldn't hurt, at worst. The scientists think the compounds in pomegranates may play a role in
regulating estrogen levels and regulating menstrual and menopausal symptoms. This means that pomegranate might help reduce cramping, mood swings, hot
flashes, and so on. And then there are all the other benefits associated with the fruit -- and there are plenty of those.
What's more, its benefits aren't limited to slowing breast cancer. Several studies have found pomegranate useful in combating prostate cancer. Research out
of Stanford University completed this past August found that men with prostate cancer who drank a glass of pomegranate juice daily had far slower cancer
cell proliferation than those who didn't drink the juice. The researchers followed 48 men over a five year period, and those who drank the juice took four
times as long for their PSA test markers to double compared to the non-juice drinkers. Studies also have found that pomegranate juice may prevent skin and
lung cancer.
Other conditions that show improvement after consuming pomegranate include ED, arthritis, dental plaque, and diarrhea. Plus, pomegranate juice is
antibacterial and antiviral.
To enjoy pomegranate's benefits, you can drink pomegranate juice (but make sure it isn't sweetened, and raw chilled juice is best -- not so much
pasteurized), take pomegranate extract supplements, peel the fruit and eat it, or take it as part of a superfood formula.
For more about this study or the other benefits of this superfruit,
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