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Hepatic System, The

Herbal Colonic Program
Cleanse your entire digestive system.

Herbal Colonic Program
Cleanse your entire digestive system.

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Hepatic System, The

-by Kal Sellers, MH

Actually, this newsletter has NO business being restricted to the issue of cancer. Every chronic or degenerative disease, defined or undefined by conventional medicine is impacted by the data herein. Furthermore, many acute diseases and daily irritations are affected to the extreme by healing this system. The value of it is difficult to overstate.

Here are a couple things that this article could be about if it were not titled for Cancer:

1. Getting the miraculous value from herbs that the natural healers got 50 years ago, including healing

every and any disease, regrowing hair, correcting scoliosis, healing MS, regrowing teeth,

regenerating every organ, healing every infection, regenerating bone, healing shattered bones

completely like new, dissolving cysts and tumors, regenerating eyes and vision, etc. The block to

these processes very well could be the liver. I believe that the liver IS THE blockage to these

miracles, on a physiological level.

2. Changing behavior patterns where a person is stuck. Much has been said and done about self-

sabotaging patterns (and in some cases patterns that sabotage others) today, but at the

physiological level, this inability to convert what one wants to do and be into actual reality is a

blockage in the liver that stops the completion of energy down certain pathways. We may not have

much of a fix on this in chemical physiology today, but the Chinese understood the connection very

well and practiced medicine around it for thousands of years. Anger, inability to understand, hear,

see, connect, complete, etc…these are all partly or wholly functions of the liver. A person who is

constantly unfulfilled is actually blocked somehow. This discussion could go into psychosomatic

problems, blocked emotions and Dianetics, but at a physiological level, this is a liver problem.

3. Skin problems and chronic infection could be the whole subject here just as easily. The liver is

directly involved, as should become obvious as we go along. The liver manages all such things and

when it is blocked in any way, various parts of the body become unmanageable. Perhaps the

discussion about cancer below will help illustrate this fact.

Since the article is about cancer, let us just make a couple remarks about cancer before we get started. Cancer is a natural process that happens several hundred times per day. Cells that are damaged but still young are “switched” into a self-destructive mode where growth occurs abnormally until there is enough blood supply to the area for the white blood cells to come in, clean it up, remove it and take it, via the blood and lymph, to the liver for processing and elimination. This is a natural process that is no threat whatsoever to a healthy person.

Some modern fear-based medicine philosophers have postulated that the body just fails somehow or is out of control or is confused. Let me go on record: “The body is never confused and absolutely never fails to do the very best thing to preserve itself right up until the moment of death!” To this there is no recourse by any sentient being. It is the only axiom that explains precisely the actions of the body.

When cancer appears, it is because the liver is so stopped (sometimes due to stress, fear or loss) that it cannot process safely those cancer cells. The liver turns off the mechanism to destroy and carry off cancer and keeps the cancer growing in hopes that it will get a chance to be cleared and then it can continue its work and heal the body. Given the proper conditions, it can and will. Actually, for a limited time, cancer will absorb vast amounts of toxicity; because of this, it helps relieve the load on the liver temporarily. In addition, if the liver is totally cleansed and healed, the body will be healthier after than before.

It is a blocked, weakened, plugged liver that allows cancer to get out of control. The emotional aspect is still being explored, but we can be sure that whatever the emotional aspect is, the growth of cancer is still the liver’s best possible response to the conditions created by that emotional aspect. Understand, cancer will grow every day of life without variation no matter what. The reason it does not grow out of control is simply that the liver keeps receiving and processing the toxic and destroyed components of it each day. Then it crops up somewhere else and that location is cleaned up. The immune system will not, however, clean out and remove what the liver cannot handle.

This also can be applied to all types of infection (including candida).


Dr. Christopher once made this statement: “No one was ever a cancer patient who was not first a liver patient.”

There are several reasons for this that are known and no doubt many that are unknown. The liver is responsible for literally thousands of functions which are done trillions of times every day! The management of every cell, every process, every chemical, every communication, every aspect of elimination, every aspect of healing and repair, every aspect of digestion and assimilation, every aspect of immune performance, fat deposition, metabolism, etc, is either directly or indirectly managed by the liver. The liver is to the chemical systems and physical tissues of the body as the brain is to the nervous system of the body. The heart is important, but it is really mostly a pump. The liver actually manages everything.

There is no varicose vein, no cyst, no scar tissue, no emotional pattern, no chemical or hormonal imbalance, no metabolism or elimination issue, which cannot be directly traced to the involvement of the liver. Even in places where operations seem to work independent of the liver (renal function, for example) the liver is very much involved. We can trace hormone regulation to the liver, including those that affect the kidneys. We can also see that many items to be eliminated by the kidneys are first converted in the liver to manageable wastes. Further, if we open a door and peek into Chinese medicine, we discover that the heat for every operation in the human body is sourced to the liver. It represents the element called wood (representing growing plant life) and is involved with growth and fuel for heat. It picks up excess water in the system and converts it to healthy growth. It is the culmination of the five elements into the source of life for all animals on earth…plants.

So we see that no behavior and no cellular activity can be separated from the liver. We could say this of other systems too, but the liver is really the hub of all the other systems. It is the manager of everything and the source of life energy for everything. It disseminates to other systems.

One other system that relates to all other systems intensely is the bowel. The bowel works differently, though, as it works like a relay or breaker system for all the other systems and organs. This relay system comes from early fetal development and every other organ and system (almost) develops with connection to the bowel. So the bowel is as intensively integrated as the liver, but in a very different way. The liver is also manager over the cells of the bowel.

Still, the liver dumps into the bowel and the importance of this relationship cannot be overstated when doing liver cleansing. The bowel must be kept open the whole time. By this, we usually mean that the individual takes colon hydrotherapy or cathartic herbs (or both) sufficient to produce copious bowel movements…hopefully 3-5 easy ones every day.

In other words, you get the bowel moving with bowel herbs and/or colonics and then you start your liver herbs or liver program. In this newsletter, I will give you a formula that will effectively keep the liver and the bowel moving. I will also give you an intensive liver and gall bladder stone flush that is the best I have found so far.

In order to keep the liver healthy, both diet and cleansing must be considered. In addition to this, some people will need liver strength, liver heat, liver cooling agents, liver stimulation and perhaps other liver aids to be used with cleansing. We have seen a number of times that Liver Cleansing will sometimes be ineffective if the liver is too weak or too out of balance to do the cleanse properly. In these cases, we use herbal formulas that will help in the specified way. These will be taken for several weeks before intensive Liver Cleansing is undertaken again. Cleansing must be done, but sometimes help is needed for stability first.

So, in the following lines I will provide several formula options and the activities they are designed to support.

1. Liver Strength: This formula has been given elsewhere and under other names. This is a variation

of those formulas and is simplified. It is not better or worse, different people will find value in

slightly different formulas. This is just the most recent, simplified version I have.

a. Dr. Christopher’s Original Formulas Vitalerbs (I purchase this in the bulk—meaning one pound

powdered—(on line from ) Use 3 parts of this mix

b. Milk thistle seed powder—2 parts

c. Ginger root powder—2 parts

d. Turmeric root powder—2 parts

e. Ashwaganda powder—1 part

f. Licorice root—1/2-1 part (use one if there is known adrenal fatigue, stress or chronic fatigue)

You will notice a few changes if you have seen the other formulas. This formula works a little better

for raw strength for the liver. The ginger helps the turmeric work and the ashwaganda is great for

those whose condition is very weak.

This formula should be taken two times daily in water. I recommend 1-3 tablespoons based on your

size and metabolism (if you eat more, take more). I just stir it into water and drink it down.

2. Liver cleanser on the move: This formula is a replacement for Dr. Christopher’s Liver Gall

Bladder Formula, which also works good, but is not so designed for bowel and stones also. It is

made up as tea. Unless otherwise specified, all teas are made with one teaspoon of herb to one cup

of water, either distilled or Enagic Kangan water.

a. 3 parts Senna leaf/pods

b. 2 parts buckthorn root

c. 1 part comfrey root

d. 1 part ginger root

e. 3 parts peppermint

f. 2 parts catnip

g. 2 parts sarsaparilla or yucca stalk or root

h. 2 parts Oregon grape root

i. 1 part cloves

j. 1 part cardamom pods

k. 1 part licorice root

l. whole stevia leaf powder to taste

This formula is very carminative (increases digestive secretions) and should be drunk one cupful

warm before each meal. Increase dosage until a very strong bowel action results. If this does not

result, then look for a much stronger formula, such as Dr. Richard Schulze ’s Intestinal Formula #1 (1-

800-herb-doc to order his formulae).

3. Liver Cooler: for people with “hot” conditions of sweating or anger or any other overly hot

condition, this formula will give some relief. However, a hot liver is a constipated liver and the stone

cleanse is even more important than this formula.

a. Dandelion root—1 part

b. Oregon Grape root—1 part

c. Ginger root—2 parts (yeah, I know it is warming, but it is also diffusive, so that it actually helps

to diffuse excess heat from the core)

d. Burdock root—1 part

e. Comfrey root—1 part

f. Peppermint—2 parts

Purchase powdered and encapsulate or stir into water or make tea as is your preference. Drink 2

cups of tea per day (night and morning) or take 4 capsules 2x daily.

4. The Stone Flush: This flush is a significant upgrade from my previous formula, which still is the best

I have yet encountered in print. This flush, though, is simpler and more powerful yet and has

produced thousands of stones in the toilet in a single flush. On this note, a recent and very well

written book by Andreas Moritz is available and highly recommended by me to read if you want to

understand the liver and gall bladder and cleansing it and how it will affect every system.
Click here

if you wish to purchase.

He may make you feel a little like he thinks the liver is the answer to everything, and the way he

does it can feel a little overboard, but if you actually understand the liver’s involvement in every

tissue and system, then it is easy to grasp how he may be right. I have personally witnessed several

of the benefits he speaks about and I have good reason to believe that all of them are very probably

available if the individual gets the liver and diet healthy enough.

To wrap it up shortly, let me just say that every complaint has a chance of being helped by a liver

flush. Many symptoms will not go away until the overwhelming majority of stones are purged out. Mr.

Moritz recommends 8-10 flushes as a baseline, but that no one should stop until after they do the

flush correctly two consecutive times with no stones whatsoever. He also says (and other experts I

read agree) that if you want to overcome allergies or multiple chemical sensitivity disorder or

cancer or Arthritis or any serious disease, you have to get upwards of 2500 stones minimum. This

really will happen and people really do have this many or more stones blocking the liver up. It is a

shock to see how bad it really is in most Americans…even children! You may not count every one,

but do get a pretty good idea about every toilet bowel full so that you have an idea of how you are

doing. The following flush is a variation from Mr. Moritz’s and it is what I have found to be the

absolute most basic for the absolute greatest yield and effect. I used his a couple times also. I invite

you to try it both ways and see which works better for you. Here is my program:

a. Stop all food at 12:00 noon.

b. Stop all drinks (herbal teas, juices, water) by 2:00 pm

c. At 6:00 pm drink ½ of the Epsom Salts Drink (recipe below)

d. At 7:00 pm drink the rest of the Epsom Salts Drink

e. At 8:00 pm drink the flush drink (recipe below) and go immediately to bed. Before drinking this,

you may want to void your bowels one last time so that you can stay in bed when you lay down.

f. While laying in bed, rub castor oil well into the liver area (just below and on the right ribcage at

the bottom, from the midline of the side around to the midline of the breastbone). As you

massage, try to imagine pushing that castor oil up into the liver from below and through the ribs

into it from the outside. Follow up with some healthyish deep heating balm like Professor

Cayenne’s deep heating ointment or Boswellin Cream or Tiger Balm.

g. When finished and the oil is well rubbed in, put shirt down or cloth over it and brush with

medium pressure over the same area imagining that you are brushing stones from the top of the

liver (just below the breast crease) down to the bottom where they can go out of the liver

appropriately. While doing this, breath very deeply to set off the “lymph geyser.” Keep this up

for ten to fifteen minutes. This will activate lymph movement here.

h. The best time to do this cleanse (and any cleanse, really) is when you are feeling very poorly,

headachy, sick, sore, painful or otherwise miserable, sad or lonely. This will come at a cllmax of

the liver and at these moments miracle cleanses happen.

i. Epsom Salts Drink: Totally dissolve 3 Tablespoons of Epsom Salts into 3 cups of

Enagic Kangan water or distilled water

ii. Flush Drink: Wash, cut and juice (or just scoop out the pulp) 2 large grapefruit (pink or yellow

will work). Put in blender. Add ¾ cup of organic extra virgin olive oil. Add 3 heaping

Tablespoons of Extra-Virgin Coconut oil. Add 40 drops of Wintergreen oil (no substitutes will

work here. It kills parasites. I always get questions because all the bottles say not for internal

use, but I have a long and complete answer to this, which would eventually arrive at the

conclusion that in this dosage it is absolutely nothing to worry about at all…unless you are a

parasite (none of my readers, I am sure)). Blend up well.

-----Since originally posting this, I have gotten constant concerns about the wintergreen oil.

After honest and fair research, I find this concern unwarranted, especially by anyone willing

to use OTC NSAIDs, take cough syrup or drink alcohol...all of which are far more dangerous.

Still, since it is such a stumbling block to some, I can also recommend as an alternative

Green Black-Walnut Hull Tincture, one half teaspoon in water before starting the epsom


I have not found Mr. Moritz’s use of apple juice leading up to the cleanse to be necessary. In any event,

the only stones that theoretically should be affected would be those that are calcified, which only happens in

the gall bladder. liver stones do not calcify according to current understanding. liver stones are the most

important for overall healing, according to current understanding.

Note #2: Occasionally, individuals get feeling nauseous after the epsom salts. In this case, they can drink

some ginger tea or take some lemon juice, or both. A little warm water with fresh lemon juice and ginger

powder will work well and may assist in the whole process. It is important that they do not drink very much,

though, as this will reduce the effect of the cleanse.

Note #3: Just before this last proofing of this program, a client of mine did this cleanse and had success for

the first time (she had done two other such cleanses), but she made this comment that may be useful. She

said that the next day after the cleanse, she started feeling “blocked” [in the upper right quadrant where the

liver ducts are] and took another dose of Epsom salts in water. She did this about 11a.m. She immediately

felt that area start moving and then shortly she flushed out many, many stones! She felt that this might be

useful for others who got this feeling and needed to dilate the ducts and free this flow of stones.

Diet: Any discussion of any healing system would be very deficient without a discussion of prevention and future maintenance. I will give the most fundamental dietary program I can:

1. If you cannot recognize it, do not eat it. If you cannot pronounce it, do not eat it. If you do not know

what the word in the ingredient list is…I mean really know, do not eat it.

2. Avoid all dairy and wheat products unless sprouted. This includes white and wheat flour, pastas,

breads, rolls, wraps, etc.

3. Eat lots of raw vegetables. If you are not used to it or if you lack teeth, learn to make green

smoothies or juice your vegetables. It is best to have fresh vegetable juice for your evening meal.

This will totally change your world. Go as far toward totally raw as you possibly can. Traci’s books

( ) will really help with the transition if you need help (note: we now have

copies of the School of Natural Healing Edition of Traci’s Transformational Health Principles with

the recipe book on CD in the back that, for a limited time, I am offering for $30 (normally $40 each)

each. If you want a copy, email me and I will send you a paypal button). You can develop an informed

decision about what is the best transitional state for you right now and you will have the recipes to

make it taste great.

4. Reduce the intake of animal products. More than one time per week will certainly cause liver

congestion/stone build up in most people.

5. Avoid refined sugars and starches.

6. Eat way less than you think you need. No one in our culture has any idea of what they really need.

Eating less always leads to better health if the food that is consumed is high quality and consumed

with gratitude. Find an improved dietary standard you can follow consistently and stick to it.

7. Eat lots of fresh, ripe, raw fruit. Have plenty of it. The only thing about fruit is, you gotta eat it alone

on an empty stomach or in totally green salads or it will backfire, ferment, create disease and cause

weakness. It will certainly make your liver worse if you abuse it. Eat plenty of it, but eat it according

to the rules.

8. Go to bed on or very near empty. Never sedate yourself to sleep with food or drink of any kind.

Thank you for reading this rather lengthy newsletter. I have been trying to shorten these to make them easier to manage, but this one is so important that I feel that the duration is appropriate to fully cover the basics. If you have questions, you are always welcome to email me and I will answer them as soon as I can.

Kal Sellers, MH


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