The small picture here is a surgically removed gallbladder, laying on a surgical cloth, that has been dissected showing an organ that is suppose to approximately 1 1/2" in length that is FULL of pea-green stones.
The large picture is to show those same pea-green kind of stones that were flushed from the gallbladder or liver. Notice the quarter on the plate.
Gallstones can be safely and painlessly flushed from the bilary system, when proper steps are taken.
This group is to educate "Barefooters" on those safe steps.
"Cleaning the liver bile ducts is the most powerful procedure that you can do to improve your body's health.
"But it should not be done before the parasite program, and for best results should follow the kidney cleanse." - Hulda Clark
From the personal experience of blogging with over a 1000 flushers over the last 3+ yrs, I'd would be so bold as to add beginning a Colon Cleanse to open the bowels for best elimination of toxins released during a flush! Reabsorbed toxins can make you feel like the devil!!