You have only one true method of recovery. Your body is full of vacinations/chemicals, plus all the normal crap we normal people breath. Flushing the liver is a must for along time to come for the fastest results. A proper orange juice fast will remove the worse of the chemicals in the entire body. The herb cilantro will open the brain and remove many of the really bad chemicals that were designed to stay their till your death.
There is no pill for these problems, your body and only your body can remove this problem. You start with having a dental free mouth and then cleansing the body and empowering it with proper habits of living. One cure cures all and your situation is no exception to the rule. Metals are killing us all, you just have alot more than most. I had 112 times more lead than the average person and removed it, it is just as bad as the rest of the deadly toxins that cause premature death.