Original Natural Healing: Herbs and Vitalism
(NaturalNews) Vitalism assumes the body is capable of healing itself and has an agenda and an intelligence and messing with it should be done with extreme caution, respect and reverence. Vitalists, therefore, always turn to nature for remedies and try to reconcile their approach with natural processes that already do, or naturally would exist.
If vitalism is yin, there is a yang opposite.
Mechanism (aka atomism) assumes the body is just layers of regulation that somehow work together as a consequence of measurable phenomenon like proteins, atoms, electricity, chemistry and physics. To manipulate that body with drugs, surgery, chemicals or even supplements is simply participating in what is already happening and is something to accept as a good foundation for medicine.
These assumptions form the creeds for two medical religions. Researchers must make a conscious choice about which assumption to believe when studying, observing and concluding in the scientific method. Both camps are rigorously recruiting and are disseminating propaganda and attempting to infiltrate governing organizations in an effort to smash out the other and create an uncontested monopoly. One is very idealistic, while the other is largely interested in money and elitism. Probably both camps are healthy parts of a divided yin and yang that can be brought together into a complete whole. Indeed, modern vitalists are (as is usually the case with the yin component of yin and yang) the first to embrace the thinking of the other.
Modern vitalists begin with the premise that the body heals itself and the primary goal in “healing” a condition is to remove obstruction, supply high quality food and create healthy habits that support natural healing processes. Modern vitalists also embrace elements from the mechanistic school of thought. They may, for example, read up on Dr. James Duke’s study of herbal chemistry to specifically manipulate the body when, for any reason, it needs extra help.
One unique thing about vitalists is that they reconcile their choices with nature. For example, a vitalist would not be fond of using refined vitamins and minerals because they do not exist in nature that way. However, if the vitalist can accept that the conditions a sick person has been exposed to are extreme and not found in nature, then the vitalist may accept that that person needs to use some refined vitamins and minerals to catch up. This would not be a vitalist’s first choice. First s/he would go to the juicer and juice something high in the needed nutrients, but if that failed, then any choice that can be reconciled to nature in some way, will be utilized.
Recently, the author took on a sick client who had been under extreme stress and had not eaten right for some time either. The client was on the brink of death. This person’s treatment began with an incurables program designed to save his life. This did take things to a manageable place, but even with all the organic juices and cleansing herbs, this person was still very sick. After extensive testing and tweaking, it was determined that under that degree of stress, this person’s liver could not manufacture sufficient quantities of vitamin A from beta carotene and could not convert EFA’s sufficiently fast.
The person was put on fish oil sourced vitamins and fatty acids already converted. The person was also put on a whole food multivitamin that had some refined vitamins added—most notably B vitamins for stress and zinc. This approach, though only utilized for a short time, made a substantial difference. This was all in addition to a far more natural program that supported health and healing and contact with nature. This approach is characteristic of how vitalism is used today. While the approach was not purely vitalistic, valid reasons existed for needing things not found in that form in nature.
Vitalistic healing, when done properly, is the most effective form of natural healing. It is complete, inclusive and respectful. It can also be very strong, indicating it has a yang side also. This is certainly the case when an incurables program is followed, as mentioned above, because life hangs in the balance.
Thanks for reading,
Kal Sellers, MH
About the author
Kal Sellers, MH is a lifelong student and practitioner of the natural healing arts.
Kal is a Master Herbalist, a Massage Therapist, Technician of the Rolf Method of Structural Integration, Iridologist, Mind-Body Medicine Practitioner, Mental Re-programmer, Life Coach, Natural Nutritionist, Reflexologist and more.
Kal is currently attending Life University in preparation for chiropractic school.
Kal currently operates and maintains www.KalsSchool.com an on-line school for natural healing and herbal medicine.
Kal also maintains www.BestFoodist.com as the website for the distribution of his and his wife's books on natural nutrition and companion recipe book (Traci's Transformational Kitchen Cookbook and Traci's Transformational Health Principles).
Kal and Traci have five children, the last three of which were delivered at home, the last by Kal. They live now in Powder Springs, GA where they maintain live classes on food and medicine for anyone choosing to master medical independence and life-long optimal health!
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Original Natural Healing: Herbs and Vitalism