Take 4.5 Grams of This Each Day to Prevent or Fight Asthma
Conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) may improve the airway hyper-reactivity in asthmatics, according to the results of a new study. A dose of 4.5 grams of CLA
each day produced significant reduction in airway hyper-responsiveness. It also had favorable effects on body weight.
CLA is a fatty acid, which is found in ruminant meat and dairy products. Average intake of CLA has fallen over the years due to changes in the Western
NutraIngredients reports:
"A significant body of Science supports the potential of the ingredient to enhance lean body mass and aid in body sculpting. The new study ... is
the first to report that the ingredient may also have benefits for overweight asthmatics."
Where there is some controversy, unfortunately, is what to do about this growing threat of asthma to your health.
Are Inhalers the Best Treatment for You?
The conventional asthma treatment typically consists of a non-steroidal bronchodilator – an anti-inflammatory agent that
you inhale. It causes the smooth muscle cells in your lungs to relax, which opens up your airways. If that doesn't t work,
the next level is typically an inhaled steroid, which is a very potent anti-inflammatory agent. The reason these aggressive
types of intervention are performed is because asthma is indeed a serious condition. It can be fatal, so you need to be
serious about treating it.
It is not that fast-acting inhalers ar without any benefits as they have no doubt saved the lives of asthma suffers during
acute attacks and do have an important role in managing this debilitating and chronic condition. But they should be used as
a last resort.
Because asthma is a disease involving allergic reactions and inflammation, a much better strategy for you is to
prevent asthma in the first place
through keeping inflammatory conditions in your body to an absolute minimum. Keeping inflammation in check includes
properly regulating your omega 3 to omega 6 ratios. One great omega 3 fatty acid I want you to think about including in
your healthy Diet is conjugated linoleic acid (CLA).
How CLA Helps Asthmatics
Asthmatics get asthma because they produce much higher levels of leukotrienes, which are fatty molecules of the immune
system and at least 1000 times more potent than histamine at causing bronchial constriction. These highly inflammatory
leukotrienes are produced when an enzyme known as 5-lipoxygenase (5-lipox) acts on a particular fat called arachidonic acid
(AA). Many of the inhaled drugs that treat your asthma work by reducing leukotrienes.
But there's a more natural way for you to fight leukotrienes.
CLA offers a whole host of healthy benefits that have been virtually eliminated from kitchens in America thanks to the rise
of corporate grain fed beef farms. The CLA found in grass fed beef can also:
You can support both your own health and the livelihood of the farmers out there who are trying to do things the right way,
by eating grass-fed beef and organic food. It is best to obtain your grass-fed beef locally as shipping costs can be very
high, but if your local grocery store doesn't carry grass-fed meats yet, check out the options at our Web store.
How to Prevent Asthma Naturally
Although asthma is a serious disease, safely treating your asthma is not a complicated affair. Here are some basic, simple
strategies that can help treat the root of your problem:
This is ideally obtained from exposing a significant amount of your skin -- not just your hands and face - to
appropriate amounts of sunlight.
I do recommend oral supplements if you don't have regular access to the sun or a safe tanning bed. But if you do, make
sure you
monitor your blood with an accurate test
. The one caution here in the US is to be certain your test is performed at a lab like Labcorp, that uses the gold
standard Diasorin test for checking vitamin D levels. If you get your levels to about 60 ng/ml, there's a strong
likelihood -- especially if you combine it with exercise and balancing out your omega 3 and omega 6 fats as described
below -- that you will not experience the symptoms of asthma anymore.
Increase your intake of animal-based omega 3 fats – I can't emphasize enough the importance of getting sufficient
amounts of high quality animal-based omega 3 fats in your diet. Because although I strongly believe we all need
plant-based omega 3 fats (and I consume some virtually every day myself, like hemp seed or flax seed), the difference
is that most of us do not possess the metabolic machinery to rapidly convert the ALA in these plants to the higher
order fats DHA and EPA, which are potent anti-inflammatories.
Reduce your intake of omega 6 fats
– In addition to adding omega 3 fats to your diet, you also want to
reduce the amount of omega 6 fats
you consume because the ratio between these two fats is very important.
If you use a lot of processed foods, the balance between omega 3 and omega 6 fats will become distorted, which can
cause the type of inflammation that leads to asthma.
Consider the hygiene hypothesis
– There's a tendency in our modern culture to be obsessive about cleanliness, especially in children. However, this may
not be as healthy as initially thought. It appears that being exposed to common bacterial and viral infections as a
child can be instrumental in providing the
stimulus to your immune system to prevent asthma naturally
is actually crucial as it helps to moderate your insulin levels. It increases your insulin receptor sensitivity, and as
a result your body produces less insulin, which tends to optimize it. Research has also shown that asthmatics who
exercise tend to show improvement in:
Maximum ventilation
Maximal oxygen uptake
Work capacity, and
Maximum heart rate
You can also use allergy testing to build up your immune system. My experience is that conventional testing does not work
very effectively and there is a fair amount of risk. A far better intradermal skin test would be
provocation neutralization testing
. The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) has a list of physicians
who are trained in this highly effective technique. If you follow these simple strategies mentioned above, you can
virtually eliminate your need for bronchodilators and steroid drugs.
Leheska, J.M., et. al. Effects of conventional and grass-feeding systems on the nutrient composition of beef. Journal of
animal science. 2008 Dec., v. 86, no. 12 American Society of Animal Science, p. 3575-3585.
Muchenje, V., K. Dzama, M. Chimonyo, P.E. Strydom, A. Hugo, and J.G. Raats. Some biochemical aspects pertaining to beef
eating quality and consumer health: A review. 2009 Journal of Food Chemistry 112:279-289.