By: Jon Barron
And now we are ready to conclude our series on the intestinal tract. Several months ago, we began at the top of the tract, in the mouth. We followed our meal step-by-step as it moved on down the esophagus into the stomach where initial digestion began. We then moved into the duodenum and the small intestine where digestion was completed and absorption took place. Now, in this newsletter, we turn to the large intestine, or colon, which absorbs any remaining water in the feces and transfers them to the rectum for excretion. As part of our exploration, we will also explore the various reflexes that move feces into and through the colon. And finally, we will conclude by examining the complicated anal sphincter muscle that controls passage through the anus and then discussing the physiology of defecation. Along the way, we will also explore those things that can go wrong in the colon -- from colon cancer to diverticular disease -- and the options you have to correct them.
Let's begin by looking at the anatomy of the colon, rectum, and anus.
The large intestine (aka the colon or large bowel) is the last part of the digestive system and has two primary functions:
Anatomically, the large intestine begins with an area called the cecum (caecum), which extends on up through the ascending colon, across the body through the transverse colon, then down towards the anus through the descending colon. It ends in an s-shaped "trap" area called the sigmoid colon, which leads to the rectum, and then on out through the anus. In total, it is about five feet (1.5 meters) in length. On average, it is about 2.5 inches wide, but generally starts much wider in the ascending colon and narrows by the time it reaches the sigmoid colon. The pH in the colon varies between 5.5 and 7 (slightly acidic to neutral).
Structurally, the walls of the colon are similar to the small intestine. All of the underlying layers are virtually identical. The serosa (outside covering), muscularis (layer of muscles that control peristalsis), and submucosa (connective tissue), are all the same. The mucosa, the actual surface on the inside of the large intestine, however, is different. Since nutrient absorption is not a factor, there are no villi. Instead, we find a smooth velvety surface with pits dropping deep into the mucosa. The pits are for absorbing water. Note: mucous is secreted by the mucosa to lubricate the colon, but enzymes are not secreted.
The ileocecal valve is actually a fold of muscle controlled mucosa located in the cecum between the small and large intestine that serves as the inlet valve of the colon. It acts as a one way valve to allow food wastes to flow from the small intestines into the first part of the colon, the cecum, but prevents waste in the colon from leaking back into the small intestine. It is the distension of the cecum, caused by the chyme entering from the small intestine that actually triggers the closing of the ileocecal valve. The ileocecal valve also has a second related function -- to prevent the contents of the ileum from passing into the cecum prematurely. Note: once chyme (food mixed with digestive juices) passes through the ileocecal valve and enters the cecum, it picks up a new name. It is now designated as fecal matter, and it is still fecal matter if it backs up through a malfunctioning ileocecal valve and reenters the small intestine.
The proper function of the ileocecal valve is to open and close upon demand. When this muscle sticks in the open position, it allows fecal matter back into the small intestine. Not healthy! When the muscle is stuck in the closed position, it causes constipation. The main causes of these two conditions are improper diet and stress; and either condition can seriously affect the body. Alcohol in particular can cause the valve to stick in the open position, resulting in the toxic feeling associated with hangovers.
Shaped like a pouch, the cecum (also spelled caecum) is where the colon begins. It sits on the right side of your body (left when viewed from the front as seen from an anatomy POV) and, as already mentioned, is connected to the small intestines through the ileocecal valve. Its sole function is to receive waste from the small intestine as it pours through the ileocecal valve.
Located below the ileocecal valve are the vermiform and retrocecal appendixes. The retrocecal appendix is located inside the cecum and rarely causes a problem. The vermiform ("wormlike add-on") is the familiar appendix that dangles from the cecum and can frequently become inflamed or infected and require surgery. Like the gallbladder, the medical community considers the appendix to be vestigial -- an evolutionary holdover primarily used by ruminants for hard to digest foods, particularly woody foods. The thinking is that in people, it's become less and less important over time -- shriveling to a wormlike vestigial organ that gets infected. However, thanks to surgeons who now save anyone with appendicitis, there's no evolutionary imperative for the appendix to disappear, so it continues. At least that's the medical thinking.
But as with the gallbladder, that thinking may be a misapprehension, and the vermiform appendix may not be as vestigial as is medically assumed. There is now evidence that the appendix may be of significant importance -- that it plays a powerful role in the functioning of the immune system and that it serves as a storage area for beneficial bacteria.
According to a paper published in the Journal of Evolutionary Biology, the appendix serves a dual function. First, it makes, trains, and directs white blood cells. Second, it serves as a type of warehouse or storage compartment for "good bacteria" that boost the immune system when help is required. According to the research, the appendix holds on to reserves of "good bacteria" so that when bad bacteria flourish or a nasty case of diarrhea reduces the colonies of good bacteria, the appendix can send in reinforcements. These bacteria may also influence white blood cells to clear up any infections in the gut. The studies cited in the paper clearly indicate that the appendix does indeed influence white cell function. So once again, it appears medical Science may have "vestigialized" an important functioning organ.
The three organs just discussed, the cecum, the ileocecal valve, and the appendix form what can be described as a traffic junction designed to control the flow of waste into the large intestine. Ideally, they should be cleared of waste on a continual basis -- daily at the very least.
This can most easily be achieved by using the squatting position when evacuating your bowels. (If you are not presently visiting a rural village in India where the toilet is a hole in the ground, you can always use a toilet footstool.)
In the squatting position, the left thigh supports the descending and sigmoid colons so as to minimize straining and help squeeze fecal matter on into the rectum for imminent evacuation. In addition, the squatting position helps relax the rectal muscles to facilitate evacuation. Meanwhile, the right thigh presses against the lower abdomen on the right side of the body, thereby "squeezing" the cecum to force waste upwards into the ascending colon and away from the appendix, ileocecal valve, and small intestines.
As a result of waste being pushed up out of the cecum, the appendix is kept free of waste and is unlikely to ever get infected. In addition, pressure from the right thigh also helps the ileocecal valve stay securely closed to guard against any leakage of waste into the small intestine. Finally, as the result of the reduced pressure required for evacuation, the squatting position is a highly effective treatment/preventative for hemorrhoids.
Once fecal matter arrives in the cecum, it begins its journey through the rest of the large intestine and on out of the body. The ascending colon, on the right side of the abdomen, is about 25 cm (10 inches) long in humans. It extends from the cecum straight up the right side of your abdominal cavity to just under the liver, where it makes a sharp right angle bend to the left (in what is known as the hepatic flexure) and becomes the transverse colon. The ascending colon receives fecal material as a liquid. The muscles of the colon then move the watery waste material forward and slowly begin the absorption of all excess water.
The transverse colon runs straight across the body from right to left, from the hepatic flexure to what is called the splenic flexure (the right angle bend on the left side of the body just below the spleen). As you may remember from our last newsletter, the transverse colon hangs off the stomach, attached to it by the greater omentum. It is about 18 inches long.
The transverse colon is unique among the other parts of the large intestine in one important way: it is mobile. The ascending, descending, and sigmoid colons are pretty much locked into place and do not move noticeably. Not so for the transverse colon. This becomes particularly important later in the newsletter when we talk about prolapsed colons. It should also be noted that colon cancer starts to become more frequent as we enter the transverse colon, with its incidence steadily increasing as we move further along the bowel, peaking when we reach the sigmoid colon and the rectum. One other note on the transverse colon: in some people who are not evacuating their bowels properly, it can become a major storage area for fecal matter. Again, this will be a factor when we talk about prolapsed colons.
The descending colon runs from the end of the transverse colon on the left side of the body, from the splenic flexure to the beginning of the sigmoid colon and is about 12 inches in length. The function of the descending colon in the digestive system is to store food that will be emptied into the rectum. It is also in the descending colon that stools start to become semi solid as they move on to the sigmoid colon.
The sigmoid colon is about 18 inches long and is S-shaped. In fact, sigmoid means S-shaped. It begins just after the descending colon and ends just before the rectum. Stools more or less complete their solidification in the sigmoid colon. Additionally, the walls of the sigmoid colon are muscular and contract to forcefully "move" stools into the rectum.
The rectum begins at the end of the sigmoid colon and is about four to six inches in length. It is defined by its powerful muscles and by the fact that it sits outside the peritoneal lining (the lining of the abdominal cavity). Essentially, the rectum serves as a holding area for fecal matter. Internally, the rectum contains little transverse folds that serve to keep the stool in place until you're ready to go to the bathroom. When you're ready, the stool enters the lower rectum, moves into the anal canal, and then passes through the anus on its way out. Stimulus of the rectum (giving you the urge to go to the bathroom) occurs both internally (which is an involuntary stimulus) and externally (which occurs when you voluntarily squeeze the muscles. Note: by the time they reach the rectum, feces are composed of water salts, desquamated (peeled off or shed) epithelial cells, bacterial decay products, and undigested food (fiber, etc.). Also, the rectum is an excellent absorber. It can be used to instill (insufflate) water, salts, medication, and/or herbs rapidly -- almost as fast as if administered intravenously.
The anus is the end of the trail. Its function is to control the expulsion of feces. The flow of fecal matter through the anus is controlled by the anal sphincter muscle.
The feces end up in the rectum via mass peristalsis. Receptors signal distension of the rectum to the brain. This is a conscious perception. The defecation reflex is initiated when parasympathetic (involuntary) stimulation from the spinal cord contracts the longitudinal rectal muscles. This causes pressure to increase in the rectum. Pressure is added to the rectum by voluntary contraction of the abdominal muscles. Parasympathetic stimulation (again involuntary) relaxes the internal sphincter of the anus. This increases the urge to defecate. Finally, the external sphincter is opened by voluntary relaxation, which allows the feces to pass out of the body. This can be postponed by voluntary contraction. This is useful since it allows us to wait for an appropriate time/place to go to the bathroom. However, continually postponing defecation begins to dull the evacuation response over time -- leading to chronic constipation. Then again, voluntary postponement can be overwhelmed by conditions such as diarrhea or long term weakening of the muscles. And finally, sphincter muscles weakened by age, disease, or trauma can cause incontinence (inability to hold feces in). Note: bulky, indigestible fiber acts like a "colonic broom" to move feces through the system more quickly, carrying fat, cholesterol, and carcinogens with it.
According to medical doctors, digestion time (from entering your mouth to passing through your anus) varies depending on the individual. For healthy adults, according to the Mayo Clinic, "It's usually between 24 and 72 hours. After you eat, it takes about six to eight hours for food to pass through your stomach and small intestine. Food then enters your large intestine (colon) for further digestion and absorption of water. Elimination of undigested food residue through the large intestine usually begins after 24 hours. Complete elimination from the body may take several days." That means that, medically speaking, constipation is defined as anything fewer than three bowel movements per week. Or conversely, that normal could be defined as slightly less than one bowel movement every other day.
Quite simply, that's nonsense. It's merely the average elimination time that most doctors see in their patients. But keep in mind, 99% of those patients are eating the standard, fast food, highly processed, low fiber, modern diet. That's neither healthy nor "normal." It's merely what most people do, and most people are unhealthy -- or rapidly moving in that direction. In fact, normal digestion/elimination time is about 24 hours. You literally should have one major bowel movement for every meal you had the day before. You should be passing the waste from yesterday's breakfast when you get up in the morning, or shortly after today's breakfast. Yesterday's lunch should pass around lunchtime and dinner around dinner time. Holding waste in the colon for longer periods of time is one of the single biggest factors in the onset on many major diseases -- not just the colon specific diseases we will discuss below.
Other than eating a healthy, high fiber, largely raw food diet, the single best thing you can do for your overall health and the health of your colon is a semi-annual colon cleanse. Any program designed to improve our health or to eliminate disease from our bodies must begin with intestinal cleansing and detoxification. It is the "sine qua non" of health (literally, "without which, there is not").
Look for a program that addresses all of the following aspects of intestinal health:
A minor digression before we continue! It probably would make sense to define a handful of surgical terms that you are likely to hear from your doctor if you ever have to visit her for any of the conditions below.
The most obvious place we see problems associated with not regularly evacuating the bowels is when it comes to colon cancer. Feces remain in the colon for a long time, and carcinogens in feces (which are concentrated to their maximum degree at that point) are currently assumed to explain the prevalence of colon cancer -- second only to lung cancer in the number of deaths it causes each year in the US.
Societies that eat high fiber, unprocessed diets (that move through the colon more quickly) have far lower incidences of colon cancer, diverticulitis, appendicitis, and coronary artery disease. That said, high fiber diets and proper elimination are not the only factors involved in colon cancer. You can still get colorectal cancer even if you do everything right. Genetics may play a role in up to 10% of colon cancers, for example. Exposure to toxins may also play a factor. Rancid fats in the diet (vegetarian included), too many Omega-6 fatty acids as found in most vegetable oils, and of course, a weakened immune system can all contribute to a higher risk of colon cancer. As always with issues of health, it's a question of odds…not guarantees.
A polyp is a projecting mass of overgrown tissue. It looks a lot like an inflated balloon, with the part you tie off attached to wherever it's growing from. Although it is not cancerous itself, virtually all colorectal cancer develops from polyps. When identified during a colonoscopy, polyps are snipped out on the spot thereby eliminating the risk of cancer…from that particular polyp. The same things that cause colon cancer are the things that cause polyps.
Ptosis is defined as the abnormal descent (prolapse) of the transverse colon in the abdominal cavity. It is usually associated with the downward displacement of other viscera. It is actually quite common, although the degree to which the transverse colon may prolapse can vary wildly -- from very mild to a full V shape, with the middle of the colon actually dropping down all the way to the pelvis. It also should be noted that it is rare for the transverse colon to prolapse by itself without being accompanied by the prolapse of other abdominal organs. In fact, the term now most commonly used to refer to the condition is enteroptosis (entero referring to the entire intestinal area), which reflects this multi-organ reality. The condition will place pressure on all of the organs under it -- uterus, ovaries, prostate, gonads, and bladder. It will exacerbate any tendency towards constipation and will decrease circulation to all of the organs in the lower half of the abdominal cavity. Also, the more pronounced the condition is, the more likely it is to produce a lower "belly bulge" that won't go away no matter how much weight you lose or scrawny the rest of your body becomes.
The condition is more common in women than men and, in fact, frequent pregnancy is sometimes hypothesized as a contributing factor. But the truth is that although many causes (congenital anomalies, weakness of abdominal muscles from lack of exercise, heavy lifting, etc.) are all suspected, no definitive cause has been found. But there can be no doubt that storing undefecated fecal matter in the transverse colon while awaiting the slow evacuation of the bowels cannot help. In some people, pounds of old fecal matter can be found in the transverse colon waiting a chance to exit the body. And considering that constipation is far more common in women than in men, this would also account for the prevalence of ptosis in women.
How do you treat a prolapsed colon? Actually, medical Science has little to offer in the way of help. Surgery is problematic and only rarely helpful. Instead, you need to rebuild your intestinal foundation so as to once again fully support the transverse colon. It is difficult to "fully" reverse a prolapsed colon once it has occurred, but it is possible to "mostly" reverse it -- at least to the point it is no longer visible and no longer noticeably impacts your overall health. Protocol includes:
More Americans are hospitalized for digestive diseases than for any other type of illness. In fact, digestive diseases cost the United States alone an estimated $91 billion annually in health care costs, lost work days and premature deaths. And the bottom line is that virtually every single American will suffer from some form of chronic digestive disorder if they live long enough -- and the rest of the world is following close behind.
Four years ago, I wrote a newsletter on Crohn's disease, IBS, and ulcerative colitis. The information and recommendations still apply today.
Diverticular disease represents one of the great conflicts between the alternative health community and the medical community. For several decades from the early 1900's to the 1940's, the alternative health community vehemently argued that the "modern" diet was creating outpouchings or herniations of the colon. The medical community's equally vehement response was that this was utter nonsense. After all, they argued, "We perform numerous autopsies and never see any evidence of it." And they called alternative health practitioners quacks. Nevertheless, starting in the 50's, they began to take possession of the problem and named it diverticulosis. And as is typical, they gave no acknowledgement to the members of the alternative health community such as John Harvey Kellogg, M.D., who identified the disease almost a half century before they did. Nor was there any acknowledgement that they had missed identifying the condition throughout almost a half century of autopsies -- something worth keeping in mind the next time you hear the medical community say that today's autopsies never provide any evidence of people retaining large amounts of old fecal matter in their colons.
Bragging rights aside, it is now understood by all concerned that many people have small pouches in the lining of their colon that bulge outward through weak spots. Each pouch is called a diverticulum. Multiple pouches are called diverticula. The condition of having diverticula is called diverticulosis. About 10 percent of Americans older than 40 have diverticulosis. About half of all people older than 60 have diverticulosis. The incidence of diverticulosis has increased dramatically from just 10 percent of the adult population over the age of 45 who had this disease in 1952 to an astounding "every person will have many" diverticula, if they live long enough, according to the 1992 edition of the Merck Manual. We've certainly come a long way since the medical community's denial of the first half century.
Back in September when we started this series on the digestive tract, I announced that as we proceeded, we would be comparing the digestive systems of humans to other animals to see what conclusions could be drawn as to what diet we should eat. And we have done that. We've compared teeth and seen that human teeth are nothing like the teeth of carnivores. We've compared stomachs and seen that once again, the human stomach is very different from that of carnivores and omnivores. In fact, when it comes to teeth and stomachs, humans most closely resemble animals that eat a diet that is mostly comprised of fresh fruit, vegetables, and nuts -- with, in some instances, a bit of raw meat thrown in for good measure.
Is this important?
Yes! The medical community bases its assumptions concerning the human digestive system on the "fact" that it is essentially designed as an omnivore system. But as I discussed in detail in Lessons from the Miracle Doctors (and so far in this series on the digestive tract), this is simply not supported by the evidence at hand. This distinction is not subtle…and not insignificant. Yes, the human body has an amazing ability to adapt to any diet we throw at it -- but not without consequences. And, in fact, many of the diseases we face today are the direct result of not understanding what our systems are designed to handle and the consequences we face as a result.
So, in this newsletter, we reach the last point of comparison: the length of the alimentary canal compared to the length of the body.
An examination of the carnivore intestinal tract reveals a short (relative to the length of their body) tract for fast transit of waste out of the body. The actual length of the carnivore bowel (small and large combined) is approximately 3--5 times the length of the body -- measured from mouth to anus -- a ratio less than half that found in humans. Fast transit of waste for carnivores is essential for two reasons. The faster the transit, the less opportunity for parasites to take hold. Also, meat tends to putrefy in the intestinal tract, so fast transit limits exposure to the byproducts of putrefaction.
As for the herbivore (cows, sheep, etc.) bowel, at 20--28 times the length of the body (from mouth to anus), it usually runs almost eight times longer than a carnivore's, since plant matter (unlike meat) is not prone to putrefaction, thus rendering quick elimination moot. Again, not much like us.
As for the bowel of the frugivore (gorilla, orangutan, chimpanzee, etc.), it runs about 10--12 times the length of the body from mouth to anus.
So which intestinal tract does the human alimentary canal most closely resemble? As we discussed in our Digestive System Overview, the entire system runs about 30 feet in length from mouth to the anus.
Let's total up the lengths we've identified so far:
That's 29 feet. Add in the mouth, stomach, and rectum and you have a total length of approximately 30 feet. Now compare that to the length of the body (mouth to anus). Why mouth to anus and not head to toe? Because when calculating the body length of four legged animals, we don't stretch out the legs and add them in. We measure from mouth to tail, and so, for a valid comparison, we need to do the same with humans. In any case, mouth to anus is about 2.5 to 3 feet. That gives you a ratio of 10-12 to one. Bingo! It's an absolute match to the frugivore intestinal tract.
So, are we restricted to fruits and nuts? No. In fact, the frugivores we most closely resemble, the wild chimpanzees, periodically eat live insects and raw meat. Among the great apes (the gorilla, the orangutan, the bonobo, and the chimpanzee) and ourselves, only humans and chimpanzees hunt and eat meat on a frequent basis. Nevertheless, chimpanzees are largely fruit eaters, and meat comprises only about 3 percent of their diet -- far less than is found in the typical Western diet.
Is a vegetarian diet automatically healthier? Not necessarily. Some people actually do better when they include small amounts of meat in their diet -- although, to be sure, a balanced vegetarian diet appears to offer some protection against cancer and heart disease. Other factors in our diet, however, affect our health to a much greater degree than whether or not we eat meat. The bottom line is that, ethical questions aside, eating small amounts of meat, chicken, or fish probably comes down mostly to a personal choice. If you choose to, you can include meat in your diet without any significant health problems -- with the following provisos:
We've covered the intestinal tract from mouth to anus over the last five plus months. Specifically, we've explored how we get food into the digestive tract, which organs support digestion, how nutrients are absorbed, and how we process and eliminate waste.
So what useful things have we learned?
It's important to chew food thoroughly so that it mixes completely with the amylase in your saliva.
And that's it. We've covered the anatomy and physiology of everything from your teeth to your bowel, plus the organs of digestion including the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. And even more importantly, along the way, we've explored the nature of diseases of the digestive tract (everything from hiatal hernia to acid reflux, from peptic ulcers to irritable bowel syndrome) and how to treat them naturally by working with your body, not against it.
For those of you who would like to review the previous parts of this series, check out:
(NaturalNews) If you want to experience your best health, an essential requirement is keeping your colorectal region clean and healthy. Keeping your colon and rectum clean and healthy provides a number of health benefits, the main ones being:
1. A lowered risk of developing colorectal cancer, the second or third leading type of cancer in most industrialized countries.
2. A lowered risk of experiencing irritable bowel syndrome, chronic constipation, and chronic diarrhea.
3. A lowered risk of developing hemorrhoids.
4. Less objectionable gas production.
5. More efficient absorption of water and minerals.
6. A feeling of lightness, comfort, and well-being in your abdominal region.
Your colon and rectum are collectively referred to as your large intestine, which is the last part of your digestive tract.
A Journey Through Your Large Intestine
After food passes through your stomach and small intestine, the remaining material, mostly waste products in liquid form, move on to the first part of your large intestine -- your colon.
Your colon is approximately 6 feet long and serves primarily to dehydrate liquid waste material.
Your colon begins at the lower right hand corner of your abdomen, where it is called your cecum. Attached to your cecum is a twisted, worm-shaped tube called your appendix.
From your cecum, your colon travels up the right side of your abdomen, where it is called your ascending colon. When it reaches your lower right ribs (just below your liver), it turns to travel across your abdomen to just below your lower left ribs; here, it's called your transverse colon.
Just below your lower left ribs, it makes another turn and travels down the left side of your abdomen -- this portion is called your descending colon.
Your colon then makes one last turn toward the middle of your abdomen, forming an "S" shaped segment that is called your sigmoid colon.
Your sigmoid colon empties waste materials into your rectum, which is like a storage pouch that holds onto your feces until contractions in your large intestine stimulate a bowel movement.
In order to understand how to keep your colorectal region clean and healthy, let's go over a few key details on how your large intestine works.
Large Intestine Physiology
Movement of Waste Material
After you eat a substantial meal, your stomach expands enough to trigger a reflex that causes a contractile wave (called a peristaltic wave) to travel through your small intestine and push any liquid waste material (chyme) that is sitting in the last part of your small intestine into your large intestine.
Once enough liquid waste material accumulates in your cecum (the first part of your large intestine), the waste material begins to move up your ascending colon.
Movement of waste material through your colon is facilitated by something called "haustral churning". Your colon is divided along its length into small pouches called haustra. When a haustrum is filled with substantial waste material, its muscular walls contract and push the waste material into the next haustrum. The contractile reflex that allows haustral churning is regulated by your enteric nervous system, which is a division of your autonomic nervous system.
On average, your colon experiences anywhere from about 3 to 12 moderate waves of contractions every minute. After every substantial meal, your colon experiences a much larger contractile wave, called "mass peristalsis". Mass peristalsis serves to push waste materials from your transverse colon all the way to your rectum. In most people, mass peristalsis occurs about three times a day.
Water and Nutrient Absorption
The mucosal lining of your large intestine is lined with tiny pits that open into long, tube-like intestinal glands; these glands are lined with specialized cells that absorb water, and other specialized cells (goblet cells) that release mucous into your large intestine to lubricate your stools and to protect the lining of your large intestine against acidic substances and noxious gases.
The specialized cells that absorb water from your waste materials are responsible for about 10 percent of the water that you absorb from the foods and beverages that you ingest; the remaining 90 percent is absorbed by cells that line your small intestine.
This 10 percent of water absorption in your large intestine amounts to anywhere between a pint and a quart of water in most people, and represents a significant portion of your body's daily intake of water. As water is absorbed from the waste material in your colon, so are some nutrients, mainly minerals like sodium and chloride.
It takes anywhere between 3 to 10 hours for your large intestine to absorb enough water from waste material to turn it into solid or partially solid stools. Your stools consist mainly of water, mucous, fiber, old cells from your intestinal lining, millions of microorganisms, and small amounts of inorganic salts.
When your rectal pouch is distended with enough feces to trigger a contractile reflex, your feces are pushed out through your anus. When you consciously contract your abdominal wall, your diaphragm moves downward and helps open up muscles that line your anal sphincter.
Your rectum is lined with three horizontal folds, called your rectal valves; these valves are what prevent stools from passing through your anal sphincter when you pass gas.
If you choose not to release stools when you experience an urge to do so, your reflex contractions may stop, in which case you likely won't have a significant bowel movement until the next mass peristalsis occurs.
Diarrhea and Constipation Explained
When waste material travels through your digestive tract too quickly for sufficient water absorption to occur, your stools will be runny and more frequent than normal.
Three main causes of diarrhea are:
* Undesirable microorganisms
* food intolerances (like lactose intolerance)
* Stress
In the first two cases listed above, it makes sense that your body would want things to move quickly through your system; your body doesn't want to spend time digesting foods that it cannot properly extract nutrients from or that are laced with disease-causing microbes.
Stress can cause transit time to shorten by messing with your enteric nervous system; please recall that your enteric nervous system controls the reflex contractions that mark "haustral churning". Your enteric nervous system is a part of your autonomic nervous system, and your autonomic nervous system regulates your physiological responses to emotional and physical stress.
When waste material travels through your colon more slowly than it should, so much water is sucked out of your waste material that your stools become hard.
Five main causes of constipation are:
* Eating sporadically, or eating meals that are too small to illicit mass peristalsis.
* Not going when you feel an urge to go
* Lack of a healthy intestinal lining that is capable of producing enough mucous to properly lubricate your stools (vitamin A deficiency is a potential cause of this situation)
* Insufficient intake of water, water-rich foods, and/or fiber-rich foods.
* Stress
Natural Ways to Keep Your Colorectal Region Clean and Healthy
Please note: A number of the following ways to keep your colon and rectum healthy are tied to preventing chronic constipation.
Chronic constipation is the single greatest cause of having an unclean and unhealthy colorectal region because over time, constipation causes your bowel walls to face excessive pressure -- pressure that is created by you straining to go and by your colon walls creating stronger contractions to help eliminate hard stools.
Excessive pressure on your colon walls can cause little pouches called diverticuli to form. Sometimes, small bits of waste material can get lodged in diverticuli.
Eat substantial meals; don't nibble on small amounts throughout the day
Each time you eat a substantial meal, you stimulate stretch receptors in your stomach that are responsible for triggering normal and mass peristaltic waves throughout your small and large intestines, ensuring regular movement of waste material through your colon and rectum.
Also, eating substantial meals allows significant "chunks" of waste materials to travel together through your colon, turn into well formed stools, and get eliminated from your body in an efficient manner.
Don't suppress the desire to go
If you regularly suppress the urge to have a bowel movement, waste materials spend more time than is optimal in your colon, causing excessive dehydration of waste materials and formation of hard stools.
Ensure adequate intake of water and/or water-rich foods
Water helps to move waste materials along, and is absorbed throughout the entire length of your colon. Insufficient water intake can cause stools to form far before waste materials reach your rectal pouch, which can cause constipation.
This doesn't necessarily mean that you need to drink several glasses of water per day. If you eat plenty of water-rich plant foods, then you can rely on your sense of thirst to dictate how much water to drink. For more guidance on this issue, please view:
Eat fiber-rich foods regularly
Fiber adds bulk to the boluses of waste material that travel through your large intestine, and this bulk is essential to your colon's ability to turn waste materials into well formed stools.
A diet that is rich in vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains ensures high fiber intake.
Ensure adequate vitamin D status
Adequate vitamin D status significantly lowers your risk of developing all types of cancer, including colorectal cancer.
When you aren't able to get regular exposure to sunlight, enough to tan without getting burned, look to ensure adequate vitamin D status by eating healthy foods that contain vitamin D, such as wild salmon and a high quality cod liver oil.
Ensure adequate vitamin A status
As mentioned above, glands that line the mucosal lining of your colon are responsible for releasing mucous that is needed to lubricate your feces; vitamin A is needed to maintain the health of these specialized cells that release mucous.
It's best to ensure adequate vitamin A status by eating healthy foods that contain vitamin A. For a list of healthy foods that are rich in vitamin A, view:
Ensure adequate intake of healthy fats
All of your cells, including those of your large intestine and nervous system, require a constant influx of undamaged fatty acids and cholesterol to remain fully functional. If you don't ensure adequate intake of healthy fats, your nervous system and the smooth muscles that surround your digestive passageway -- both of which are responsible for creating peristaltic waves throughout your digestive tract -- may deteriorate in function.
Also, intake of healthy fats is necessary for optimal absorption of fat-soluble vitamin A, which, as mentioned above, is critical to building and maintaining the mucosal lining of your colon.
Healthy foods that are rich in healthy fats include: avocados, organic eggs, olives, extra-virgin olive oil, coconut oil, coconuts, raw nuts, raw seeds, and cold-water fish.
Build and maintain large colonies of friendly bacteria in your digestive tract
Large populations of friendly bacteria can keep your digestive tract clean and healthy by:
* Promoting optimal digestion, thereby preventing build-up of toxic waste materials
* Taking up space and resources, thereby helping to prevent infection by harmful bacteria, fungi, and parasites
The easiest way to build and maintain healthy colonies of friendly bacteria in your digestive tract is to take a high quality probiotic.
Work at feeling emotionally balanced
As mentioned above, stress can interfere with your ability to clean your colon through its effect on your enteric nervous system. Most people who have come to me over the years with a chronic colon-related health issue have had significant emotional stress in their lives.
If you have a challenge with colon and rectal health, I encourage you to take a careful look at ways that you can more effectively manage emotional stress in your life.
Here's the bottom line on this topic: Your body is well designed to keep your colon and rectal regions clean and healthy. If you follow the steps outlined above, you can rest assured knowing that your lifestyle choices are minimizing your risk of having colon-related health issues.
About the author
Ben Kim is a chiropractor and acupuncturist who lives in Ontario, Canada with his wife and two sons. He provides information on how to experience your best health as you age at his website,
How to Keep Your Colon Clean and Healthy
The Ileo-Cecal valve is a small muscle located between the small and large intestine. Found only on the right side of the body, this one way check valve allows our food to pass into the large intestine for further processing. The proper function of this valve is to open and close upon demand. When this muscle sticks in the open position it causes a backwash from the large intestine into the small intestine, allowing fecal matter to be used in the making of blood. This has great consequences as the small intestine is where the process of creating the blood/fuel to feed the body begins. When this muscle is stuck closed, the process of eliminating waste will be hindered. Both of these conditions are very toxic and can cause a problem anywhere in the body there is blood.
These conditions are related to eating improper food and/or emotional stress and can seriously affect the performance of the whole body. Low blood/fuel can also cause the valve to lose its tension and stick, usually in the open position. This situation can be identified by the whining sound in the individual. The liver meridian travels directly over the IC valve, so excessive amounts of alcohol consumed will stress this valve causing it to stick open. The result is one of the main causes of hangovers.
Associated Conditions
Mood changes
Feeling a sense of separation
Being contrary
Tired all the time
Low energy
Dark circles under the eyes (indicator of toxicity)
Dragging feet
Expressing a temper
Main cause of the "flu"
Having an attitude
When valve is stuck open
Classic flu and common cold symptoms
Too frequent bowel movements
Runny stool
General muscle aches
Fever (body's attempt to cleanse itself using heat to force poisons to the surface of the skin)
Unclear thinking
Blurred vision
Inability to properly digest information received
When valve is stuck closed
Elimination problems
Inflammation of the appendix (a hollow organ that neutralizes toxins caused by this condition)
Inability to let go
Over-attachment, i.e., situations, persons, conditions
Technique for Correction
Use the same procedure to correct an open or closed valve.
At the area of the valve, (in two inches and down two inches from the top of the RIGHT hip), massage with medium pressure, in a rotary motion for five seconds. Then using a closed fist, briskly stimulate reflex area (right upper arm) for 10 seconds.
The correction may be performed as often as necessary.
What to expect when the valve is functioning properly
Connectedness will be felt
Positive disposition
More energy
Feeling happy
More quality sleep
Regular bowel movements
Elimination of muscle aches
More complete digestion
Clearer vision
More smiles
Introduction and getting food into the digestive tract
In this issue, we begin a series on the digestive system. Effectively, this system is a continuous tube from the mouth to the anus -- something you probably don't want to think about the next time you kiss someone. Over the course of the next half dozen or so newsletters, I'm going to walk you through the digestive system -- from the tip of your tongue to the outer edge of your rectum. We're going to cover the anatomy and physiology of everything from your teeth to your bowel, plus the organs of digestion including the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. All of this will help you understand the nature of diseases of the digestive tract (everything from hiatal hernia to acid reflux, from peptic ulcers to irritable bowel syndrome) and how to treat them naturally by working with your body, not against it.
Along the way, I'm going to be challenging a number of medical assumptions. How can that be? Aren't anatomy and physiology pretty much cut and dried? And the answer is: "Not necessarily." As it turns out, the body responds differently according to what you eat, how you eat it, and how that food is prepared. Virtually, all physiological assumptions used by the medical community are based on observation of people eating the typical high speed modern diet. Change the diet, and you change the physiology.
And in fact, these differences are critical. It has been said that we dig our graves one forkful at a time. By understanding exactly how our body processes what we eat and how what we eat affects those processes, we can change our health outcomes. Effectively, we can delay the digging of our graves for years. And maybe even more importantly, we can enjoy those years with a much higher level of health and vitality. I'm sorry, but people who tell me they are perfectly healthy because they are successfully "managing" their acid reflux and Crohn's disease with medications are not actually healthy. They are merely suppressing the symptoms of unhealth…temporarily.
Obviously, this is a huge topic and can't be covered in one newsletter. Effectively, I'm going to break the discussion into several pieces, including:
*Getting food into the digestive tract -- the mouth and esophagus
*The organs that support digestion -- the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas
*Absorbing nutrients -- the small intestine
*Processing and eliminating the waste -- the colon
Digestive system overview
Before we launch into the focus of today's newsletter, the mouth and esophagus, let's take a quick overview of the entire system.
The digestive system is also known as the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and the alimentary canal and covers everything from the digestive tract itself to the organs that support it. It is a continuous tube-like structure that develops outpouchings, which in turn evolve into those aforementioned attached digestive organs such as the pancreas, liver, and gallbladder. The entire system is about 40 feet in length from the mouth to the anus and is designed to transport food and water, modify it, and make it suitable for absorption and excretion. There are storage sites, excretion sites, and detoxifying sites along the way. And, according to the medical community, it has six primary functions.
1. Ingesting food.
2. Preparing food for digestion by physically grinding it and breaking it down into small pieces and unwinding
proteins so they can be separated into their component amino acids.
3. Actually breaking the food into molecular pieces that your body can use as nourishment.
4. Transporting the food during its various stages of breakdown along the digestive tract in a
measured, "manageable" flow.
5. Absorbing the nutrients into the body. Absorption is the movement of broken-down nutrients across the
digestive tract wall and into the bloodstream for use by the cells of the body. Only water and alcohol are
absorbed through the mucosa of the stomach – and only in special circumstances such as severe
dehydration. All the rest of absorption happens in the small intestine.
6. Eliminating the unused waste products of digestion and absorption from the body.
1. Digested waste products go to the kidneys
2. Undigested waste products pass out through the colon and rectum.
3. Ingested material that might otherwise be toxic is rendered harmless, primarily by the liver, and excreted
from the body.
But that said, I now have my first disagreement with the medical community. I submit to you that the above list is incomplete, and that these omissions are not unimportant. For example, medicine has no understanding of the role your digestive system plays in maintaining an optimal environment for beneficial bacteria and why that's essential. Therefore, they both allow and, in fact, encourage by their treatments many diseases to manifest that should never appear -- and have no idea how to treat them when they do. And that's just one example that we'll explore in more detail later on. So, from a holistic point of view, the digestive system, in addition to the functions listed above, also performs the following functions:
* It is the first line of defense in the body's immune system. It both identifies and eliminates viruses and
unhealthy bacteria ingested with our food and water.
* It plays a key role in helping remove, not just food waste from the body, but also metabolic waste, heavy
metals, and drug residues.
* It also serves as a drain for toxic substances absorbed through the skin and lungs.
* And, of course, as mentioned above, it is designed to serve as a hospitable breeding ground for trillions of
beneficial bacteria that do everything from aiding in digestion, waste elimination, and immune function. In fact,
as much of 60% of your immune function comes from beneficial bacteria living in your intestinal tract.
Carnivore, omnivore, frugivore?
There is one other piece of overview information we need to cover. The medical community bases its assumptions concerning the human digestive system on the "fact" that it is essentially designed as an omnivore system. (Only people at tailgate parties and gladiator games actually believe that we are pure carnivores.) But, as I discussed in detail in Lessons from the Miracle Doctors, this is simply not supported by the evidence at hand. And once again, this distinction is not subtle…and not insignificant. Yes, the human body has an amazing ability to adapt to any diet we throw at it -- but not without consequences. And, in fact, many of the diseases we face today are the direct result of not understanding what our systems are designed to handle and the consequences we face as a result.
How could the medical community be so wrong on this issue? Actually, it's very simple, and it's the same old problem. As usual, the medical community views the body as separate pieces, not as an integrated whole. It looks at things in isolation. In this particular case it looks at the diet of the 99% of population that passes through their doors in need of their care, and those people eat everything from cotton candy to slabs of grilled beef -- an omnivore diet. Given this context, for medical anatomists, the digestive system is undeniably designed for an omnivore diet. However, it takes only a slightly more holistic viewpoint to make a casual comparison of the structures of the human digestive system (teeth, stomach, and intestines) to other animals living in the wild to see how unsupportable that point of view is. And in fact, we will cover those differences in detail as we move through the digestive system and discuss each relevant organ.
And with all that said, let's now begin our trip through the digestive system.
Getting food into the digestive tract -- the mouth and esophagus
Let's begin our exploration of the digestive system by examining the structures that play a key role in getting the food into the stomach. And since this is not an actual anatomy course, but a series of newsletters about how anatomy and physiology relate to alternative health, we will focus our discussion on the specific parts of the system relevant to our discussion and brush lightly over the rest.
The mouth is the portal to the digestive system. Food enters the body through the mouth, where it is cut and ground by the teeth and moistened by saliva for ease in swallowing and to start the digestive process. The tongue assists in moving food around during chewing and swallowing and also contains the taste buds.
Most medical texts suggest that our teeth are designed to eat all kinds of food from meat to fruit, thus proving that man is an omnivore. But as I mentioned earlier, the facts do not bear this out. Here is a human skull and teeth.
Notice how all of the teeth are nearly the same height. Our canines project only a small amount, and our molars are broad-topped.
Compare this to the teeth of a carnivore such as lion.
The first thing you notice about carnivores is that their teeth are nothing like those found in humans. They have huge canines for striking and seizing prey, pointed incisors for removing meat from bones, and molars and premolars with cusps for shredding muscle fiber. In carnivores, the teeth of the upper jaw slide past the outside of the lower jaw so that prey is caught in a vice-like grip. In general, carnivores don't chew much; mostly, they just tear chunks off and swallow them whole. All in all, nothing like human teeth.
But the claim in medical texts is that we are omnivores, not carnivores. How does that claim stand up? Well, first of all, no animal is really adapted to eat all things, but if any animal comes close, it would be the bear. Typical foods consumed by bears include ants, bees, seeds, roots, nuts, berries, insect larvae such as grubs, and even flowers. Some meat, of course, is eaten by bears, including rodents, fish, deer, pigs, and lambs. Grizzlies and Alaskan brown bears are well-known salmon eaters. Polar bears feed almost exclusively on seals, but then, what vegetation is there for them to eat in the frozen wastes of the Arctic? And, of course, anyone who has read Winnie the Pooh knows that many bears love honey. So, other than the ants, grubs, and rodents, the bear diet sounds a lot like the typical Western diet. So let's take a look at the bear's teeth.
Notice, the bear has the sharp canines of the carnivore and the pronounced incisors of the herbivore. They also have molars that are both pointed and broad topped. That's not even close to the human set of teeth pictured earlier.
So, does that mean we are restricted to a diet of fruits and nuts? Not at all! In fact, the frugivores we most closely resemble, the wild chimpanzees, periodically eat live insects and raw meat. Notice the picture of a chimp's teeth.
Other than the long canines, they are virtually identical to human teeth.
Among the great apes (the gorilla, the orangutan, the bonobo, and the chimpanzee) and ourselves, only humans and chimpanzees hunt and eat meat on a frequent basis. Gorillas have never been observed hunting or feeding on any animals other than invertebrates such as termites and ants. Nevertheless, chimpanzees are largely fruit eaters, and meat comprises only about 3 percent of their diet -- far less than is found in the typical Western diet.
Bottom line: at least as defined by our teeth, we do not qualify as carnivores or omnivores. So, at least as judged by our teeth, meat should comprise no more than 3% of our diet. But teeth do not comprise the end of the issues. Later on, we'll compare stomachs and intestinal tracts to see if we match up any better there.
The tongue is the largest muscle in the mouth. It functions in chewing, swallowing, and forming words. The extrinsic muscles of the tongue (those muscles that originate outside the tongue itself) attach to the skull and neck, and they move from side to side and in and out. The intrinsic muscles attach to the tongue itself, and they alter the tongue's shape (for swallowing and speech). The most interesting parts of the tongue in terms of our discussion are the papillae, the bumps on the tongue that contain the taste buds.
Taste buds are composed of groups of about 40 column shaped epithelial cells bundled together along their long axes. Taste cells within a bud are arranged such that their tips form a small taste pore. Minute, hair-like threads called microvilli extend through this pore from the actual taste cells. The microvilli of the taste cells bear the actual taste receptors, and it appears that most taste buds contain cells that bear receptors for two or three of the basic tastes.
There are four tastes we normally associate with taste buds: sweet, salty, sour, and bitter. However, research has identified a fifth taste our buds can identify. The fifth taste is umami, the taste of monosodium glutamate (no kidding), and has recently been recognized as a unique taste, as it cannot be elicited by any combination of the other four taste types. Glutamate is present in a variety of protein-rich foods, and particularly abundant in aged cheese.
Unless artificially disrupted, our sense of taste will guide us to the foods necessary for our survival. And, in fact, our taste preferences change according to our body's needs. Just ask the husband of any pregnant woman. Or more scientifically:
* Removal of the adrenal glands without replacement of mineralocorticoids leads rapidly to death due to
massive loss of sodium from the body. Adrenalectomized animals (animals whose adrenal glands have been
surgically removed) show a clear preference for salty water over pure water, and if provided with salt water,
can actually survive.
* If the parathyroid glands are removed, animals lose calcium and cannot maintain blood calcium levels
appropriately due to deficiency in parathyroid hormone. Following parathyroidectomy (removal of the
parathyroid glands), animals choose drinking water that contains calcium chloride over pure water or water
containing equivalent concentrations of sodium chloride.
* Injection of excessive doses of insulin results in hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Following such treatment,
animals will preferentially pick out and consume the sweetest among a group of foods.
Now, there are three tastes I want to focus on.
The sweet taste was designed to cause us to desire natural carbohydrates essential for our survival. As we discussed above, our teeth match those of the frugivores, largely fruit eaters. However, technology has allowed food manufacturers to exploit our desire for sweet things -- to our detriment. For the most part, concentrated sugars, other than honey, are not naturally available for us to consume. Table Sugar is a manufactured creation, as is maple syrup, agave syrup, not to mention high fructose corn syrup, glucose, dextrose and all of the other concentrated sweeteners added to our food. If living in nature, our desire for sweets would lead us to low concentrations of Sugar bound to fiber, not 32 oz Big Gulp sodas containing almost a cup of concentrated sugar. The bottom line is that these concentrated sweeteners feed an addiction because, based on evolution, our taste buds never expected to find concentrated sweeteners -- only natural foods, with a far less concentrated character. And to make matters even worse, the more concentrated sweeteners we eat, the more we crave.
A similar situation exists with umami, also known as "savory." In nature, this taste is never concentrated, and exists only in very small amounts in selected foods. Concentrating it as a food additive, confuses the system and allows us to consume glutamate in far higher levels than our bodies were ever designed to handle -- with highly disruptive health effects for sensitive people.
And then there's bitter! Bitterness is the most sensitive of the five tastes. It has been suggested that the evolutionary purpose of "bitter" is to warn us against ingesting toxic substances, many of which have a bitter character. Unfortunately, this association between bitter and unhealthy is not entirely true, and our current culinary desire to avoid bitter tastes causes us to miss the health benefits associated with many bitters. Common bitter foods and beverages include coffee, unsweetened chocolate, bitter melon, beer, bitters, olives, citrus peel. But how many people eat them in their unadulterated form any more. Bitters are almost always masked by added sugar. In any case, whereas at one time people regularly consumed bitters as part of their diet, we pretty much completely avoid them now. When's the last time you saw a fast food or soda pop based on bitter?
This has major health consequences for your liver. The body has a number of built-in feedback loops, a number of which we'll cover as we move through the digestive system, such as the triggers that both stimulate and shut off the production of stomach acid. But the simple fact is that the taste of bitter in the mouth is stimulating to the liver. There is a direct feedback loop from the tongue to the liver. Every time you taste something bitter, your liver gets a positive jolt that stimulates it to put out more essential bio-chemicals and expel accumulated toxic waste. If you never taste any bitter, your liver tends to become sluggish over time and retain toxic build-up. This is one of the key reasons that the Liver Tincture and Blood Support formulas I use during detoxing have such a pronounced bitter taste. In fact, all of the great liver herbs, milk thistle, dandelion root, and Picrorhiza Kurrooa are decidedly bitter.
Although not usually considered, anatomically, as part of the digestive system, the nose really does qualify. After all, up to 75% of what we perceive as taste is due to smell. And the mere smell of certain foods can stimulate hunger and the production of digestive juices. Thus, simple nasal maintenance, such as daily nasal cleansing, is an important part of good intestinal health -- not to mention the fact that it washes out vast quantities of bacteria and viruses, thus preventing them from entering the digestive tract. Incidentally, the primary role of the uvula, the fleshy piece that hangs from the back of the throat, is to detect food that passes over it, and rise up during swallowing to close off the nose from the food so it can't back up into the nose.
Salivary glands
There are three pairs of salivary glands that secrete saliva, the first of the digestive juices to contact the food in the mouth. They are:
1 The parotid glands, which are located high up in each cheek, just below the ears. Incidentally,
these are the glands that gets infected and swell up when you have the mumps. 2. The submandibular glands, which are located in the floor of the mouth just below the parotid
glands. 3. And the sublingual glands, which are located on the floor of the mouth, upfront.
Saliva performs several key functions. It moistens the mucous membrane, moistens food for easy swallowing, lubricates the esophagus for swallowing, washes the mouth, kills bacteria, dilutes poisonous substances, and contains enzymes that begin the digestion process. Your body produces from 1-1.5 liters of saliva per day (about a quart). More than 99% of that saliva is water, and almost all of it is reabsorbed in the digestive tract. The tiny bit of saliva that is not water contains about 0.05% enzymes:
* Lysozyme kills bacteria in the mouth. Incidentally, your mouth is remarkably dirty and infested
with bacteria -- some good, but most not so much. It is really true that the mouth of a dog that
drinks from the toilet is cleaner than yours. And if you must be bitten, better to be bitten by a dog
than a person. *Lingual lipase breaks triglycerides down into far healthier and more easily digested fatty acids
and monoglycerides. * And then there's salivary amylase
Salivary amylase begins the breakdown of carbohydrates
Your digestive system is remarkably adaptable; after all, it can handle pepperoni pizza, beer, and Ding Dongs. But there are consequences if you abuse it. There are two forms of abuse. First, there's eating a diet high in cooked and processed food that has destroyed all of the enzymes naturally present in the food. In this particular case, we're talking about amylase. All natural carbohydrates contain the amylase needed to digest them. In fact, the amylase found in wheat and other grains will actually work in the stomach at high acid pH levels of 3 to 4. If natural amylase is present, it will handle a great deal of the digestive process required to break down the carbohydrates you eat. Second, you need to chew your food thoroughly. If you chew your food well enough, it slows down the entire eating process, which spreads out the glycemic response. It also allows the amylase in the saliva to effectively start breaking down the carbohydrates, which takes a huge burden off your pancreas. And it allows time for your stomach to signal your brain that you're full (it normally takes twenty minutes for your brain to catch up with your stomach), so you end up eating less.
So, how much do you need to chew your food? There's an old saying: "You should drink your solids and chew your liquids." What that means is that you should chew the dry food you eat until it turns to liquid in your mouth (about forty chews per mouthful), and that you should swish liquids back and forth in your mouth (chew them as it were) an equal number of times. This helps mix enzymes into the food or liquid and begins the digestive process.
The more you chew, the more effective these enzymes are.
And if you don't do these things, how much does the body have to compensate? Amylase levels in the saliva of people eating the typical western cooked/processed diet are as much as 40 times higher than that found in people eating a more natural diet!
Note: During dehydration, the brain signals the mouth to stop the flow of saliva to impel us to drink more water and to conserve fluids.
Swallowing (deglutition)
Once you start chewing your food and mixing it with saliva, it picks up a technical name; the wad of chewed food is called a bolus. During the voluntary stage of swallowing, the tongue moves the bolus of food upward and backward. Once the bolus reaches the back of the throat, all actions become involuntary -- they happen outside of your conscious control. During the first of these involuntary phases, the muscles move the food down and back into the esophagus. And finally, the food is actively moved through the esophagus to the stomach. By actively, I'm referring to the fact that movement through the esophagus is the result of series of active, coordinated movements by constrictor muscles lining the esophagus -- not the result of gravity. Specifically, longitudinal muscles pull the esophagus up and relax lower portions so that the circular bands of muscle lining the esophagus can constrict and move the bolus down into the stomach. In fact, although it is not advisable, you can easily swallow when hanging upside down.
As we discussed in our series on breathing, aspiration (entry of food or water) into the lungs and nasopharynx is prevented in a series of involuntary actions.
* The uvula and soft palate move upward to close off the nasopharynx.
* The larynx is pulled forward and upward under the protection of the tongue.
* The epiglottis moves back and down to close the opening of the trachea and airway.
* Food slides over the epiglottis into the esophagus.
* Vocal cords close to further block the airway.
* Breathing ceases for about 2 seconds while this process takes place, then resumes.
Esophagus ("carries food")
Although there are a number of things that can go wrong with the esophagus, they are mostly medical and fall outside the scope of our discussion. For our purposes, the only function of the esophagus is to carry food from the mouth to the stomach. No digestion or absorption of nutrients takes place in the esophagus. Liquids pass through quickly -- in about a second. A food bolus, on the other hand will take about five to nine seconds to make its way through the esophagus.
In fact, there is little to interest us from an alternative health point of view until we reach the lower esophageal sphincter, which is located at the end of the esophagus just above the diaphragm. The sphincter is not actually an anatomical structure. It's just an area at the end of the esophagus that is capable of constricting to effectively separate the stomach from the esophagus. When functioning properly, it allows food to enter the stomach while at the same time preventing stomach acids and bile from refluxing back into the esophagus.
From a medical point of view, there are a number of things that can go wrong with the lower esophageal sphincter, such as achalasia (inability to relax), which prevents food from entering the stomach. But for the purposes of our discussion, two conditions stand out: GERD and hiatal hernia. These conditions used to be handled surgically, but with rather poor results. Antacids provided temporary relief, but as we will learn when we discuss the stomach, actually aggravated the problems. Now, new drugs called proton pump inhibitors are the treatment of choice. They work by cutting the ability of the body to produce stomach acid and are more effective, from a medical point of view, than either surgery or antacids.
GERD (Gastro esophageal reflux disease) is also known as acid reflux disease. It is a condition in which the sphincter fails to prevent acid from backing up into the esophagus. This causes inflammation, scarring, and can lead to esophageal cancer. We will talk more about GERD when we talk about acid production in the stomach, which is the primary contributing factor in this disease. We will also discuss why Prilosec, Prevacid, and Nexium may not be the best answers to this problem. One other note on acid reflux at this time is that hiatal hernia is often a contributing factor.
Hiatal hernia
Hiatal hernia is a condition in which part of the stomach moves above the diaphragm, into the chest. They are much more common than generally recognized and can produce a wide variety of symptoms that make diagnosis difficult. Hiatal hernias can manifest as severe chest pains that mimic a heart attack, pressure in the chest, or severe stomach pain. And most notably, as mentioned above, a hital hernia can significantly aggravate acid reflux as it pushes the esophageal sphincter out of position, thereby seriously compromising its ability to prevent stomach acid from moving into the esophagus.
There are very few medical options for treating a hiatal hernia. As I mentioned earlier, surgical intervention is only marginally effective. The common medical approach today is to reduce the amount of acid the stomach produces with proton pump inhibitor drugs. But the use of these drugs is even more questionable for a hiatal hernia than for standard GERD as it does nothing at all to alleviate the underlying condition -- the fact that part of your stomach is now up in your chest cavity. It merely helps control one symptom.
Fortunately, there are alternatives.
* Self massage
* Chiropractic adjustment
* Then, once you've corrected the initial hiatal hernia you might want to do some yoga exercises
to strengthen your diaphragm so that your stomach won't slip back up through the opening
again. For example: * Kapalabhati
* Uddyiana Bandha
~The need for enzymatic digestion
~Why proton pump inhibitor drugs create at least as many problems as they resolve
~How stomach acid is produced in your body and how to use that feedback loop to your advantage
~Why antacids create more acid than they get rid of
~Peptic ulcers and how to get eliminate them
~The proper way to eat to control appetite
~The types of food your stomach is anatomically designed to handle
~The feedback loop that drains your body of enzymes
~And much more
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By: Jon Barron
As we work our way down the digestive tract, we encounter two major "outpouchings" -- the pancreas and the liver. Like the mouth and the stomach, these outpouchings represent evolutionary adaptations of the GI tract from its original straight line tube construction as found in more primitive animals such as worms. In today's newsletter, we are going to focus on the pancreas, both its anatomy and physiology. The pancreas actually plays two major roles in the body. It both produces hormones and digestive juices that dump into the duodenum, and it produces Sugar and growth regulating biochemicals that empty directly into the bloodstream. In this newsletter, we will focus on the digestive functions (and the problems associated with those functions) and save the Sugar and growth regulating functions for a later discussion when we explore the body's endocrine system. We will also explore how abuse of this commonly ignored organ (through poor diet, inadequate supplementation, and lack of regular cleansing) can lead to serious -- even fatal -- health problems.
There is one important note/perspective before we begin. The word pancreas actually means something. Translated from the original Greek, it reads as "all flesh" (pan -- all, kreas -- flesh), which refers to its ability to digest virtually all flesh (protein based tissue), including itself.
Most organs in the abdomen, such as the intestines, stomach, and liver are located in the peritoneal cavity. Just like we saw with the heart, which was located in the pericardial cavity, the peritoneal cavity is lined with a sac like membrane called the parietal peritoneum. Also, as with the heart, the organs inside the peritoneal cavity are covered with a visceral membrane.
The pancreas, however, does not fit this description. Like the kidneys, the rectum, and most of the duodenum, the pancreas is what is called a retroperitoneal organ. That means it lies within the peritoneal cavity but outside (behind) the visceral peritoneum or membrane. From a natural health perspective, as we explore the anatomy and physiology of the pancreas, this distinction has little meaning. On the other hand, to the surgeon, it matters a great deal.
Physically, the pancreas is located in the middle to upper abdominal cavity, towards the back or posterior. It is about 12 inches long and tapers from right to left. (Remember, as with our discussion of the heart, anatomically speaking, left and right are referenced from behind the body so they are actually reversed in most diagrams that view the body from the front.) The thick part, the head, comprises almost 50% of the mass of the pancreas and lies to the right, nestled in the curve of the duodenum. This location, as we will learn in a bit, is key to the functioning of the pancreas. As for the body of the pancreas, it moves up and to the left, tapering into what is known as the tail of the pancreas, which terminates at the junction of the spleen.
This locates the pancreas in terms of its head and tail. As for the front surface of the pancreas, it rests mostly against the back (posterior) wall of the stomach. The rest of it nestles against the first portion of the duodenum. This can be important in the case of duodenal ulcers that actually penetrate the duodenum -- as the ulcer will now begin to spread to the pancreas, leading to severe, often fatal, pancreatitis.
As might be suspected for such an important organ, the pancreas is richly supplied with arteries and veins. It is served by branches from the hepatic artery, the gastroduodenal artery, the pancreaticoduodenal artery, the superior mesenteric artery, and the splenic artery.
Pancreatic duct system
The pancreas shares a duct system with the liver in what is known as the biliary tree. We will discuss the complete tree in more detail when we talk about the liver in our next issue of the newsletter. When it comes to natural health, a complete understanding of the biliary tree and how to keeps its functioning optimized is essential to maintaining optimal health. For now, though, we will focus on that part of the tree that resides in the pancreas.
The pancreas is served by a major pancreatic duct (the duct of Wirsung) that runs down the middle of the pancreas and empties into the duodenum at the head of the pancreas through a valve called the ampulla of Vater. (Some people have a secondary duct (the duct of Santorini) that splits off from the main duct and empties into the duodenum just above the ampulla of Vater -- but this duct is usually non-functional.) It is important to note that the main duct joins the common bile duct (through which the liver and gallbladder empty) at the point it enters the duodenum. This is important as stones from the gallbladder can find their way down into the pancreatic duct, blocking it at the ampulla of Vater and leading to pancreatitis.
Secretory cells that release pancreatic juice are arranged in acini (clusters of cells that resemble many-lobed "berries") around small ducts that feed into progressively larger ducts and ultimately into the main duct -- virtually identical to the tracheal-bronchi tree we saw in the lungs.
Endocrine and exocrine functions coexist in the pancreas. By definition, endocrine organs secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream, whereas exocrine organs secrete hormones directly into the cavity (lumen) of another organ. The pancreas does both. The exocrine pancreas comprises 99% of pancreatic tissue. It secretes digestive juices into the duct system that carry them on into the cavity of the duodenum. The endocrine pancreas, on the other hand, secretes hormones (insulin, glucagon, and >somatostatin) directly into the bloodstream. Simple math tells us that if 99% of pancreatic tissue serves the exocrine function of the pancreas, only 1% of pancreatic tissue is available for its endocrine function. Oh, but how important that 1% is. It is so important (and complex) that we will save our discussion of it for a separate newsletter when we explore the body's endocrine system. Once again, our focus on this issue is on the digestive system; therefore, our focus in this newsletter is on the exocrine function of the pancreas.
Finally, it should be noted that the major stimulation of the pancreas is primarily parasympathetic (originating in the brain stem), through the vagus nerve, and promotes secretion of digestive juices. Parasympathetic stimulation to the pancreas occurs in response to the digestive processes of the stomach. Food in the stomach stimulates the secretion of all pancreatic enzymes. And in fact, we covered the pancreatic triggering mechanisms in great detail in our exploration of the stomach.
Conversely, inhibition of pancreatic secretion of digestive juices is controlled by triggers and nerves outside of the central nervous system -- the sympathetic nervous system. Specifically, when acid chyme enters the duodenum, along with partially digested fats, proteins, and carbohydrates, enteroendocrine cells in the duodenum and small intestine release cholecystokinin (CCK) and secretin. Secretin decreases gastric secretion and CCK inhibits gastric emptying. These two enzymes circulate into the bloodstream. In addition, they stimulate further secretion of pancreatic enzymes and sodium bicarbonate into the small intestine, thus further raising the pH in the duodenum.
As we've discussed in previous newsletters, the primary processes of digestion occur in the stomach, and the primary processes of absorption occur in the small intestine. However, both these functions depend heavily on the digestive juices secreted by the pancreas -- specifically, the exocrine secretions of the pancreas that dump into the duodenum. The exocrine pancreas has the following components and functions.
The pancreas produces 1,000-1,500 mL (1-1.5 qts) of digestive juices per day. These juices consist primarily of water, NaCl (salt), and NaHCO3 (sodium bicarbonate). The purpose of the sodium bicarbonate is to neutralize the high acidity of the chyme (food plus stomach acid) raising it to an alkaline pH of 7.1-8.2. This both stops the action of gastric pepsins and stomach acid and prepares chyme for the process of nutrient absorption, which takes place in the small intestine.
In addition to containing sodium bicarbonate to neutralize the action of the digestive juices, pancreatic juice also contains a number of digestive enzymes (optimized to function in an alkaline environment) that help finish off the digestive process started in the stomach. (Obviously, and we will talk more about this later), the more complete the digestive process that took place in the stomach, the fewer digestive enzymes will be needed from the pancreas to finish the process. And in fact, the more complete will be the process of absorption in the small intestine.) These pancreatic enzymes include:
Almost all pancreatic enzymes are secreted in an inactive form to prevent autodigestion. (Remember, pancreas literally means "eats all flesh.") Inactive forms of enzymes end in "gen", e.g. trypsinogen. If the pancreatic enzymes were in the active form inside the pancreas, they would literally digest the pancreas itself. This is, of course, identical to what we saw in the stomach, in which the mucosal cells of the stomach lining release pepsinogen, pepsin's precursor -- which is converted into pepsin only after the pepsinogen has made its way out of the chief cells and into the stomach itself, where it is converted in the presence of stomach acid. Since the wall of the stomach is coated with mucous, the pepsin can only digest your meal and not your stomach. This would not be the case, of course, if the pepsinogen converted to pepsin while still in the stomach lining. And the same is true for the pancreatic enzymes, which only convert to their active form once they are fully clear of the pancreas itself. Incidentally, it is enterokinase (produced in the small intestine) that activates the pancreatic enzymes once they are in the safe confines of the small intestine. In the small intestine, the mucosal lining protects the tissue of the small intestine from autodigestion -- as in the stomach.
In severe pancreatitis, however, activated enzymes may travel back into the pancreas and digest it. We will talk more about pancreatitis in a little bit, but for now, consider alcohol. Regular consumption of alcohol inflames the pancreas. When the inflammation is severe, the smaller ducts of the pancreas are squeezed shut. Thus, the pancreatic enzymes do not readily flow through the duct system, but rather are released into the blood of the pancreas, where they become active and start digesting the pancreas itself. (Blockage of the biliary tree is also a major problem and can cause enzymes to back up and autodigest pancreatic tissue. We will explore this in more detail in a couple of newsletters when we focus on the biliary tree.)
It should be noted that the pancreas has self-defense mechanisms that can help prevent auto digestion -- at least in minor cases of back up. For example, the acinar cells (mentioned earlier) contain a trypsin inhibitor that inactivates any active trypsin accidentally released into the pancreatic tissues.
We've assumed a basic understanding of what the purpose of digestion is in all of our discussions of the digestive process so far, but never really defined it in specific detail. Now would be a good time. The purpose of digestion -- with the contribution of the pancreas -- is to take the generally complex molecules of the food you eat and break them down into simple molecules and reassemble those molecules into necessary compounds. That's it, in a nutshell. For example, by eating foods with proteins containing the essential amino acids, the body can break those proteins down into their component amino acids through the efforts of the stomach and the pancreas, then send those amino acids to the liver, which then reassembles them to produce the full complement of non-essential amino acids the body needs. Essential amino acids are those which the body cannot assemble in the liver. Non-essential amino acids are those which can be manufactured in the liver -- as long as the right mix of essential amino acids is present in the diet. Essentially the same process is involved in digesting carbohydrates and fats -- breaking down complex molecules of great variety into smaller molecules of limited variety.
That's the simple description. If we take it one level deeper, it becomes even more interesting.
As it turns out, the body has evolved to favor molecules with similar structures. This presents the body with two major advantages. First, it makes the digestive process easier, since the body has only a limited number of end products it is trying to produce. But even more importantly, it makes reassembling molecules into more complex structures that much simpler since they all have fundamental similarities no matter what their function. For example, the four ring cyclopentanophenanthrene structure is common to all of the steroid hormones including: cholesterol, estradiol, testosterone, and cortisol. The only differences between these compounds are one or two groups attached to the outside of the common ring structure. I discussed this in detail in Lessons from the Miracle Doctors when exploring the make-up of hormones in the body. They all look remarkably similar because they share the same basic ring structure, but with tiny variations. Look at how remarkably similar the testosterone and estrone molecules are -- and yet how remarkably different they are in function. One makes men; the other makes women.
The bottom line is that because they are remarkably similar, it is that much easier for the body to assemble the basic building blocks after digestion into whatever is needed: testosterone, DHEA, estrogen, cortisol, cholesterol. You name it. Thus, the body can easily replace any particular missing compound by modifying the creation process of a similar compound. And in fact, we see this all the time in the body. For example, if you remove the ovaries to drop estrogen production to combat breast cancer, it only provides temporary relief. Estrogen levels will miraculously start to rise again eventually. How? The adrenals take over and start producing estrogen from the almost identical cortisol building block. Miraculous!
Incidentally, that's why doctors now prefer tamoxifen to removing ovaries. Instead of eliminating the body's ability to produce estrogen (which always shifts over to another organ), tamoxifen works to block estrogen receptor sites so that vulnerable tissue cannot "take up" any estrogen circulating in the bloodstream. Of course, this can also be done using natural health resources without the side effects and cost, but that's a topic for another newsletter.
Problems with the pancreas usually come down to two things -- pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer.
Quite simply, pancreatitis refers to inflammation of the pancreas; usually marked by abdominal pain. The primary causes are identified in the medical community as alcohol, Gallstones (by virtue of the shared biliary tree), infection, and certain medications such as diuretics. It is estimated that some 50,000 to 80,000 cases of acute pancreatitis occur in the United States each year. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. Acute pancreatitis only documents those cases accompanied by abdominal pain or threat of death. But what about asymptomatic non-acute pancreatitis? How prevalent is that?
Unfortunately, doctors and hospitals do not document the incidence of non-acute pancreatitis since they offer no treatment for it. But researchers such as Edmund Howell in his book Enzyme Nutrition DE CLAREd that virtually 100% of all Americans have an enlarged pancreas by the time they are 40! Is this possible? In fact, yes! There are strong indications that a major factor in chronic non-acute pancreatitis is the stress put on the pancreas through a diet high in cooked and processed foods -- a diet deficient in natural or supplemented enzymes.
Research done on rats and chickens that were fed cooked foods revealed that the pancreas enlarged to handle the extra burden of the enzyme-deficient diet. In other words, the pancreas will enlarge over time when called upon to compensate for a diet high in enzyme deficient foods. Ruminant animals such as cattle, goats, deer, and sheep get along with a pancreas about a third as large as the human pancreas because of their raw food diet. However, when these animals are fed heat-processed, enzyme-free food, their pancreas enlarges up to three times the normal size than when fed on a raw plant diet. Grossman, M. Greengard, H, Ivy, A. American Journal of Physiology. 141:38-41, 1944. Make no mistake; long-term, non-acute pancreatitis is a condition that affects virtually every person living on a modern diet -- given enough time. And just because doctors ignore it because it appears to be asymptomatic (at least in the short term), does not mean that you should be so cavalier about it. Over time, it has a profound impact on your health.
Pancreatic cancer
Just like pancreatitis, the incidence of pancreatic cancer is rising dramatically in the developed world. At one time virtually unknown, there are now some 25,000 cases a year in just the US -- with a 95% mortality rate. In fact, the overall 5-year survival rate from pancreatic cancer is only about 2%. The first symptoms usually noticed are caused by the pancreatic tumor blocking the bile duct and causing a bile reflux into the bloodstream, resulting in jaundice as the first indicator. Even worse, though, are cancers of the tail and body of the pancreas, which produce no symptoms until they are far advanced. In the whole history of pancreatic cancer (millions of cases), there are only 5 known survivors of body and tail pancreatic cancer -- patients whose cancer was discovered early on, by pure accident.
Surgical treatment of pancreatic cancer involves removing the pancreas, duodenum, the bile ducts, and half the stomach and reconnecting the remaining organs (the Whipple procedure). This is one of the biggest surgeries known, requiring from 6-14 hours to complete. It has a five year survival rate of just 2%, and in fact, almost half of all patients die on the operating table. Treatment of pancreatic cancer is especially difficult because the location of the pancreas means that tumors tend to spread rapidly to highly innervated (rich in nerves) regions of the back and spine.
The causes of the rising incidence are unknown within the "medical community," although one link that has definitely been established is smoking. The bottom line is that if you get pancreatic cancer, there is very little the medical community can do for you. When the medical community accuses the natural health community of diverting people away from effective treatments for cancer, there is no way they could be looking in a mirror if they are talking about pancreatic cancer. All the medical community can offer in the case of pancreatic cancer is great pain and suffering -- and at huge cost. On the other hand, within the natural health community, we can once again make some educated assumptions that may allow you to better your odds of never getting pancreatic cancer in the first place.
The steps for taking care of your pancreas are fairly simple.
Diets high in meats, cholesterol, fried foods, and nitrosamines increase the risk of both pancreatic cancer and pancreatitis, while diets high in raw fruits and vegetables reduce risk. The bottom line is that a Mediterranean diet is pancreas friendly.
Unless you're living on an all raw food diet, you need to be supplementing with digestive enzymes. Insufficient live digestive enzymes in the diet force the pancreas to overwork and overstress resulting in long-term, non-acute enlargement of the pancreas. Using digestive enzymes with every meal is one of the simplest things you can do to improve the health of your pancreas.
We will cover this issue in more detail when we focus on the liver and biliary tree. However, there can be no question but that regularly softening and flushing of gallstones that can block both the gallbladder and the pancreatic ducts is fundamental to preventing pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer.
All of the above steps will help with maintaining the health of the endocrine pancreas, but there is more that you can do to support that 1% of pancreatic function. However, we need to save that for our discussion of the body's endocrine system, when we will have time to explore that function in detail. In the meantime, for a heads up on additional steps you can take, check out Diabetes: the Echo Effect.
In our next issue of the newsletter, we will continue our exploration of the digestive system as we take on the liver -- one of the most fascinating and important organs in the body.
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And now we reach the heart of the intestinal tract. Everything so far has been preparation for this discussion. Digestion, or breaking food down into
smaller bits, is certainly important -- crucial even -- but to what purpose? The purpose, quite simply, is to get the nutrition inherent in the food you
ate ready so that it can be absorbed into your body where it can be used by each and every single cell to survive and carry on its individual function.
When it comes to the intestinal tract, the key is absorption. It's not what you eat or digest that matters; it's what you absorb. And when it comes to
absorption, the small intestine is the portal for virtually all nutrients that enter into the bloodstream.
Note: much of this discussion is easy to understand, but the core of it, the actual act of absorption is quite technical and involves some chemistry. As
always, I will only deal with as much chemistry as is absolutely necessary -- and will present it in such a way as to make it comprehensible.
Before we can get to absorption, we have to cover the final stages of digestion that take place in the small intestine. In fact, you get a combination of
mechanical and chemical digestion and some absorption in the small intestine. Early in the intestine it is mostly digestion, very little absorption.
However, the further on you move down the digestive tract, the more the ratio swings in favor of absorption. Effectively, the entire small bowel (duodenum,
jejunum, and ileum) is devoted to these two processes: digestion and absorption. Digestion itself is divided into mechanical and chemical phases.
Mechanical digestion, as we alluded to in our exploration of the anatomy of the small intestine, is the
result of two very different, but complementary actions:
Segmentation represents localized activity in the small intestine, whereas peristalsis represents the more global movement that takes place throughout the
entire intestinal tract.
In segmentation, circular muscles constrict and divide the small bowel into segments -- each about 3-4 inches long. A muscle then contracts between the two
other muscles and subdivides the segment. This is repeated many times per minute so that the chyme is moved back and forth in the same area of the segment.
Localized contractions crush and mix food within that segment alone. This action mixes the chyme with intestinal juices and prolongs its contact with the
absorptive surface of the small intestine. Relaxation allows the segments to coalesce, thus allowing chyme to move on down the intestinal tract -- pushed
by peristalsis.
Peristaltic contractions represent a global movement that is designed to move chyme through the entire length of the small intestine and ultimately
complement the mechanical process of segmentation that holds chyme in individual segments of the intestinal tract. Peristalsis is completely under the
control of the autonomic nervous system and is coordinated by the myenteric plexi (plexuses). The myenteric plexus, also known as Auerbach's plexus, is a
network of nerves between the circular and longitudinal layers of the muscles surrounding the intestinal tract.
It should be noted that peristaltic activity is weak (as opposed to segmentation), which means that food stays in the small bowel for a relatively long
time (4-6 hours). And it should also be noted that peristalsis can be fairly easily slowed or even stopped by outside factors. Culprits include
appendicitis, surgery, medication, and even very large meals. On the other hand, there are certain things that can increase peristalsis such as laxatives
and certain kinds of illness or toxicity. As anyone who has experienced food poisoning or stomach flu would know, peristalsis is quite capable of shooting
food through the intestinal tract when required. In simple terms, the body responds to toxins in the intestinal tract by adhering to the old bromide, "The
solution to pollution is dilution." In effect, the body pours fluid into the intestines and increases peristalsis to eject and weaken toxins in cases such
as bacterial contamination. In extreme situations such as presented by cholera, victims may actually die of dehydration from massive diarrhea. Note: in
cases of massive diarrhea, you cannot drink enough water to compensate for the loss of fluids. Without the use of massive IV's, you will die of
It should also be noted that in the period between meals, when the small intestine is for the most part empty, peristaltic contractions continue throughout
the entire small intestine. Think of it as housekeeping activity, designed to sweep the small bowel clear of debris. This movement is the cause of
"growling" that can be heard when people have not eaten for awhile.
By the time chyme reaches the small bowel, it is a mix of partially digested carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins -- not yet ready for absorption. Digestion
must be completed in the small intestine, because the colon will not absorb nutrients to any significant degree. As I mentioned earlier, the ratio of
digestion to absorption changes dramatically as the chyme moves through the small intestine and is exposed to ever more chemical digestion. Specifically,
digestion for each type of nutrient proceeds as follows.
Proteins are denatured (unwound) by acid and broken down by pepsin in the stomach. For the most part, they arrive as polypeptides (short-chain amino acids)
in the small intestine. The extent of breakdown into polypeptides is dependent on several factors such as:
Any breakdown not accomplished in the stomach must now be compensated for in the small intestine -- in addition to the small intestine's role in breaking
down short-chain amino acids into even smaller molecules capable of being absorbed into the bloodstream. In either case, after proteins leave the stomach,
breakdown continues in the small bowel by activated pancreatic enzymes, including trypsin, chymotrypsin, and elastase (which breaks down elastin fibers).
All three are necessary because they each act at different places in the amino acid sequences.
In addition, brush border cells of the small bowel excrete more peptidases -- enzymes such as aminopeptidase and dipeptidase -- that complete the splitting
of the amino acids into ever smaller components. Ultimately, this creates molecules small enough to transport across the brush border cells and into the
Some lingual and gastric lipases (fat digesting enzymes) have already been at work, but the major job of fat digestion takes place in the small bowel.
Again, if fats are consumed uncooked or unprocessed or if supplemental digestive enzymes are consumed with the meal, the equation changes. But in lieu of
that, at this point in the process, fats are composed mainly of triglycerides (three fatty acids bound to glycerine). It is the action of pancreatic lipase
in the small bowel that breaks them down into smaller, potentially absorbable components. Specifically, pancreatic lipase splits off a monoglyceride,
leaving two of the lipids still attached to the glycerine.
To a significant degree, the ability of pancreatic lipase to break down lipids is regulated by how soluble those fats have become. It should be noted that
lipids in their natural state are not water-soluble (that is, they do not dissolve in water). This is where bile, regulated by the gallbladder, comes into
play. Bile salts (from the liver and gallbladder) emulsify (break into small droplets) the fat for easier entry into water solutions -- or more
technically, into water suspensions. If you have gallstones, or have had your gallbladder removed, you will tend to have incomplete breakdown of lipids in
your small intestine, resulting in fatty stools and a tendency to intestinal discomfort. In addition, and even more important, malabsorption of lipids
prevents the body from receiving any of the nutrients dissolved in the fat. We're talking about vitamins A, E, and D, tocotrienols, and Omega-3 fatty acids
to name some of the more familiar ones.
Unless you chewed your food properly (to pick up amylase from your saliva), or took supplemental enzymes with your meal, carbohydrates, for the most part,
enter the small intestine intact. Once there, however, they are cleaved into sugars by pancreatic amylase. Further down the small bowel, maltase, sucrase, lactase, isomaltase and alpha dextrinas, secreted by the brush border cells, act on the remaining carbohydrates,
cleaving off the component simple sugars one Sugar at a time. For example:
Note: pancreatic lipase and amylase in the blood are used to measure abnormal function of damaged pancreatic cells.
Again, everything we've talked about so far is about preparing the chyme for absorption into the bloodstream. Ninety to ninety-five percent of nutrition is
absorbed in the small bowel. By the time chyme has reached the small intestine, it has been mechanically broken down and reduced to a liquid by chewing and
by mechanical grinding in the stomach. In addition, partial chemical digestion may already have taken place as the result of enzymes in the food itself and
enzymes found in saliva. As discussed previously, the effect of those enzymes can be extensive (up to 70% of total digestion) or virtually non-existent
depending on how cooked and processed the food is and how much it is chewed. The use of supplemental digestive enzymes, of course, can change that equation
dramatically. And finally, the action of stomach acids and pepsin serve to denature proteins and begin the process of breaking them down, making them
readily amenable to final breakdown in the small intestine.
Thus, once inside the small intestine, the "partially" digested chyme is exposed to pancreatic enzymes and bile, which ultimately break down the chyme into
"component" forms of protein, carbohydrates, and fats capable of being absorbed.
By the end of its passage through the small intestine, virtually everything of value to the body has been extracted from the chyme. We're talking about:
Let's now look at this process in detail.
Virtually all of the water that enters your intestinal tract, in whatever form, is absorbed into the body across the walls of the small intestine --
primarily through the action of osmosis. Incidentally, osmosis is defined as
the movement of water across a semi-permeable membrane from an area of high water potential (closer to distilled water) to an area of low water
potential (water that contains a lot of dissolved osmotically active molecules such as electrolytes and some nutrients)
. Incidentally, since its molecules are so large, the chyme that enters the intestinal tract from the stomach has only a minimal impact on osmotic
pressure. However, as it is progressively broken down, its ability to increase osmotic pressure rises dramatically. For example, undigested starch has
little effect on osmotic pressure, but as it is digested, each starch molecule breaks down into thousands of molecules of maltose, each of which is as
osmotically active as the single original starch molecule. The net effect is to increase the osmotic pressure by a factor of several thousand times over
the original starch molecule. Thus, as digestion proceeds, the osmotic pressure increases dramatically, thereby pulling water into the small intestine. In
addition, crypt cells at the base of each villus (in the duodenum and jejunum) secrete electrolytes (chloride, sodium, and potassium) into the small
intestine which further increases the osmotic pressure to pull water into the lumen (the empty space in the small intestine). On the other hand, as the
osmotically active molecules (maltose, glucose, amino acids, and electrolytes) are absorbed out of the lumen and into the bloodstream, osmotic pressure
decreases relative to the electrolyte rich water of the bloodstream, and water is thus reabsorbed back into the body.
The bottom line is that if the secretion and absorption of water doesn't balance, we become either bloated or dehydrated. With that in mind, we can take a
look at a water balance sheet.
Production and intake: | ||
Saliva | 1.0 liter | |
Swallowed liquids | 2.3 liters (most contained in the food we eat) | |
Gastric juice | 2.0 liters | |
Bile | 1.0 liter | |
Pancreatic juice | 2.0 liters | |
Intestinal juice | 1.0 liter (primarily from brush border cells) | |
Total | 9.3 liters (average 154 lb man) | |
Recycled and excreted: | ||
Small intestine reabsorption | 8.3 liters | |
Colon reabsorption | 1.0 liter | |
Excreted in feces | 0.1 liter | |
Total | 9.3 liters (average 154 lb man) |
Thus we can see that the water that enters the digestive tract and that is used in the digestive process is matched to a remarkable degree by the water
that is recycled and excreted. In a healthy body, they are perfectly balanced, give or take a tenth of a liter. Keep in mind that the water lost through
other means needs to be accounted for in balancing intake and outflow for the entire body. Sweat, for example, can account for anywhere from 100 to 8,000
ml (about 8.5 quarts) lost per day. You lose another quart as water vapor that passes out of your body as you breathe each day -- as anyone knows who
watches their breath on a cold day. The amount lost in your urine will pretty much balance out the difference between the amount above and beyond the bare
2.3 liters you consume in your drink and food and the tenth of a liter lost in your feces and what you lose in your perspiration and breath. The bottom
line is that your body will seek to balance the intake and outflow of the water it deals with every day -- to prevent bloating or dehydration. At any point
it fails to do so, you will end up visiting your doctor.
Keep in mind that even small imbalances between fluid intake and output can cause major problems. Diarrhea is a common symptom of disease and can kill
patients through dehydration. On the other hand, rapid over-consumption of water or other liquids, though rare, can cause a rapid drop in sodium and
electrolyte levels in the bloodstream and can cause death. Or if your body loses the ability to effectively pass water through your kidneys, you suffer
from edema (swelling in your legs), which puts an added burden on your heart.
So, how much water should you drink in addition to what you get
in your food? Despite some medical claims to the contrary, I'm still a big fan of 64 ounces a day -- give or take, as circumstances dictate (body weight,
temperature, how much you perspire, etc.).
Let's break here for now. In our next issue of the newsletter, we will focus on the fascinating topic of how your small intestine actually recognizes and
absorbs specific nutrients after preparation by the digestive process. We will also discuss some of the things that can go wrong and what you can do to
prevent or even reverse them.
Physiology of the Small Intestine, Part 2
In our last issue, we explored the physiology of
and started our discussion of nutrient absorption. In this issue, we conclude that discussion. Effectively, this is the heart and soul of our entire series
on the digestive tract. Ultimately, everything that happens in the digestive tract is designed to get nutrients into the bloodstream. The final step in the
process, absorption, is in many ways the most fascinating part of the discussion. Stomach acid unwinding proteins and pepsin breaking them down -- that's
simple stuff. How the body actually recognizes amino acids and peptides and then transports them across the wall of the small intestine, that's remarkably
complex and fascinating…and important to understand in terms of optimizing your nutritional uptake and, ultimately, your health.
Note: this is a fairly technical discussion. However, my goal is to make sure you understand enough of it so that:
As we discussed in our newsletter on the anatomy of the small intestine, virtually all nutrients,
including all amino acids and sugars, enter the body by crossing the enterocytes (the absorptive cells found in the small intestine) that make up the
epithelium layer that covers each and every villi (the
hair-like extensions that project from the wall of the small intestine). There are two routes by which molecules make their way from the small intestine
into the bloodstream:
For the most part, the tight junctions of the paracellular route are impermeable to large organic molecules such as dietary amino acids
and glucose. Those types of molecules are transported exclusively by the transcellular route. Transcellular absorption of nutrients can take place by
active transport or by diffusion. Active transport involves the expenditure of body energy, whereas diffusion occurs simply through random molecular
movement and, therefore, without the use of body energy. Water for example, is transported through the intestinal mucosa by diffusion (isosmotic
absorption); on the other hand, the absorption of amino acids and sugars involves active transport. This is one of the main reasons that eating a large
meal can put you to sleep. You literally exhaust your body digesting and absorbing nutrients -- until down the road, those same nutrients ultimately make
their way into your body's individual cells, thus, once again energizing you. Depending on the food you eat, you gain on the exchange -- deriving more
energy as the cells absorb the nutrients than was lost in digesting those nutrients and getting them into the bloodstream.
In any case, after passing through the epithelium into the villi, most of these molecules then cross over into the capillary network found inside each
villus, thus making their way into the bloodstream. Fats, as we discussed when exploring the anatomy of the small intestine, behave differently. Instead of
diffusing into the capillaries, they make their way into the lacteals, the lymphatic vessels present in each villus. From there, they drain from the
intestine and rapidly flow through the lymphatic system and ultimately into the bloodstream by way of the thoracic duct.
The process of crossing the epithelium into the villus, however, is not simple. In fact, the process varies for each nutrient. Or to put it another way,
the epithelial tissue covering the villi is not uniform throughout the small intestine -- or for that matter, from top to bottom in a single villus.
Individual epithelial cells vary in both their makeup and functionality. In fact, each villus has a multitude of different receptor sites, specific for each nutrient. Each type of protein fragment and each type of carbohydrate fraction has its own particular receptor site it
uses for absorption. In addition, as mentioned earlier, some nutrients diffuse through the spaces between the epithelial cells (the paracellular route) --
spaces that vary throughout the intestinal tract, which has a significant impact on permeability. This becomes particularly important when we talk about
the absorption of supplemental proteolytic enzymes (which are protein molecules). Unlike food proteins, proteolytic enzymes can actually use the larger
spaces between cells to transport themselves out of the small intestine.
The bottom line is that as chyme (the mixture of broken down food and digestive juices) travels through the small intestine, it is exposed to a wide
variety of absorption sites, each with very different characteristics. These absorption/receptor sites differ in the number and type of transporter
molecules found in the plasma membranes of each individual cell. And once again, keep in mind, each individual villus is comprised of multiple
enterocytes…each with a multitude of receptor sites. In other words, there are a vast number of receptor sites in the small intestine.
The key to the absorption of most nutrients in the small intestine is the electrochemical pump powered by electrolytes (primarily sodium) which works
across the epithelial cell boundary of the villi. In fact, this is not unique to cells in the small intestine. Every single cell in the body is required to
maintain a low concentration of sodium inside the cell (with a correspondingly high concentration of sodium outside the cell), which is required for the
movement of nutrients into the cell and waste out of the cell. Correspondingly, potassium levels tend to be high inside cells and low in the areas just
outside them. In addition, the sodium pump requires the presence of a large number of Na+/K+ ATPases (ATP enzymes) to regulate and power the
reaction. This means that the cells of the body require the expenditure of energy (in the form of ATP) to power the sodium pump. The purpose of the sodium
pump is to pull nutrients into the cell as sodium flows in and move waste out of the cell as potassium moves out. With that said, it's now time to bite the
bullet and get specific as to how nutrients move in and out of cells.
Every cell in the small intestine has three types of gateways that combine to move nutrients in and waste out.
To summarize, there are three types of gateways. The first two gateways are specific to the sodium pump and are used to maximize the potential of the cell
to absorb nutrients. The third gateway is specific to pulling nutrients into the cell. Here's a clean explanation of how it works.
By the way, there are approximately 150,000 sodium pumps per small intestinal enterocyte (cell). Each single cell is thus able to transport about 4.5
billion sodium ions into each cell per minute -- along with accompanying nutrients. So with that in mind, let's explore these specialized means of
absorption in some detail:
Most dietary carbohydrates (even most simple sugars such as sucrose and lactose) cannot be absorbed in the intestinal tract. The monosaccharides (glucose
and galactose), on the other hand, are actively transported with sodium. Monosaccharides, however, are only rarely found in normal diets. Rather, as
described in Part 1 of our discussion of the Physiology of the Small Intestine, they are derived by enzymatic
digestion of more complex carbohydrates in the small intestine. In summary, glucose and galactose are taken into receptor sites found on the villi by
co-transport with sodium using the same transporter.
Now, for the briefest of moments, let's get technical. (Hang in there; it's actually understandable.)
The specific transporter molecule that carries glucose and galactose into the absorbing cell on the intestinal wall is SGLUT-1, also known as the sodium-dependent
hexose transporter. This molecule will only transport the combination of a glucose and sodium ion into the cell together; it will not transport either
molecule alone.
It works as follows:
Once inside the enterocyte, glucose, galactose and fructose are transported out of the cell through another hexose transporter called GLUT-2 and on into
capillaries that are found within each villus.
As we've already discussed, this is called active transport because it requires the use of ATP and requires the expenditure of some energy both for pulling
the Sugar molecules into the enterocyte, and then on out of the cell into the bloodstream. However, some time later, after using the sugars to power the
body's cells, the end result is a net gain of energy.
Fructose, of course, is the other simple Sugar readily absorbed in the small intestine. The transport of fructose, though, involves an entirely different
process. It is absorbed through something called facilitated diffusion (facilitated by Glut5) and requires no added energy (ATP) to cross into the
bloodstream. The ability of fructose to be absorbed so easily into the system is indicative of its high reactivity in the body -- and therefore also
indicative of some of the problems it can present when consumed in a "pure" form such as high fructose corn syrup. When bound with fruit fiber, it behaves differently. It
breaks down more slowly and is absorbed more slowly -- thus presenting fewer problems.
As we mentioned earlier, the receptor sites for sugars are specific for sugars. This allows for an interesting option. Certain forms of fiber (which are
also carbohydrates) can actually fill these receptor sites making them unavailable for use by the sugars for about an hour. Now, although these fibers can
fill the sites, they are not transported into the cell. Instead, they occupy the site for up to an hour (again making those sites unavailable to any sugars
for that period of time) until they are eventually rejected by the gateway and move out of the receptor site, then on down the digestive tract and out
through the large bowel. Why is this important? Because the use of a sugar metabolic enhancement formula based on these fibers can
modulate Sugar uptake -- slowing down and evening out the absorption of sugar -- thus helping to avoid insulin spikes. The health benefits can be profound.
After digestion, the proteins consumed in our food have been broken down into single amino acids, dipeptides, and tripeptides. These protein "pieces" are
actively transported across the duodenum and jejunum. In fact, the mechanism by which amino acids are absorbed is virtually identical to that of
monosaccharides, but takes place in different receptor sites. Amino acids are transported by sodium through nutrient gateways built into the cell walls of
enterocytes. Dipeptides and tripeptides, on the other hand, are transported in a similar manner, but with hydrogen, not sodium, as the transporter. Again,
since we're talking about active transport involving the use of ATP, varying amounts of energy are required in the absorption of proteins.
It should be noted that as with carbohydrates, the transporter receptor sites are specific to amino acids and specific to different types of amino acids.
In fact, there are several sodium-dependent amino acid transporters -- including one each for acidic, basic, and neutral amino acids. Once again, these
transporters bind their specific amino acids only after binding sodium. The fully loaded transporter then dumps sodium and the amino acid into the cell's
cytoplasm, followed by its reorientation back to its outward facing position.
After digestion, the fats in our meal have been broken down into fatty acids, monoglycerides, and glycerol. They are absorbed primarily by simple diffusion
of small particles across the brush border (the name for the microvilli-covered surface of the epithelial cells that line the small
intestine) and by a small amount of active transport. The key here is the size of the fatty particles; they must be small in order to be absorbed. That's
where bile salts come in. The presence of a controlled flow of bile salts which break up the fats into tiny particles is essential for proper absorption of
fats. If your gallbladder is not functioning properly or has been removed, you will have a problem absorbing fats. If you have a problem digesting fats for
any reason, an option is to use ox bile tablets available at most health food stores. Supplemental digestive enzymes with lipase will also assist.
Another lipid of importance that is absorbed in the small intestine is cholesterol. As it turns out, cholesterol is readily absorbed in the small
intestine. Specifically, a transport protein (NPC1L1) has been identified that transports cholesterol from the lumen (the interior space) of the small
intestine into the enterocytes.
Note: unlike proteins and sugars, fats do not go directly into the bloodstream. They transport into the lacteals (tiny lymphatic ducts) found in the villi,
and then travel through the lymphatic system and ultimately into the bloodstream. And in fact, fats do not enter the bloodstream in the form in which they
were absorbed into the enterocyte. Once inside the enterocyte, fatty acids and monoglycerides are synthesized into triglycerides. These triglycerides are
then packaged with cholesterol, lipoproteins, and other lipids into particles called chylomicrons. It is the chylomicrons that
actually are transported into the lacteals and on into the bloodstream. Many doctors believe that a high triglyceride count in your bloodstream is actually
more indicative of potential heart problems than a high cholesterol number.
Okay, we need to revert to a little anatomy for a moment and talk about the omentum. It's not really an organ, and it doesn't really relate to digestion or
absorption so it hasn't made any sense to talk about it so far in our series on the intestinal tract. It does, however, relate to fat storage, and in that
regard it makes sense to talk about it in terms of what happens to a large chunk of the fat we absorb.
The omentum actually has two parts -- the greater and the lesser. To keep things simple we'll focus on the greater omentum, which hangs from the bottom of
the stomach and extends down the abdominal cavity, then back up to the posterior abdominal wall after connecting with the transverse colon. The greater
omentum is mostly made up of fat. It stores fat and provides a rich blood supply to the stomach. Specifically, it plays the following roles:
For the most part, these are "medical" considerations, but one aspect of the omentum will ring a bell for many readers. Sometimes when people lose a lot of
weight, they wonder why their stomachs are still large and fatty. It's often because of the fat stored in the omentum. The fat in the omentum is often the last fat to go when losing weight. If you want to lose the gut, you have to lose the fat from the omentum too.
Note: the lesser omentum is an attachment of the peritoneum that lies between the liver and the upper edge of the stomach. It carries the vessels that run
to the stomach and liver.
The thing to understand about vitamins and minerals is that for the most part, your body doesn't like isolates, can't absorb them, and considers them toxic
if by chance they are absorbed. In general, your body prefers its vitamins and minerals bound to food -- in their natural form, primarily bound to
carbohydrates and some proteins. In fact, as might be guessed from all that we've learned about absorption in the small intestine, it's actually the small
lipids, sugars, and amino acids attached to the vitamins and minerals that the individual cells of your body recognize and absorb, not so much the vitamins
and minerals themselves. Effectively, they just tag along for the ride into the cells. All that said, there are still important differences in how the
different vitamins and minerals are absorbed.
Assuming that your liver and gallbladder are working properly and that bile salts are breaking fats down into smaller, more absorbable particles, there is
little problem absorbing the fat soluble vitamins -- even when in an isolated form -- such as d-alpha-tocopherol vitamin E. The bottom line is that the fat
soluble vitamins (including vitamins A, beta- carotene, D, E and K) are diffused right along with their lipid carriers across the brush border of the cells
found in the ileum. Likewise, they then travel with their associated fats on into the lymph system and then into the bloodstream.
The problem with using vitamin isolates when supplementing the fat soluble vitamins is not one of absorption or even one of toxicity (where the body thinks
the isolate is a toxin). Rather, the problem is one of completeness. For example, consuming vitamin E as d-alpha-tocopherol leaves behind the seven other
components of vitamin E (gamma, beta, and delta tocopherol -- plus the four tocotrienols: alpha, beta, gamma, and delta). Likewise, supplementing with beta
carotene or vitamin A leaves behind the several hundred other carotenoids that usually accompany them in nature -- such as alpha carotene. Is that
Yes, very!
Studies have shown that alpha carotene is one of the most powerful carotenoids and has a strong inhibitory effect on the proliferation of various types of
cancer cells such as those affecting the lungs, stomach, cervix, breast, bladder and mouth. It works by allowing normal cells to send growth-regulating
signals to premalignant cells. Carrots, for that matter, contain approximately 400 different carotenoids in addition to beta carotene, and many of those
carotenoids are far more powerful than beta carotene itself. If all you're getting is beta carotene, you're missing out. And if all you're getting is synthetic beta carotene, you may actually be hurting yourself.
The water soluble vitamins such as vitamin C and most of the B vitamins are mainly absorbed in the jejunum. They are taken into receptor sites found on the
villi by co-transport with sodium using the same transporter system used to carry monosaccharides into the bloodstream. These vitamins do present a problem
when allowed to enter the bloodstream as isolates, no longer bound to their appropriate carbohydrates. First, by not being bound to the carbohydrates, it
severely limits the amount of absorption that can take place (much of the supplement is wasted and passed on out through the rectum). Second, if absorbed
in an isolated form, they are toxic to the body and are carried to the liver as "poisons." The liver then neutralizes their toxicity through a process
called conjugation that combines them with proteins. Although conjugation of water soluble vitamins stresses the liver (forcing it to do extra work), it
does neutralize the toxic effect of the isolated water soluble vitamins and makes them usable by the cells of your body.
Minerals are absorbed in a small area at the top of the duodenum next to the pyloric valve where chyme passes out of the stomach. This is the primary
absorption site for the bivalent minerals, including iron, calcium, magnesium, and zinc. The problem with minerals is that they are not easily absorbed in
their raw isolated state (think oyster shells and iron filings) because of their electrical charge, which is opposite that of the intestinal wall. At first
glance, this might seem like a good thing since opposite charges attract. Unfortunately, they attract to the extent that the minerals "stick" to the
intestinal wall and do not get absorbed into the bloodstream. Eventually, the chyme moving through the intestinal tract pushes these "sticky" minerals down
through the small intestine and on out through the rectum. Absorption of isolated minerals is about 3-5%. In a non isolated state, when bound to food, the
charge is hidden, and absorption will be some ten times greater.
Manufacturers selling vitamin isolates, use a compromise. They chelate their minerals by wrapping amino acids around them. The amino acids "cover" the
electrical charge and allow the minerals to be absorbed in the duodenum. Unfortunately, although the charge is obscured, isolates are not user friendly
when it actually comes to utilization by the individual cells. In this case, absorption and utilization by individual cells are not the same thing and the
rate of cell utilization is significantly less with chelated minerals. Food bound minerals, on the other hand, are easily absorbed through the small
intestine AND they are readily utilized by every cell in the body.
An exception to this rule is what some marketers call "ionic minerals." This is just a fancy way of saying that the mineral particles in the supplement
(usually in a liquid form) are so small that the electric charge they generate is not strong enough to prevent its absorption. The bottom line is that good
ionic mineral supplements (or their equivalent) are readily absorbed.
One other factor to consider is that the bivalent minerals are competitively absorbed because the area of absorption in the duodenum is
relatively small. This means that an excessively high intake of one bivalent mineral in particular may occupy the entire absorption area and make the
absorption of other bivalent minerals difficult. It also means that you need to supplement your minerals in an evenly balanced form rather than mega dosing
on one mineral. To look at it another way, taking regular high doses of iron will impede the absorption of calcium, magnesium, and zinc leading to a series
of other nutrition problems.
Many so called experts say that you cannot absorb proteolytic enzymes. First, they claim that as proteins, they are broken down by stomach acid and pepsin
in the stomach unless they are enterically coated. Then other experts say that even if they did survive, their molecules are too big to pass through the
walls of the small intestine. Whenever, I hear these arguments, I'm always reminded of the apocryphal story of the engineer who proved that
bumblebees can't fly
. Applying the principles of aerodynamics, he PROVED that based on their size, weight, the size of their wings, and the physiological limits of how fast
they could flap them, that bumblebees could not fly. Of course, how valid is a proof when the evidence before your eyes demonstrates it's nonsense?
The absorption of proteolytic enzymes is a lot like the story of bumblebees. In the end, it doesn't matter how many ways you try and prove that they can't
be absorbed; in the end, you can both measure them in the bloodstream and, more importantly, quantify the results of their presence in your own body.
In any case, let's first deal with the digestive juice issue first. There are two rebuttals:
When I designed my own proteolytic formula, pHi-Zymes, I
specifically selected enzymes that survive the stomach environment. It's actually not that hard to do. The key is to use non-animal derived enzymes. Oral
supplementation with non-animal derived enzymes, such as
microbial enzymes -- those manufactured by a fermentation process of Aspergillus, for example, possess unusually high stability and activity throughout a
wide range of pH conditions (from a pH of 2-10). This enables them to be more consistently active and functional for a longer distance as they are
transported through the digestive tract. Bottom line: they are not destroyed by stomach acid or pepsin.
Now let's address the issue of absorption. The standard medical assumption is that no dietary protein is absorbed in an undigested form -- pretty much
without exception. Rather, since their molecules are too large, dietary proteins first must be digested into amino acids or di- and tripeptides before they
can be absorbed. At first blush, that seems to exclude undigested enzymes (which are indeed proteins) from absorption. The clinker, though, is that
enzymes, although they are proteins, are not dietary proteins. They are very different in function and structure; they are biochemical catalysts. In fact,
enzyme molecules are much smaller than dietary proteins. In fact, they are smaller than DNA molecules. They are indeed small enough to be absorbed. The
bottom line is that supplemental proteolytic enzymes can cross the intestinal wall.
How exactly then are they transported across the mucosal membrane of the small intestine? The definitive answer appears to be unknown at this time.
Nevertheless, studies indicate that proteolytic enzymes are able to increase the permeability of the mucosal epithelium and, hence, facilitate their own
absorption by a mechanism of self-enhanced paracellular diffusion (i.e., across the tight
junctions between the epithelial cells).
At this point, it's probably worth abandoning our attempt to argue against the critics and return to the bumblebee analogy and examine what's before our
eyes. The bottom line is that if we can demonstrate that proteolytic enzymes consumed orally can later be found in the bloodstream, then we know they are
absorbed no matter how many experts tell us they can't get there -- even if we don't know exactly how they got there. And in fact, there are a plethora of
studies that prove they reach the bloodstream.
When summarizing the argument pro and con on the absorption of non-enterically coated proteolytic enzymes in the intestinal tract, I'm reminded of the
movie Chicago. The husband of Kitty (Lucy Liu) says to his wife when caught in bed with two women, "Are you going to believe what you see or what I say?" In the end, it doesn't matter what some experts say, proteolytic enzyme supplements can be seen in
the bloodstream…and their benefits can be seen by anyone who uses them.
And now let me touch on one final topic before concluding this newsletter on the absorption of nutrients in the small intestine: fatigue after eating. This
appears to be one of those oxymorons that people have a hard time understanding. How can eating sometimes exhaust us?
We know that we can drink Gatorade or have a Snickers bar for quick energy in the middle of the day. But why is it that when we eat a larger, healthy, full
spectrum meal (proteins, carbohydrates, and fats) that we actually feel enervated and sleepy for some time after eating, before the energy kicks in. And
the answer is actually quite simple.
Digesting and absorbing food is energy intensive and exhausts the body. It takes energy for the body to produce stomach acid and pepsin. It takes energy
for the body to produce the pancreatic enzymes that assist in digestion in the small intestine. And as we've seen in this newsletter, it takes energy to
actually absorb proteins and carbohydrates across the enterocytes, into the villi, and on into the bloodstream. All in all, the body expends a great amount
of energy getting nutrients into your bloodstream -- enough energy so that you feel exhausted after eating a large meal. And the larger the meal, the more
exhausted you feel. It is not until the digested/absorbed nutrients actually make their way through the bloodstream and on into every single cell in your
body that you get your energy back. In the end, you gain more energy than you expended, and it is that energy that is used to power your body. But it can
take several hours after eating to go from a negative expenditure of energy to a positive intake of energy and balance the scales out.
As a side note, taking supplemental digestive enzymes with your meals significantly decreases the fatigue factor experienced after eating large meals since
they relieve your body of so much of its digestive work.
Okay, that concludes our exploration of the small intestine, both digestion and absorption. In our next newsletter we will pick up with the ileocecal
valve, the gateway between the small and large intestines. From there we will explore how chyme (actually called fecal matter at this point) moves on
through the large intestine and on out through the rectum. We will also explore all of the problems that can occur, including colorectal cancer and some of
the options you have in dealing with them -- both medical and alternative.
Physiology of the Small Intestine, Part 1
In this newsletter, we return to our exploration of the intestinal tract from a natural health perspective, but this time we shift gears a bit. So far, we’ve covered everything from the mouth through the duodenum (taking time to discuss the ancillary outpouchings along the way: the pancreas, liver, and gallbladder). And throughout, the emphasis has been on digestion. But now as we reach the small intestine, things change. Absorption becomes the dominant issue. Yes, a great deal of digestion still occurs in the small intestine, and we will cover that, but the overall emphasis is on absorption. In fact, if you ignore exceptions like the direct absorption of alcohol from an empty stomach, close to 100% of all nutrient absorption in the human body takes place in the small intestine. Obviously then, its proper functioning is crucial to our health.
In this issue, we will explore the anatomy of the small intestine to give us a functional understanding of how it is constructed to do its job and also provide us with a shared vocabulary that we can subsequently use as we explore exactly how the small intestine completes digestion of food and selectively absorbs the nutrients your body needs.
Macro anatomy of the small intestine
The small intestine, also called the small bowel, serves two primary functions in the body.
• If the diet consists primarily of cooked and refined
carbohydrates and fats, and if no supplemental enzymes are taken with your meals, these compounds will be mostly intact when they reach the small intestine.
Digestive juices in the stomach work on proteins, not carbs and fats. That means that for most people, the
small intestine is the final stage for the enzymatic digestion of carbohydrates and fats – keeping in mind that
oftentimes they are never fully digested and pass unabsorbed into the bowel where they contribute to gas and
bloating as bacteria begin to work on them.
• That said, the primary role of the small intestine is the absorption of nutrients broken down by digestion.
These include, the absorption of:
• Proteins (amino acids)
• Carbohydrates (monosaccharides)
• Fats (lipids)
• Vitamins
• Minerals
• Enzymes
• Water
Technically, the small intestine begins at the pylorus valve that separates the stomach from the duodenum and ends at the ileocecal valve that separates the ileum from the large intestine. The bulk of the small intestine is suspended from the body wall by an extension of the peritoneum called the mesentery. The small intestine is approximately 20-23 feet long, depending on how and when it’s measured, and it is divided into three sections:
• Duodenum
• Jejunum
• Ileum
Although precise boundaries between these three segments of bowel are not readily observed, there are microscopic structural differences among them.
The name duodenum actually derives from its length and literally means “twelve” inches. It runs from the pylorus valve to the ligament of Treitz (a band of smooth muscle that extends to the diaphragm and works to hold the small intestine in place). Although technically part of the small intestine, the duodenum is almost 100% involved in digestion, not absorption. As such, we have discussed it in great detail already and will not focus on it in this newsletter.
The jejunum runs from the ligament of Treitz to the mid-small bowel and encompasses roughly 40% of the length of the small intestine. It has numerous muscular folds called plicae circulares, and we will explore it in some detail in the next newsletter. The term "jejunum" derives from the Latin and means "empty of food." The name, however, actually came from the ancient Greeks who noticed that at death this part of the intestine was always “empty of food.” Hence, the name jejunum.
The third division of the small intestine is the ileum, which runs from the mid-small bowel to the ileocecal valve at the entrance to the large bowel (colon) and encompasses roughly 60% of the length of the small intestine. The word "ileum" comes from the ancient Greek and means "twisted," which actually has a dual meaning. First, when viewed during surgery (or after a Trojan sword has slit open your midsection), the ileum actually looks twisted. The second reference is that the ileum is most often the site of twists that can cause obstructions in the small intestine.
Pilcae circulares
As mentioned above, when referencing the jejunum, the small intestine is not flat internally, but is thrown into circular folds. These folds are known as “plicae circulares” and are prominent inside the small intestine from the duodenum to the mid-ileum. They serve a dual purpose:
• They increase surface area for enhanced absorption.
• They cause the chyme to move through the small intestine in a corkscrew motion, which aids in mixing the
chyme. Effectively, the folds act as baffles.
Blood supply of the small intestine
Identifying the blood supply of the small intestine is more important for surgeons than for our discussion of the small intestine as it relates to natural health. Nevertheless, very quickly:
• The duodenum is supplied by the gastroduodenal artery and by branches of the superior mesenteric artery.
• The jejunum is supplied by jejunal branches of the superior mesenteric artery.
• The ileum is supplied by the ileal, right colic, ileocolic, and appendiceal branches of the superior mesenteric
The microstructure of the small intestine
If examined closely, the surface of the small intestine has the appearance of soft velvet. This is because it's covered by millions of small projections called villi which extend about 1 mm into the lumen (the empty space inside the small intestine). But villi are only the most obvious feature of the intestinal wall. As we’ve already discussed, the mucosa (the innermost layer of the intestinal wall) contains a number of different cells including: a self-renewing population of epithelial cells, secretory cells, and endocrine cells. Let’s look at the intestinal wall in a little more detail.
The small intestine has the same four layers as the rest of the GI tract, but they are modified for maximal absorptive power.
• Serosa -- the peritoneal covering of the external surface of the small intestine
• Muscularis – the muscle layer that governs peristalsis. In particular, it contains:
• A thin layer of longitudinal muscles that stretches the intestine
• A thicker layer of circular muscles that closes off sections of the intestine as required to allow the
intestine to work, move, and grind the chyme in that section over and over before it releases it into the next
section of the small intestine…where the process repeats again. We will explore this action in more detail
in the next newsletter. (Note: paralytic ileus is the absence of normal GI tract muscle contractions
(peristalsis) and can be caused by anything that irritates the peritoneum sufficiently.)
• Myenteric plexi of Auerbachb, which coordinate peristalsis. Specifically, the plexi (intersecting groups
of nerve cells) are located in the longitudinal muscle layer of the small intestine. The nerve cells in each
plexus primarily project to the circular muscle layer and play an important role in regulating gut motility.
• Submucosa – connective tissue. The submucosa consists of dense connective tissue, although fat cells
may be present. In fact, all three sections of the small intestine (the duodenum, the jejunum, and the ileum)
are all characterized by modifications of the submucosa. The submucosa in the small intestine contains:
• Arterioles, venules, and lymphatic vessels (lacteals) that regulate the flow of blood and lymph fluids
going to and from the mucosa of the small intestine. As a side note, the lymphatic vessels also play a key
role in the absorption of fats from the small intestine, something we’ll talk more about a bit later.
• Mucosa – villi. This is the grand prize, where most of the action in the small intestine takes place.
Accordingly, we will now focus on this layer.
Villi are projections into the lumen covered predominantly with mature, absorptive enterocytes, along with a spattering of mucus-secreting goblet cells. These cells live only for a few days, die and are shed into the lumen to become part of the chyme where they are digested and absorbed. And yes, if you wish to think of it that way, we are all cannibals eating our own intestinal walls. The word villi literally means “tuft of hair,” which is exactly what the villi look like. In fact, they are fingerlike projections of the mucosa, with approximately 40 villi/sq mm inside the wall of the small intestine. As discussed earlier, each single villus contains an arterial and venus capillary (arteriole and venule) and a lacteal (the lymphatic equivalent of a capillary). Note: the lymphatic system is a circulatory system that exchanges fluid between cells, drains into veins in the neck, and can absorb fat. In the small intestine, the lacteals transport fat from the digestive tract into the circulatory system.
Microstructure of a single villus
Each villus contains multiple absorptive cells on its surface. And protruding from the surface of these absorptive cells on each villus are a vast multitude of microvilli. Microvilli are minutely small hair-like projections that serve to increase the surface area of each villus.
How many microvilli are we talking about?
Hold your breath. Each villus has approximately 200 million microvilli/sq mm. This creates a velvety surface on the walls of the small intestine known as the brush border.
And how much does the brush border of microvilli increase the surface area of the wall of the small intestine involved in nutrient absorption?
Again, hold your breath.
All in all, if the small intestine is viewed as a simple pipe, its surface area totals about half a square meter. But it is not a simple pipe. Factor in the mucosal folds, the villi, and the microvilli, and the absorptive surface area of the small intestine is in fact approximately 250 square meters - the size of a tennis court! This increases the absorptive power of the small intestine exponentially.
Intestinal glands are located in the crypts of Lieberkuhn at the base of the villus (see illustration above). The cells/glands here secrete intestinal juices. Toward the base of the crypts are stem cells, which continually divide and provide the source of all the epithelial cells in the crypts and on the villi. The way they divide is actually quite interesting. One daughter cell from each stem cell division is retained as a stem cell – thus perpetuating the untainted original source. The other daughter cell differentiates along one of four pathways to become either an enterocyte, an enteroendocrine cell, a goblet cell, or a Paneth cell. Enterocyte cells migrate up the crypts, and onto the villi, where they become the mature epithelial absorptive cells essential for extracting nutrients from the chyme. Virtually all nutrients, including all amino acids and sugars, enter the body across these absorptive cells that form the epithelium covering the villi.
Note: After crossing the epithelium of the villi, most nutritional molecules diffuse into the capillary network inside the villus diagrammed above, and then into the bloodstream. Some molecules, fats in particular, are transported not into capillaries, but rather into the lymphatic vessels (lacteals), which drain from the intestine and rapidly flow into blood via the thoracic duct.
Specifically, cells/glands found in the crypts of Lieberkuhn, at the base of villi, include:
• Paneth cells are in the deepest part of the glands. They secrete lysozyme (a bacteriocidal enzyme), and they
are phagocytes. Their purpose is to protect against invaders that have made their way into the intestinal tract
along with the food we eat.
• Enteroendocrine glands are the deepest part of the glands. The cells here secrete three hormones: secretin
(S-cells), CCK (CCK-cells), and gastric inhibitory peptide (K-cells).
• Brunner’s glands are in the deepest part of the duodenal mucosa. They secrete alkaline mucous to neutralize
• Goblet cells secrete lubricating mucous.
• Peyer’s patches are sections of lymphatic tissue that detect foreign elements in the GI tract and signal the
immune system. (Again, you can bring a lot of bad stuff in through your mouth that needs to be dealt with.)
Ileocecal valve
The ileocecal valve is a small muscle located on the right side of the body (left side on most illustrations) between the small and large intestine, thus marking the end of the small intestine. It is essentially a one way check valve that allows the final stage of chyme to pass into the large intestine for final water extraction and stool making. (Note: once chyme enters the large intestine, it is called fecal matter.) If functioning properly, the valve will open and close as required. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always function properly. Sometimes it sticks in the open position, which allows fecal matter to back up into the small intestine, where it can then contaminate the nutrient extraction process. And sometimes the valve sticks in the closed position, which can lead to constipation. Both of these conditions are very toxic and are easily triggered by bad diet (heavy alcohol consumption in particular), dehydration, and stress.
It should be noted that problems with the ileocecal valve are, for the most part, not acknowledged by the medical community, almost never diagnosed, and no effective treatments are offered. Fortunately, there are highly effective natural health options.
• Chiropractic and homeopathic treatments
• Self massage
• Dietary changes
In our next issue of the newsletter, we will begin an exploration of exactly how the small intestine (based on its anatomy) does its job -- both mechanically and chemically. We will also discuss its physiology, what can go wrong, and how we can fix it…without the need for surgery or debilitating pharmaceutical drugs.
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by: S. L. Baker, features writer
Your gut (your body’s gastrointestinal tract) is one of the most important yet often overlooked keys to good health. To understand why, let’s take a look at your GI tract and the important functions it performs.
Your body’s gastrointestinal (GI) tract consists of hollow tube known as the . The alimentary canal is between 26 and 32 feet long. It begins at your mouth and ends at your anus, and also includes the pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine and large intestines, and the rectum.
One of the main functions of the GI tract is to provide your body with the nutrients it requires to maintain its health. The GI tract is assisted in this digestive process by the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. Additionally, and of equal importance, the GI tract is also responsible for preventing unhealthy substances from being absorbed into your body. These interrelated functions are accomplished in three ways: the movement of food along the alimentary canal that occurs as muscles in the GI tract push food particles forward; the secretion of gastric juices by the stomach, pancreas, and liver, which enables food particles to be broken down; and the absorption of the fluids and nutrients contained in food by the small and large intestines.
A Tour of Your Digestive System
The process of digestion begins from the moment that you start eating food. As you start chewing, your body’s saliva and parotid glands secrete enzymes that begin the process of breaking down food. Then, as you swallow, the food moves rapidly though your esophagus to enter your stomach. Food remains in the stomach until it is further broken down, liquefied, and processed as it comes in contact with additional enzymes and gastric juices such as hydrochloric acid, which is necessary for the breakdown of proteins into smaller sized particles known as polypeptides that are then used by your body to perform a wide variety of tasks.
Once food passes out of the stomach, it enters the small intestine. There, food particles are further broken down by a combination of digestive enzymes secreted by the pancreas and bile secreted by the liver. On average, an adult’s small intestine is over 20 feet long. During the first four to six hours that food passes through it, most of the nutrients and fluids the food contains are assimilated as food particles through the first 40 inches of the small intestine. This is accomplished by a “work force” of tiny, hair-like organisms that line the intestinal wall, called microvilli. The microvilli sift through food particles and soak up various nutrients such as carbohydrates, fats, minerals, proteins, and vitamins, passing them through the intestinal walls and into the bloodstream, where they are transported throughout your body, to be used where they are most needed. At the same time, the microvilli also act as the front line of the digestive defense system, preventing toxic substances from being absorbed into the bloodstream as well.
Whatever food particles remain after this process then pass through the remaining 20 or so feet of the small intestine, which continues the absorption process, primarily of bile salts, water, electrolytes, and vitamin B12. Any leftover food particles and fluids are then passed into the large intestine, where they are assimilated, while undigested food content, toxins, and waste byproducts are prepared for elimination.
Your Body’s “Second Brain”
In addition to digesting foods and liquids and eliminating wastes and toxins, the gastrointestinal tract is also home to your body’s “second brain,” which is a very apt description of the enteric nervous system that is located in the linings of the esophagus, stomach, and small and large intestines. Research conducted in the last few decades indicates that that the enteric nervous system acts as a single entity, brimming with neurotransmitter proteins. (Neurotransmitters transmit nerve impulses from nerve cells to other cells and are essential for your body to be able to properly perform its many functions.) These proteins are produced by cells that are identical to those found in the brain, and research has shown that this complex circuitry enables this “GI brain” mimic actual brain function in that it is able to act independently, learning, remembering, and producing so-called “gut feelings.”
All of these processes are part of the overall operation of your body’s autonomic nervous system (ANS). The nerve endings that are attached linings of the GI tract provide nerve impulses that stimulate the operation of the various organs and glands within your body. The type of stimulation that the ANS is able to provide to your organs and glands is a direct reflection of the health of your GI tract.
How Disease Occurs in the GI Tract
Healthy functioning of the GI tract depends in large part on the health of the gastrointestinal lining. The health of the GI lining, or intestinal walls, depends in turn on a coating of “friendly” bacteria. Between 300 and 500 distinct species of bacteria exist within the GI tract. All told, approximately 100 trillion such bacteria inhabit the GI tract. This equates to ten bacteria for every cell in the body.
These friendly bacteria, also known as flora, form a protective shield that covers the intestinal walls and prevents harmful and damaging substances such as toxins and “non-friendly” bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms, from passing through the GI lining into the body’s bloodstream. At the same time, these friendly flora play an integral role in enabling vital nutrients and fluids to pass through the GI lining into the body.
So long as the friendly flora are present in sufficient numbers and remain unharmed, the overall functioning of the GI tract remains intact as well. However, if these flora are subjected to repeated exposure to harmful substances, then the white blood cells within the microvilli that also line the GI tract go into attack mode. In cases in which healthy flora are temporarily exposed to harmful substances, the white blood cells are soon able to resolve the problem by attacking and eliminating these substances. But when chronic exposure to such substances occurs, the effort of the white blood cells to dispose of them can cause the lining of the GI tract to become irritated and inflamed.
This ongoing assault of harmful substances, combined with the irritation and inflammation, results in a breech in the defensive capacities of the friendly flora, making the intestinal walls increasingly permeable so that toxins, abnormal proteins, and other harmful substances now find themselves able to pass through the walls into the bloodstream. In laypeople’s terms, this is known as “leaky gut syndrome.”
If this process is allowed to continue unchecked, the body becomes overburdened with growing numbers of harmful substances, setting the stage for disease to occur, first within the GI tract itself, and then, potentially, in other areas of the body. During this process, healthy bacteria are forced to contend with unhealthy bacteria, leading to a condition known as dysbiosis, which is characterized by the proliferation of harmful flora from the lower colon, where they are normally kept in check by friendly bacteria, into other areas of the GI tract and into the bloodstream. In addition, further damage is caused by the spread of free radicals that are produced as a side effect of the chronic inflammation besieging the GI tract, and the overall functioning of the GI tract continues to be diminished, resulting in impaired digestion and absorption of essential nutrients. Eventually, this creates a vicious circle in which the body is not only under attack from within the GI tract, but also unable to mount an effective defense because it is no longer able to obtain sufficient nutrients.
Not only is the situation described above very serious, it is also one that in recent decades has affected an ever-growing section of the American public, as well as many people in other Western nations. Today, this problem is so severe that the social, medical, and economic costs of gastrointestinal problems and related disease account for a significant portion of our nation’s annual $2 trillion health care costs.
Up to 100 million Americans suffer from some type of digestive diseases and the estimated lost work, lost wages, and medical costs comes to over $50 billion per year.
Health statistics also show that more Americans are hospitalized due to diseases of the intestinal tract than for any other group of disorders.
Next issue, I will show you how you can avoid being a part of such grim statistics. And I’ll also share self-care steps you can take to improve the health of your gut and, in doing so, improve and maintain your overall health as well.
The information in this eZine may be freely and widely disseminated so long as full attribution is made as follows: The Health Plus Letter, October 28, 2008, Vol. 6, No. 26. Copyright © 2008 by Larry Trivieri, Jr. All rights reserved.
In Part 1 of our series on the digestive system, we overviewed the process whereby food enters the mouth and passes through the GI tract and on out through the anus. We also focused on the process of actually getting food into the stomach through the mouth and esophagus. And finally, we discussed how enzymatic digestion begins in the mouth, but for most people, because of diet and eating habits, never actually amounts to much.
We now pick up the process as the bolus of food arrives in the cardia of the stomach -- which brings us to our first key point of the day that although the stomach has no actual physical separations, it does not function as an undifferentiated sac.
The divisions of the stomach
Anatomically, the stomach is not so much a separate organ as it is an enlargement (like the esophagus) of the intestinal tract that sits just below the diaphragm. In fact, the only thing that separates it from the rest of the GI tract are areas at its top and bottom that use muscles to constrict and close it off from the esophagus and the duodenum on either end respectively. Its functions are very simple: to grind, mix, digest, and parcel out its contents to the intestinal tract in a slow, controlled manner.
Although it is a single cavity (again, just part of the GI tract), it has four main "functional" divisions. Physiologically speaking, they are:
The chyme moves through these divisions sequentially, rather than just dumping into one great cavity. This distinction is crucial to understanding the digestive process. Unfortunately, although medical doctors understand the sequential nature of digestion in the stomach, they do not fully understand what it means. And once again, that's because they base their assumptions on observation; and when it comes to observation, 99.9% of the people they see eat the typical highly processed, cooked food "modern" diet -- not the more natural diet our bodies were designed to handle. In other words, doctors' assumptions about digestion are based on observing people who eat badly, consume food totally devoid of live enzymes, and gulp their food down so quickly it barely has any time to mix with salivary enzymes. This gives a very distorted view of how the digestive process "should" work. And it has profound implications for our understanding of the digestive process and the things that can go wrong with it -- all of which, we will talk more about later.
For now, just understand that food moves through the divisions of the stomach sequentially. Among other things, this allows us to consume more than the intestines are ready for at one time. The divisions allow us to process the food slowly and prepare it for entry into the intestines in a controlled and measured manner.
The outer covering of the stomach is called the serosa. Its primary purpose is to carry blood vessels and to protect the stomach. The stomach is supplied by an extremely rich supply of blood vessels. Just under the serosa are the layers of muscle -- longitudinal, circular, and oblique.
As you can see from the illustration to the right, these muscles allow the stomach to bend, twist, and fold in almost any direction. Combine all of that motion with the folds (rugae) in the interior of the stomach (as shown in our previous illustration of the stomach's divisions) and it's easy to see how the stomach can easily "grind" food down and totally mix it up with any digestive enzymes and juices that are present.
One final layer that we need to talk about is the thick, plush layer of mucosa cells that line the stomach cavity. It has deep clefts that increase the stomach's surface area considerably. There are four different types of mucosa cells.
There are two main kinds of digestion processes in the stomach:
Mechanical digestion is defined by the stomach's mixing of the chyme, whereas chemical digestion is defined by the action of various acids, hormones, and enzymes on the chyme.
Mechanical digestion
After the bolus drops into the cardia, it is pushed up into the fundus, where it is held for upwards of 40-60 minutes with minimal stomach acid being produced -- about 30% of full levels and not enough to render digestive enzymes inactive. It is while in the fundus that enzymatic digestion (from live enzymes present in the food, salivary enzymes introduced while chewing, or supplemental digestive enzymes taken with your meal) takes place. Up to 75% of digestion can take place during this phase -- or none at all if there are no enzymes present. Since any sustained heat of approximately 118-129 degrees F destroys virtually all enzymes, it's easy to see why the modern diet is pretty much devoid of live enzymes. Add to this the fact that the vast majority of people don't really chew their food but, rather, gulp it down -- thus missing out on salivary enzymes as well -- and you have the very real potential for zero enzymatic digestion taking place in the fundus.
Once again, enzymatic digestion is almost never accounted for in medical texts because doctors rarely see it. Again, ninety-nine percent of their patients eat cooked/processed food that is devoid of digestive enzymes and chew their food minimally so there is very little salivary action on the food. In any case, when doctors look at the cardia and fundus, they primarily see holding areas where virtually no enzymatic digestion takes place.
One nod the medical texts do give to the fundus is that it's where ghrelin is manufactured. Ghrelin is a hormone produced mainly by the P/D1 cells lining the fundus. The key role ghrelin plays is that it stimulates hunger. It is considered the counterpart of the hormone leptin, produced by fatty tissue, which induces satiation when present at higher levels.
In any case, at the end of "fundal" cycle, whether any enzymatic digestion has taken place or not, the chyme is moved down into the body of the stomach, where stomach acid is introduced at full levels, thus neutralizing all enzyme activity. Very little mixing takes place in the cardia or the fundus (again, these areas are reserved primarily for enzymatic digestion) but commences full force once the chyme is in the body of the stomach. In fact, waves of peristalsis (muscle contractions) grind and mix the food once in the body. This action is aided by the rugae, or folds, in the interior of the stomach, which force the chyme to roll over and churn as the muscular contractions squeeze the chyme over the folds.
After a period of intense mixing and digestion, the chyme moves from the body of the stomach into the antrum, where it is held up. The body knows that the duodenum is very small. Therefore, only a small amount of chyme is allowed into the duodenum at any given time; the rest remains in the antrum for additional mixing and grinding and additional chemical digestion. In fact, the major chemical processes take place, not in the body of the stomach, but in the antrum while chyme is waiting its turn to pass through the pyloric valve.
And with that stated, now let us take a closer look at these chemical processes.
Chemical digestion
When we refer to chemical digestion, we're talking about the action of hydrochloric acid and pepsin (or parietal cells and chief cells) on the chyme. At its most basic level, chemical digestion is about taking big molecules and breaking them down into smaller molecules. Note: enteroendocrine cells are also active in the stomach, but (as we will discuss later) they play a regulatory role, rather than a digestive role. Let us now look at the different cells in the stomach that play the major roles in chemical digestion.
Parietal cells
There are some parietal cells in the fundus, but most are in the body of the stomach and the antrum. The parietal cells are extremely important as they secrete hydrochloric acid (HCL) in very high concentrations.
HCL performs the following functions.
Pepsinogen is secreted by the chief cells. By itself, pepsinogen is inactive and will digest nothing until it is converted into pepsin when it comes in contact with the hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Pepsin is an extremely powerful protein digestive enzyme that thrives in a high acid environment. Pepsinogen converts to active pepsin only at low (high acid) pH. This is actually a remarkably elegant maneuver by your digestive system. Since pepsin literally digests protein, you don't want pepsin active in the mucosal/chief cells or it would digest them. Thus the mucosal cells release pepsinogen, pepsin's precursor -- which is converted into pepsin only after the pepsinogen has made its way out of the chief cells and into the stomach itself, where it is converted in the presence of stomach acid. Since the wall of the stomach is coated with a glycoprotein mucous, the pepsin can only digest your meal and not your stomach.
As we discussed already, stomach acid doesn't actually digest protein; it merely unfolds the proteins. That's where pepsin comes in. Pepsin is what actually breaks bonds between amino acids that make up proteins; thus, it is the pepsin that literally digests proteins. (Actually, it breaks them into "peptides," which are smaller chains of amino acids.) And once again, if your body is getting the benefit of full enzymatic digestion in the cardia and fundus, it will digest up to 75% of the proteins in your meal before HCL and pepsin ever come into play. This means that in proper digestion, HCL and pepsin should only be required to do clean up duty. But without enzymatic digestion, your body is required to increase HCL and pepsinogen production by some 400% to make up the difference. Once again, this is a major body stressor with profound long term consequences.
Pepsinogen serves one other key function in the stomach: it plays a significant role in moving chyme through the digestive tract. Or in "medicalese," it increases gastric motility. It accomplishes this in two ways. First, it is the arrival of pepsinogen that plays a key role in telling the esophageal sphincter to close down so that food and stomach acid can't back up into the esophagus. Pepsinogen then works at the other end of the stomach by telling the pyloric sphincter to open, thus allowing food to exit the stomach and make its way into the duodenum.
The chief cells also secrete gastric lipase, which breaks triglycerides into fatty acids and monoglycerides. Unlike triglycerides, fatty acids and monoglycerides are usable by your body and do not promote heart disease. It should also be noted that because gastric lipase is active at a pH of 3-6, its role is somewhat limited until it enters the duodenum, where stomach acid is neutralized and pH is raised. Another note is that although salivary lipase and gastric lipase are overshadowed by the later action of pancreatic lipase in the intestinal tract, if allowed to do their job, the action of salivary and gastric lipase can significantly reduce the burden of pancreatic lipase in the intestinal tract. Once again, we pay a price for our modern diets -- unless we supplement with digestive enzymes.
Enteroendocrine cells, which are also known as G-cells, are located primarily in the antrum and release gastrin which stimulates the production of both HCL and pepsinogen in the antrum and higher up in the body of the stomach. It is able to signal higher up in the stomach because the gastrin is released into the bloodstream and circulates around until it can enter the blood vessels that feed the stomach all the way from the esophageal sphincter to the pyloric valve. In addition to promoting digestive juices, gastrin causes the lower esophageal sphincter to relax; thus, high levels of gastrin are thought to play a role in the development of acid reflux disease since they cause the valve to relax too much and at inappropriate times. This will become significant when we talk about using antacids and proton pump inhibitors since by dramatically lowering HCL levels during digestion they cause a concomitant jump in gastrin levels in an attempt to ramp HCL levels back up. The net effect is a much "looser" esophageal valve thus allowing chyme to back up into the esophagus more easily. Taking this into consideration, high levels of gastrin may play a significant role in the development of acid reflux disease.
It probably should be mentioned that G-cells produce these higher levels of gastrin in response to antacids and proton inhibitors by proliferating wildly so that there are more of them to produce gastrin. So once again, artificially forcing symptoms back in line with pharmaceutical drugs has consequences. Although, to be fair, there is no evidence yet that this proliferation of cells leads to a malignant transformation in patients using the drugs. Then again, is that a risk you want to take?
In our discussion of the stomach so far, we have learned exactly how the lack of enzymes in our food affects digestion and why supplementation with a good digestive enzyme formula makes sense. We have also picked up strong indications as to why antacids and proton pump inhibitor drugs may not be the best long term solutions to acid reflux. In fact, you may never look at your stomach in the same way again.
In our next issue, we will conclude our discussion of the anatomy and physiology of the stomach, as we:
And finally, we'll finish with the big payoff on our discussion of the stomach with an examination of the things that can go wrong and how to prevent and even cure them, such as:
In the last newsletter (part 2 in our series on the digestive system), we began our exploration of the anatomy and physiology of the stomach from a natural health perspective. In this issue, we finish that exploration by exploring the three phases of stomach digestion. This is crucial to understanding how to treat diseases such as acid reflux and peptic ulcers -- and why typical treatments such as antacids and proton pump inhibitor drugs that your doctor prescribes may actually make things worse long term. Along the way, we will return to our comparison of the digestive systems of carnivores, omnivores, frugivores, and humans to get a better handle on what we were designed to eat. And most importantly, we will begin to touch on those things that can go wrong inside the stomach and how you can prevent or correct them.
That said, let’s pick up where we left off, with a discussion of the three phases of digestion. (Note: if you have not already done so, you might want to read Your Stomach, Part 1 so you don’t get lost.)
Gastric secretion and the regulation of food moving through the stomach goes through three phases
The three phases of digestion (cephalic, gastric, and intestinal) are regulated by both neural, blood, and hormonal factors, and there is much overlap and redundancy.
Cephalic phase
The first phase is called the cephalic or neural phase. This phase actually occurs before food even enters the stomach and involves preparation of the body for eating and digestion. In fact, forget food entering the stomach. It can be triggered by the mere smell of food, or for that matter, just the thought of food. Sight, smell, and thought stimulate your cerebral cortex. Just think for a moment how the smell of your favorite dinner can make your mouth water, or how just thinking of eating can make your stomach growl and gurgle. Once your brain has picked up on the taste and/or smell of food, the stimulus is sent to the hypothalamus and the medulla oblongata (the reptilian part of the brain located in the brain stem). From there, it runs down the vagus nerve, which connects to every major organ in the body (except the adrenal glands) and specifically controls the cephalic phase of digestion in the stomach. The word vagus has the same root as the word vagrant and means much the same thing in the body – wanderer. As you can see in the illustration on the right, the vagus nerve (in yellow) starts in the brain stem and runs down through your torso, playing a role in regulating everything from your heart and lungs to your stomach and intestines. In the stomach, the vagus nerve controls muscular contraction, telling the stomach to “grind” harder. It also stimulates secretion of HCL and pepsinogen and stimulates mucous production to protect against autodigestion of your stomach wall. And finally, it stimulates the release of gastrin from the antrum, providing yet another signal for the stomach to produce HCL. Gastric secretion during the cephalic phase rises to only 30% of maximum. Acidity in the stomach is not buffered by food at this point and thus acts to inhibit any further production of digestive juices.
As a side note, it is the vagus nerve that is triggered when we smell food or think about it (or hear a bell ring if you’re one of Pavlov’s dogs ). It is that stimulus of the vagus nerve that starts us salivating in anticipation of food.
Gastric phase
The second phase of stomach digestion/secretion is the gastric phase, which is both neural and humeral (humeral means things circulating in the blood). This phase is initiated by the presence of the bolus (the chewed up food when it is first swallowed) in the stomach. In fact, the gastric phase is activated by the stretching of the stomach wall as more and more food enters the stomach. Distention activates nerve reflexes in the stomach wall, which in turn activate the release of acetylcholine (a neurotransmitter) which stimulates the release of yet more gastric juices.
In addition, as protein enters the stomach, it binds to hydrogen ions, which raises the pH of the stomach from around pH 2.0-3.5 to pH 4.0 or higher. (Note: acids are defined by the number of H+ ions they hold in a solution. Thus, binding H+ ions makes a solution more alkaline.) As the pH climbs, inhibition of gastrin and HCl secretion is lifted. This triggers G cells to release more gastrin, which in turn stimulates parietal cells to secrete more HCl.
Everyone wants to know how strong stomach acid is. As released by the parietal cells in your stomach, stomach acid has a pH of about 0.8-1.0. Stunningly that’s about the same strength as battery acid! However, as soon as it starts mixing with food, it will quickly rise to a pH of about 2.0-3.5 – a pH your stomach will try and maintain for proper digestion. As more and more food enters the stomach, however, it continues to dilute the acid in the stomach, thus causing the pH to rise. Chemoreceptors in the stomach detect the rise in pH and signal the brain to produce more acid. In addition, as described above, protein in particular enters the stomach and binds to hydrogen ions, thus neutralizing some of the acid and raising the pH of the stomach. This rising and falling of pH in the stomach continues throughout the gastric phase, which lasts about three to four hours.
Once you understand the mechanisms of HCL production involved in the gastric phase, you can instantly understand the problem with using antacids such as Tums. Although they effectively can neutralize excess stomach acid short term, the very act of raising pH in the stomach while food is present tells the body to produce more acid to compensate. Thus, you get short term relief, followed immediately after by another round of excess stomach acid. On the other hand, moving chyme on through the stomach lessens the distension of the stomach, which signals that less acid is needed. In addition, eating live foods or using digestive enzymes with your meal allows for up to 75% of the meal to be digested by enzymatic action, cutting the time needed for gastric digestion by three-quarters – thus moving chyme through the stomach that much faster. This cuts stomach acid levels in two ways:
• Being largely pre-digested, food moves through the body and antrum of the stomach more
quickly, thus cutting off the feedback loop calling for more acid.
Incidentally, the gastrin produced by the enteroendocrine cells in the antrum is not released directly into the stomach, where it would be unable to trigger HCL production in the body of the stomach because cells in the stomach wall are protected by a layer of mucous. Instead, it is released into the bloodstream, where it then circulates back to the blood vessels that feed the stomach, where it can then trigger the parietal cells in the body and antrum of the stomach. As stated earlier, gastrin circulating in the bloodstream also shuts the esophageal sphincter and opens the pylorus – leading into the duodenum and the small intestine. The total effect is to force a small amount of chyme across the pylorus into the duodenum. As one might imagine, this has implications for acid reflux disease, which we’ll talk more about in our next newsletter.
Intestinal phase
Peristalsis in the antrum of the stomach
Although the duodenum is more anatomically aligned with the small intestine than the stomach, physiologically it is more oriented to digestion than absorption. In any case, we will quickly examine the duodenum in this newsletter.
Anatomically, the duodenum is defined as the first 12 inches of the small intestine. Very little absorption takes place in the duodenum -- mostly just transport and mixing. Its primary roles are to signal the stomach when to stop producing stomach acid, to regulate the flow of chyme into the intestinal tract, neutralize the hydrochloric acid in the chyme, and to start the digestive juices and insulin flowing from the pancreas and gallbladder. Also, as we discussed earlier, the duodenum releases three hormones when chyme (especially fatty acids and glucose) enter the duodenum. These are:
• GIP, the gastric inhibitory hormone (GIP), was once thought to primarily inhibit gastric
secretion (thus its name) and the movement of chyme through the system, which, in fact, it
does at high enough levels. However, medical researchers now believe that the primary role of
GIP is to trigger an increase in insulin secretion from the pancreas in preparation for handling
the ingestion of high glycemic carbohydrates.
• Secretin targets the pancreas and causes it to secrete a bicarbonate-rich fluid that flows into
the duodenum. Bicarbonate, of course, is highly alkaline and thus neutralizes the stomach acid
in the chyme, establishing a more alkaline pH favorable to the action of digestive enzymes –
both those temporarily rendered inactive by the HCL in the chyme and those produced by the
pancreas and released into the intestines, which will soon begin finishing off the digestion of
the chyme. And finally, secretin inhibits the release of gastrin, which thereby reduces acid
secretion in the stomach.
• Cholecystokinin CCK) inhibits gastric emptying, thus regulating the flow of chyme from the
stomach into the duodenum. As we discussed earlier, CCK is released as partially digested
food enters the duodenum. In addition to regulating flow, its other primary role is to trigger the
pancreas and gallbladder to respectively release digestive enzymes and bile, thereby assisting
in the digestion down the line of the proteins and fats entering the duodenum.
Gastric emptying
Gastric emptying is promoted by the distension of the antrum, partially digested protein fragments (amino acids), and drugs such as alcohol and caffeine.
• All of the above tend to increase gastrin secretion and stimulation of the vagus nerve.
• All of the above tend to close the lower esophageal sphincter, open the pylorus, and increase
gastric peristaltic contractions.
That’s why having a cup of coffee in the morning or a drink before dinner stimulates hunger, because it causes the stomach to empty, decreases distension, which triggers hunger.
On the other hand, as we just discussed above, gastric emptying is inhibited by distension of the duodenum as food enters and by the presence fatty acids, glucose, and protein fragments in the duodenum. These are all triggers to slow the emptying of the stomach’s contents. In addition, increased secretion of CCK (cholecystokinin), secretin, and GIP (gastric inhibitory peptide (hormone) slow down gastric emptying.
As we discussed earlier, it takes about three to four hours for an average meal to completely empty from the stomach. However, that said, different types of food move through at different rates. Fatty foods remain in the stomach for the longest time; proteins remain an intermediate time; and carbohydrates remain for the shortest time. Although proponents of proper food combining would have a heart attack to hear this, combining all three elements (proteins, fats, and carbohydrates) at a meal provides the longest lasting sense of satiety. Quick signals from carbohydrates tell the brain you’re full, followed by protein signals, and finally by fat signals. All telling your brain that you’re still working on the meal and that you’re still satiated. Diets that concentrate on only one element do not prolong satiety.
That said, proper food combining addresses an entirely different issue. By combining proteins fats and carbohydrates in the proper manner and not mixing bad matches in any given meal, you optimize the digestive process for those particular foods. Now it is certainly true, as many medical experts have stated, that much nonsense has been spouted in the name of food combining. And it is also true that it does not produce the same levels of satiety as seen when mixing foods. However, proper food combining absolutely minimizes gas and intestinal distress and leaves you feeling more energized after eating.
On a related note, it should be mentioned that your stomach has the capacity to stretch significantly. In fact, not only can the stomach stretch quite a bit, but it tends to collapse quickly when stretched, causing hunger to return quite soon after a large meal. How far can it stretch? After a Thanksgiving dinner, it can stretch almost down to your pelvis. Then it empties and you feel hungry again.
Grazing on the other hand does not overstretch the stomach, and keeps some food in there most of the day, which means you are constantly sending satiety signals to the brain. In other words, 6 small snack/meals will keep you feeling more satiated than 3 large meals – or any large meals, for that matter.
Carnivore, omnivore, frugivore
Now, having taken a comprehensive look at the anatomy and physiology of the human stomach, let’s continue our comparison of intestinal tracts that we started in two newsletters ago. Whereas at that time we compared teeth, let’s now compare stomachs.
Carnivore and omnivores
We can group these two sets of animals together, since the differences between the stomachs of the two are minimal. For both groups, the majority of digestion occurs in the stomach (which, as you can see from the lion's stomach above, is rounder and more sack-shaped than the human stomach and has a much higher concentration of acid for digesting not only animal tissue, but also bone – as anyone who has seen the movie Snatch knows). In fact, the stomachs of carnivores and omnivores secrete powerful digestive enzymes and digestive juices with about 10 times the levels of hydrochloric acid found in a human stomach. To be precise, the pH in carnivores and omnivores with food in their stomachs is less than or equal to about 1.0. For humans, on the other hand, pH ranges from 2.0-4.5 with food in the stomach. This is a huge difference.
Another difference is that food usually remains for days at a time in a carnivore’s stomach while it is digested (to a large extent) by enzymes present in the raw meat itself (a process called autolytic digestion). It is only after autolytic digestion that the highly concentrated HCL makes its appearance to break down the bone and gristle consumed with the meal. In addition, carnivores are adapted to process huge amounts of food at a time (up to 25 percent of their body weight or more) then eat nothing for days at a time. This doesn’t sound very much like the human digestive process (except on all-you-can-eat nights at the Troff N Brew Restaurant)
And, as might be expected, the human stomach is remarkably similar to the chimpanzee’s stomach, both in terms of shape and gastric juice content. Using that as a guide, we once again are looking at a diet that consists largely of fruits and nuts, with a maximum of about 3% meat. Again, as explained two newsletters ago, the human digestive system is remarkably adaptable – but there are consequences when it is forced to adapt.
This concludes our discussion of the anatomy and physiology of the stomach. In our next newsletter (part 4 in our series on the digestive system), we will focus in on the primary stomach disorders of our time and how they can be addressed using natural health alternatives:
• Peptic ulcers
• Acid reflux disease
And as part of our discussion of acid reflux disease, we will also explore the impact of suppressing stomach acid production on:
• Nutrient absorption
• Mineral absorption
• Vitamin B12 utilization
• Satiety
BY - Jon Barron
In the last newsletter (part 3 in our series on the digestive system), we concluded our discussion of the anatomy and physiology of the stomach from a natural health perspective. In this issue, we take the logical next step and explore in detail the things that can go wrong with your stomach. Amusingly, the common stomach ache is not one of them. When most people complain of a stomach ache, they put their hands over their transverse colons -- the source of the problem -- and an area we will cover in great detail later in our series on the digestive system. But for now, our focus will be on stomach/duodenal specific problems. These include:
So, without further ado…
Peptic ulcers
Most people do not understand ulcers. They think they are either caused by too much stomach acid (not true) or caused by the bacteria H. pylori (only partially true). They also think most ulcers occur in the stomach (gastric ulcers), which again is not true. In fact, about 60% of all peptic ulcers occur in the duodenum, where stomach acid is actually neutralized shortly after making its appearance -- which surprisingly contributes to the problem.
Quite simply, a peptic ulcer is any ulceration in acid-exposed areas in the duodenum or stomach. Stomach acid itself is not the culprit here. After all, strong stomach acid is a normal part of digestion. In fact the key to understanding peptic ulcers lies in two words found in the definition above: "acid-exposed." The bottom line is that peptic ulcers occur when the mucous that lines every square inch of the stomach and duodenum and that protects them from the corrosive effects of stomach acid is somehow worn away from an area of tissue -- exposing that tissue to the burning effects of the acid. Peptic ulcers, then, are caused not by stomach acid, but by damage to the body's protective mucosal lining.
This can have several causes:
Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is considered the primary culprit. Although somewhat resistant to stomach acid, H. pylori bacteria cannot really withstand a full onslaught of undiluted acid. Therefore, it lives under the mucosal layer lining the stomach, but does not actually invade it. It thus protects itself from the gastric juices, which can destroy it. H. pylori further protects itself by secreting urease, an enzyme that breaks down urea into ammonia and carbon dioxide; the ammonia in turn neutralizes stomach acid. This helps it survive short bursts of exposure to less than full strength stomach acid as it makes its way through the stomach and on into the duodenum. As the organism thrives and expands its colony under the mucosal lining, it causes the lining to inflame. This causes a thinning and breakdown of the mucous layer that protects the lining. The lining of the duodenum or stomach is now exposed to acid and pepsin, and ulcers may develop.
So again, stomach acid does not directly cause the stomach ulcer, and -- here's an important point -- can actually kill the bacteria if it is strong enough and is present before the bacteria can establish itself under the mucosa. If stomach acid is diminished for any reason (such as regular use of proton pump inhibitors, excessive use of antacids, or regular consumption of large amounts of liquids with meals), this can allow the bacteria the opportunity to survive long enough to establish itself in the mucosal lining protected from stomach acid. This can lead to a very interesting paradox.
Currently, proton pump inhibitor drugs are your physician's primary option for treating ulcers (along with Antibiotics to kill the H. pylori) since they prevent your stomach from producing the stomach acid that is eating away at the exposed tissue. But without sufficient stomach acid, the bacteria can resist lower levels of stomach acid. That's why the standard medical treatment for H. pylori requires Antibiotics to kill the bacteria. The problem with this form of treatment, however, is that it may actually make the condition worse. What a quandary! In addition, when discussing H. pylori, it should be mentioned that only a small minority of people (5-10%) who have H. pylori in their system ever develop a peptic ulcer. Not just a quandary -- but a paradox too!
The other two primary causes of peptic ulcers are non-steroidal inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) and "social" drugs such as nicotine from smoking, alcohol, and caffeine. Many NSAIDS (especially aspirin) and corticosteroids irritate the stomach lining and can also cause ulcers. As for smoking, people who smoke are more likely to develop a peptic ulcer than people who do not smoke, and their ulcers heal more slowly. As for spicy foods and being stressed, they can make your ulcer "feel" worse, but there is no established link between them and the actual formation of peptic ulcers.
An alternative approach to ulcers
Supplemental digestive enzymes help digest so much of your meal during the 40-60 minutes of pre-digestion that your body requires a less sustained release of acid in the actual digestion phase. (Note: the strength of the stomach acid released is undiminished, only the time of exposure is reduced.) This means that taking digestive enzymes will lessen the amount of time that your stomach and duodenum are exposed to acid -- but without raising pH when the acid is actually present. Those who suffer from chronic low levels of acid need not worry. Digestive enzyme supplements help here too by breaking down so much food in the pre-digestion phase that less acid is actually required overall. And over time, decreased demand results in increased reserve capability.
In addition, protease released with the stomach acid or present in the supplemental enzymes will begin breaking down the protective coating of the H. pylori bacteria. In other words, the protease will actually begin to digest the bacteria, rendering it vulnerable to stomach acid. However, for those with a severe existing ulcer, the protease may begin to digest damaged mucosal tissue because its protective coating is missing. This can cause noticeable discomfort for several days. To avoid this, when using digestive enzyme supplements, start with very small amounts of the supplement with your meals and build up slowly.
And then there's mastic!
Mastic, which is widely used in Mediterranean cooking as a sweetening agent, offers a couple of interesting health benefits. First, studies now indicate that in addition to having direct antimicrobial activity, mastic renders H. pylori vulnerable to your body's immune system. Mastic also enhances your body's ability to regenerate the epithelial cells of your gastrointestinal lining. The net result is that mastic can help prevent and relieve a number of digestive disorders, including heartburn, gas, bloating, dyspepsia, nausea, and of course, peptic ulcers.
Acid reflux
Acid reflux disease, also known as Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD, is defined as chronic symptoms or mucosal damage produced by the abnormal reflux of food and digestive juices (chyme) back up into the esophagus. This is commonly due to malfunctions in the lower esophageal sphincter that is supposed to prevent reflux from the stomach, back up into the esophagus -- and to loss of control of acid production during the digestive process. Surprisingly, most treatments deal only with the second factor, not the first.
Before we can actually cover the causes of acid reflux and what you can do about it, we need to quickly review from the last newsletter, the phases of acid release, the regulating mechanisms that govern its release, and the triggers your body uses to signal for increased production of stomach acid. Understanding these triggers becomes the key to managing them and also exposes the flaws in the basic medical approach.
As we discussed last issue, there are three phases of stomach acid release. To quickly review:
Cephalic phase
Thirty percent of stomach acid is released by the anticipation of eating and the smell or taste of food. This is known as the cephalic phase, and as we will discuss in a bit, this is both governed and triggered by the vagus nerve. The vagus nerve starts in the medulla oblongata of the brain, runs down through the neck and then connects to virtually every organ in the body except the adrenal glands. As such it plays a major role in the digestive process -- both sensing what's happening in the stomach and signaling the stomach to prepare for the ingestion of food.
Gastric phase
Sixty percent of all stomach acid is released during the second phase of digestion, the gastric phase. This phase is triggered by the distention of the stomach -- primarily the lower part of the stomach (the antrum) as chyme (the mixture of food and digestive juices) makes its way through the digestive process -- and by the presence of proteins in the stomach. It is also triggered by a sudden rise in pH as stomach acid is diluted and if there is too little calcium in the blood. These four triggers cause gastrin, the primary regulator of stomach acid production, to be released. As we discussed in the last newsletter, gastrin is released into the bloodstream by the G cells located in the antrum of the stomach. Once in the bloodstream, gastrin circulates around body -- ultimately reaching the cells of the stomach wall via the rich blood network that supports the stomach and bathes all of the cells in the stomach wall. Once there, gastrin works by stimulating the pariatel cells and the gastric chief cells to produce stomach acid and pepsinogen respectively as needed for digestion. In addition, gastrin causes the lower esophageal sphincter to constrict, thus inhibiting the backup of chyme and stomach acid into the esophagus. Disrupting this signaling mechanism causes the sphincter to relax, thus making it more prone to reflux.
Since these triggers for the release of stomach acid are so important, let's review them in a little more detail.
Intestinal phase
And finally, ten percent of stomach acid is released during the last phase of digestion, the intestinal phase. This is triggered when chyme begins leaving the stomach and causes distension of the duodenum. More importantly, though, the presence of chyme in the duodenum starts triggering the inhibition of gastrin release -- and ultimately the inhibition of stomach acid production. This is regulated by the fact that the presence of chyme in the duodenum triggers the release of a number of hormones, including somatostatin, secretin, VIP, glucagon, calcitonin, and, of course, the appropriately named gastro inhibitory peptide.
Solutions to excess stomach acid
So now that we know the mechanisms that regulate the production of stomach acid and the triggers that lead to excess production in the stomach, we should be able to look at the alternatives for alleviating the condition -- and what problems they might present.
As we discussed last issue, once you understand the triggers involved in the production of stomach acid, you can instantly understand the problem with using antacids such as Tums and Rolaids. Although they effectively can neutralize excess stomach acid short term, the very act of raising pH in the stomach while food is present tells the body to produce more acid to compensate for the reduced acid levels. Thus, although you may get short term release from antacids, it is likely to be followed by another round of excess stomach acid.
Drinking water
Drinking water to dilute excess stomach acid presents pretty much the same problem as using antacids. It will neutralize excess stomach acid short term, but by raising pH while the stomach is still distended, it will merely trigger the subsequent production of even more stomach acid.
Which brings up another issue associated with drinking water (or other liquids) while eating.
Drinking too much liquid while eating will dilute stomach juices from the get go. Not only does that interfere with digestion, it also immediately triggers the stomach to produce more stomach acid and is a primary factor in the onset of acid reflux disease. A little bit of water, wine, tea, whatever with your meal does not present a problem. Once you go beyond 8 ounces, however, problems start to develop. The more you drink, the greater the problems. Or to put it another way, three slices of pepperoni pizza sluiced down with an entire pitcher of root beer is a prescription for disaster.
Proton pump inhibitors
"Proton pump inhibitors" is the name of class of drugs that includes familiar names such as Nexium, Prilosec, and Prevacid. Right now, within the medical community -- and within the public at large -- proton pump inhibitors are among the hottest drugs in use. This is a testament both to the extent of digestive problems in the developed world and in the ability of these drugs to effectively stop production of excess stomach acid. How do they accomplish this miracle?
Without going into technical details, suffice it to say that proton pump inhibitors act by blocking an enzyme system that controls the final stage of the release of stomach acid from the parietal cells. Block the enzyme system, and you stop the release of stomach acid. How effective are proton pump inhibitors in stopping the release of stomach acid?
Quite simply, proton pump inhibitors can reduce gastric acid secretion by up to 99%.
Problem solved! If you had acid reflux before, you do not now. Even if some chyme is still backing up into the esophagus, it's not a problem since there's no stomach acid present. For doctors, it's the perfect solution. It works like a charm, and their patients are happy.
However, since it doesn't address the actual problem behind acid reflux and merely suppresses a symptom (which is in fact what most drugs do), it should not be surprising that there is a physical cost to regular use of these drugs.
But even more significantly, there is a fundamental problem with suppressing the production of stomach acid. Hydrochloric acid is not just "something" in the stomach; it is an essential component of the digestive process. Suppressing the symptoms of acid reflux by eliminating 99% of all stomach acid production presents a fundamental disruption of the digestive process. As you may remember from the last newsletter, hydrochloric acid is required for the digestion of proteins; it unwinds them so that pepsin can break them down. It is also required for the absorption of nutrients, particularly of vitamin B12. And it is required for the utilization and absorption of minerals such as calcium. Specifically, suppressing the production of stomach acid through the long term use of proton pump inhibitor drugs will lead to:
Incomplete digestion
Stomach acid denatures (unfolds) proteins so that they can actually be broken down by pepsin during digestion. Without being unfolded, they resist digestion. Without sufficient stomach acid present, this process won't happen and the digestion of your food -- particularly proteins -- will be incomplete. This can result in long term deficiencies. In addition, since proteins now enter the intestinal tract not fully digested, this puts incredible stress on your pancreas (the digestive organ last resort, as it were) to produce vast quantities of protein digesting enzymes to try and compensate. And of course, the incomplete digestion of complex proteins (particularly those found in wheat, corn, and dairy) is a major factor in the onset of food allergies .
In addition, HCL kills many micro-organisms, such as the ones that travel into the digestive tract from the human mouth or come breeding in the food itself -- as with contaminated meat or produce. Without sufficient stomach acid present, you are that much more likely to succumb to food poisoning and stomach flus -- not to mention H. pylori and peptic ulcers, as we discussed earlier.
It is the presence of HCL in both the stomach and the duodenum that stimulates the flow of hormones, bile juices, and pancreatic juices in preparation for release into the small intestine. The less HCL produced, the less pancreatic juices are signaled for. Combine low HCL with no digestive enzymes being consumed with your food, and you have guaranteed lack of proper digestion (not just for proteins, but for fats too since the trigger for the release of bile has been disrupted).
Poor B12 absorption
Intrinsic factor is a protein made by the parietal cells in the stomach. It is made and released concurrently as the parietal cells make and release stomach acid. Effectively, the same things that trigger the release of stomach acid trigger the release of intrinsic factor -- and more to the point, the same things that inhibit the release of stomach acid, such as proton pump inhibitors, inhibit the release of intrinsic factor.
Why is this important?
Because intrinsic factor is essential if your body is to absorb and utilize vitamin B12. The mechanism is simple. Intrinsic factor, if it's present, binds with vitamin B12 in your food and/or supplements. This happens in the duodenum, and it accomplishes two things:
Without intrinsic factor, most B12 could never reach the ileum, and even that which made it there could not be swapped out with transcobalamin II and thus utilized by the body. This means that if there is an intrinsic factor shortage, you will suffer from a B12 shortage, no matter how much you supplement.
The primary symptom of B12 shortage is pernicious anemia, a decrease in red blood cells that occurs when the body cannot properly absorb vitamin B12 from the gastrointestinal tract.
Symptoms of anemia can include:
Not surprisingly, pernicious anemia is a known side effect of the long term usage of proton pump inhibitors. And in fact, the problem is even worse than described above. In addition to causing B12 shortages, long term use of proton pump inhibitors leads to iron deficiency, which further exacerbates the problem by causing iron deficiency anemia -- as we will now discuss.
Poor mineral absorption
Hydrochloric acid is essential for separating minerals from the foods that bind them. Or, if the minerals are already separated, as in supplements, low HCL levels in the stomach allow the minerals to recombine with the chyme into compounds that are difficult to absorb. Some minerals are more prone to this problem than others. Of the major minerals, iron, zinc, and calcium absorption in particular are directly affected by low acid levels.
In addition, if the stomach produces too little stomach acid, minerals such as calcium remain insoluble and cannot be ionized, which is necessary for assimilation in the intestines. Ionization is the process whereby an atom changes its structure so that it can combine with other elements. This is why chelated calcium, like many other chelates, is much more absorbable than raw calcium. The bottom line is that proper stomach acid levels are essential for ionic bonding which is necessary for intestinal uptake. The proper level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is so important that its lack in the digestive process can account for as much as an 80% loss of available calcium absorption.
That means that regular users of proton pump inhibitor drugs are prone to be deficient in these minerals. In addition, sufficient stomach acid is essential for the absorption of most trace minerals. And considering that most people get almost none of these essential micronutrients in their diets to begin with, deficiencies of trace minerals is epidemic among people who suppress stomach acid production.
Natural Health Alternatives
Fortunately, proton pump inhibitor drugs are not the only solution to acid reflux disease. There are natural alternatives. These include:
For more on stomach acid and digestion, check out my 2007 newsletter on the subject.
And while discussing acid reflux disease, it's important not to forget the physical contributors to the problem
As we discussed in our overview of the digestive system, there are steps you can take to help alleviate hiatal hernias.
As for the esophageal sphincter, getting the release of stomach acid back into proper alignment and timing, can go a long way to helping the sphincter close properly -- as can avoiding overeating.
Satiety/Weight Gain
The human stomach can stretch quite a bit to accommodate a large meal, but also tends to collapse quickly after being stretched, which can cause hunger to return quite soon after a large meal. How much can it stretch? An unbelievable amount!! After a Thanksgiving dinner, it can stretch almost down to your pelvis. Then it empties -- eventually -- and you feel hungry again.
Grazing (eating a number of small meals throughout the day) on the other hand, does not overstretch the stomach, and keeps some food in there most of the day, which means you are constantly sending satiety signals to the brain. In other words, 6 small snack/meals will keep you feeling more satiated than 3 large meals -- or any large meals, for that matter.
There's more
In addition to the problems we've already discussed relative to B12 and minerals, the symptoms of HCL deficiency include:
The bottom line is that despite the fact that proton pump inhibitor drugs can help eliminate the short term "symptoms" of acid reflux disease, they create a whole range of problems of their own associated with reduced stomach acid production and should not be used long term.
One final note on low stomach acid is that this is not just a concern for people who use antacids or proton pump inhibitor drugs. It is a major problem for the elderly. After a lifetime of eating enzyme deficient foods and forcing the stomach to overcompensate with extra high acid production, eventually the body's capacity to produce stomach acid breaks down. At that point, no matter what you do, the body can no longer produce enough stomach acid to properly digest foods or negotiate the absorption of vitamin B12 and minerals. That's one of the major reasons that so many of the elderly suffer from low blood counts and nutritional deficiencies -- particularly mineral deficiencies.
When it comes to stomach stretching, I always remember the possibly apocryphal stories of Diamond Jim Brady, the American businessman and financier of the later 1800's, whose eating bouts were legendary.
No doubt, his appetite for gourmet food was insatiable, and he gorged himself at restaurants and parties. And as legend would have it, a typical Brady breakfast would include: eggs, pancakes, pork chops, cornbread, fried potatoes, hominy, muffins, and a beefsteak. For refreshment, a gallon of orange juice -- or "golden nectar", as he called his favorite drink. Lunch might be two lobsters, deviled crabs, clams, oysters and beef, with a few pies for dessert. The usual evening meal began with an appetizer of two or three dozen oysters, six crabs, and a few servings of green turtle soup, followed by a main course of two whole ducks, six or seven lobsters, a sirloin steak, two servings of terrapin and a host of vegetables. For dessert, he enjoyed pastries and a two pound box of candy.
Apocryphal or not, his lifestyle eventually caught up with him. Brady first consulted doctors for stomach diseases brought on by his uncontrollable eating habits: diabetes, heart and urinary problems, and high blood pressure. His prostate was swollen beyond belief. And his stomach was six times the size of a normal person's stomach. After treatment at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore helped clean the prostate,Brady went back to New York and lived lavishly for another five years.
But on April 13, 1917, Brady died of a heart attack resulting from complications of his diseases. He left most of his wealth to Johns Hopkins and New York Hospital to help found medical institutes in his name.
Good health and good appetite!
And here we conclude our discussion of the stomach.
When next we continue with our series on the digestive system, we will pick up with a discussion of those organs just outside the alimentary canal that play key roles in the digestive process, including the:
In some ways, these are three of the most fascinating organs in the body -- and three organs that are highly amenable to improvement through detoxing and flushing. Doctors absolutely do not understand the concept of detoxing when it comes to these organs, but we will explore the detox protocol using medical terminology and points of reference so that it will finally be understandable to them -- as well as to you.
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Baseline of Health® is a Registered Trademark of Jon Barron
The collection of microbes that live in and on the human body is known as
refers to the complete set of genes within these microbes. Microbial genes
significantly influence how the body operates and even outnumber human
genes by a ratio of 100:1.
Each of us has a unique microbiota and a unique microbiome. The microbes
that live in your body are determined by what you’re exposed to and these
colonies are constantly in flux. Geography, health status, stress, diet,
age, gender, and everything you touch all affect the composition of your
I had the distinct pleasure of reading a paperback book by Dr. Susan E. Brown and Larry Trivieri, Jr. called the Alkaline-Acid Food Guide. It is a short read and quick reference on the extent to which foods affect the pH balance in our bodies. The book is based on compiled research from a number of important scientists who spent their life documenting the pH effect of thousands of foods and drinks. The authors do an admirable job of summarizing all this effort in a very simple manner for everyone to appreciate. Nevertheless, the 80-plus pages of food tables in their book are very useful even to professionals.
Their major premise is that the modern diet tilts the body’s pH toward the acid range, which has negative health consequences. The kidneys, lungs and skin must work overtime to balance body pH toward the alkaline. They do so by borrowing alkaline minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium) from bone and tissue. Muscle is also broken down to obtain alkalizing amino acids (i.e., glutamine). Over the long haul, bones weaken and muscles waste away to compensate, and aging is accelerated. Osteoporosis, muscle loss, kidney stone formation, joint and back problems are among the conditions associated with even a slightly acidic state. The authors also describe many other problems and chronic conditions that could result from what they term chronic, low-grade acidosis.
This book has already made a major impact on my eating habits, and I was already a health nut. Yet, it left me with a number of questions. Since Larry Trivieri and I are acquaintances, I thought it would be fun to have a public dialogue with him. – Philip Domenico, PhD.
Dr. Phil: Excuse my excitement, but I find this perspective on health fascinating, and very practical. I realize that you are not the first to introduce this notion of pH imbalance, but no one has ever made it as practical as you and Dr. Brown have. The first thing I did after reading your book was to make a list of the most acid-forming and alkaline-forming foods as a personal guide. Then I went out and bought every high alkaline-forming food I could find.
Larry: So, what have you observed thus far?
Dr. Phil: I believe that I may be on the way to solving some old, nagging health issues with your guidance. The jury is still not out yet, but I do feel more energetic and happy, and I think that my allergies are not as bad as before. I’ll know for sure come ragweed and dust-mite season. You say in the book that the benefits increase over time with consistency. I’m looking forward to that.
Larry: As with any health enhancing measure, eating according to the principles Dr. Susan Brown and I share in our book will have a cumulative effect in terms of the benefits people typically experience when they shift their diets to eating foods that are primarily alkalizing. Initially, many people won’t necessarily experience benefits that they notice. Even so, Susan’s research shows that benefits are occurring. Over time, as the body is no longer burdened with a steady diet of acidifying foods, more oxygen and nutrients are able to be delivered to the its cells and tissues, and before long the benefits truly become noticeable. Common examples of such benefits include greater energy levels throughout the day, improved digestion, more restorative sleep, and less aches and pains, and so forth.
Dr. Phil: According to your book, the most pervasive high acid-forming foods in the modern diet are carbohydrates. People should restrict these foods, if they are intent on balancing their pH (and losing weight). Specifically, under refined carbohydrates, you list bagels, biscuits, croissants, bread, Sugar (including brown sugar), cakes, corn flakes, farina, noodles, brownies, cookies, corn syrup, croutons, crackers (including saltines), cupcakes, donuts, ice cream, pies, puddings, jams, jellies, pasta, pancakes, pastries, pizza, potato or tortilla chips, and waffles as highly acid forming. Is that a fair assessment?
Larry: Yes. And unfortunately, these are precisely the kinds of foods that are so prevalent in the so-called standard American diet, which goes a long way towards explaining why our nation is afflicted by so many chronic degenerative diseases. Since you mentioned sugar, I’d like to point out that Sugar substitutes such as honey and maple syrup are not as acid forming, and that organic sucanat, brown rice syrup and molasses are alkalizing. Additionally, such sweeteners are more mineral-rich than the sugars that are so common in our standard diet, and it’s the mineral content of foods that is one of the primary factors that differentiates whether foods have an alkalizing or acidifying effect in the body.
Dr. Phil: Certainly, excessive carbohydrates, particularly refined carbs, are known to be detrimental to insulin and heart health, but few experts speak to their effect on pH. What exactly do these foods do to tip the balance?
Larry: They create a bigger acid burden inside the body. This, in turn, forces the body to draw upon its alkali mineral stores, such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium, in an attempt to neutralize acid buildup. Most healthy people can afford to eat carbs so long as they aren’t refined and are consumed in moderation. But when refined carbs are eaten on a regular basis, chronic acidity, or acidosis occurs, eventually causing the body’s supply of alkali mineral stores to significantly diminish. These minerals are primarily stored in the bones, which explains why osteoporosis and other bone conditions are so prevalent in our culture, whereas, as Susan has verified firsthand in her travels and investigation of other cultures around the world, such disease are virtually nonexistent among peoples whose diets are traditionally alkalizing.
Dr. Phil: Most protein sources are acid forming according to your table. The high acid-forming proteins are beef, bacon, veal, hard cheese, mozzarella, swordfish, lobster, mussels and shrimp. Can you explain why this is so? Also, people are not about to give up these comfort foods. How do you recommend balancing this acid effect in a meal?
Larry: We discuss the answers to these questions in depth in our book. The short answer is that neither Susan nor I advocate eliminating protein foods from your diet. Despite the health claims made by proponents of vegetarianism, research shows that few people are suited to such diets, and that for the majority of people optimal health depends on a daily supply of protein-rich foods in the diet. The problem is that in our culture, many people are consuming too much protein foods each day. Excessive protein in the diet adds to the body’s acidic burdens just as refined and excessive carbs do. The solution is to make sure that you always include lots of alkalizing foods, especially green vegetables and so forth, with your meats, fish and poultry dishes, and to limit the size of your protein portions. For most people, a healthy portion equates to the size of their fist. Anything above that is usually too much.
Ideally, each meal should consist of between 60 to 80 percent alkalizing foods, and only 20 to 40 percent acidifying foods. Susan and I realize that most people are not going to drastically change their eating habits, no matter the scientific evidence that might encourage them to do so. That’s why our book provides so many food charts and tables that contain our nation’s most commonly eaten foods. Using the charts makes it easy for anyone to create predominantly alkalizing meals without having to make too many changes in their eating habits.
Dr. Phil: While whole grains and many animal products (e.g., chicken, eggs, pork) are also acid forming, they are not as bad as white flour and red meat, according to your food tables. Some of these foods are nutrient rich and healthful in many respects, so it’s a relief that they are not highly acid forming. What about organic varieties of these foods? Are organic eggs or chicken any less acid-forming, or organic beef for that matter? One would think that a pasture-raised animal would produce far less acid. Certainly, it is far less inflammatory.
Larry: Organic food choices are always the best bet when it comes to healthy eating. Not only do organic foods contain a higher amount of beneficial nutrients, they are also free of the various additives, including dyes, Antibiotics , growth hormones, and other factors that much commercially grown and raised foods contain. All such additives create further acidity in the body, not to mention the many other unhealthy effects they have.
Dr. Phil: What makes fried food so acid forming? And, what does browning or charring foods do to their pH effect?
Larry: These types of cooking methods literally change the chemical composition of foods, making them more difficult to digest and significantly increasing their acidifying effects in the body. In fact, one of the primary reasons browned, charred, and/or fried foods produce inflammation in the body is because of the acidosis that they cause. The interrelationship between acidosis and inflammation is discussed early on in our book because the cooking methods you mention are so common in our culture.
Dr. Phil: I was doing all right until I came upon chocolate in your table. It would have been heaven if it was alkalizing but, alas, it is highly acid forming (as is espresso coffee, another one of my favorites). If these foods are kept to a minimum (one mouthful per day), how much of a high alkaline-forming food, like lime juice or mineral water, would neutralize this small amount?
Larry: I love chocolate too, Phil, and as I’m sure you know, there is a growing body of evidence that shows that chocolate it actually a health food. Similar benefits are also being found for coffee. Again, moderation is the key. I recommend that people who choose to indulge themselves with a bit of chocolate (and for me that means more than a mouthful) simply increase the amount of alkalizing foods they eat for a few days. As for how much alkalizing foods or drinks are needed to maintain balance that depends on the overall health, including acid-alkaline balance, of the individual in question. Obviously, the more acidic a person is, the more alkalizing foods he or she should consume.
Dr. Phil: Forget about it, Larry! Giving up coffee is out of the question. However, I don’t mind switching to alkaline-forming green or herbal tea after my first cup of coffee. On a daily basis, could these hot beverages offset one another?
Larry: Yes, especially if you also drink adequate amounts of healthy water throughout the day.
Reference: Dr. Susan E. Brown & Larry Trivieri, Jr., The Acid-Alkaline Food Guide, Square One Publishers, Garden City Park, NY, 2006
The Health Plus Letter, July 31, 2008, Vol. 6, No. 16. Copyright © 2008 by Larry Trivieri, Jr. All rights reserved.
The anatomical elements or microzymas that make up Human genes remember an acid hit of Sugar for two weeks, with prolonged acidic eating habits capable of permanently altering DNA, Australian research has found.
"A team studying the impact of diet on human heart tissue and mice found that cells showed the effects of a one-off acid hit of Sugar for two weeks, by switching off genetic controls or the anatomical elements designed to protect the body against dietary and/or metabolic acids that lead to the symptoms of diabetes, heart disease and cancer," states Dr. Robert O. Young, Director of the pH Miracle Living Center.
"We now know that chocolate bar you had this morning can have very acute effects, and those effects can continue for up to two weeks," said lead researcher Sam El-Osta, from the Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute.
"These changes continue beyond the meal itself and have the ability to alter natural metabolic responses to diet," he told Australian Associated Press Friday.
Regular acidic eating would amplify the effect, said El-Osta, with genetic damage lasting months or years, and potentially passing through bloodlines.
"To protect the healthy state of the anatomical elements that make up Human genes can be achieved with an alkaline lifestyle and diet. This alkaline protection of the genetic matter can improve the quality and the quantity of life and prevent All sickness and dis-ease," states Dr. Robert O. Young.
Journal of Experimental Medicine
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'Miracles happen not in opposition to nature, but in opposition to what we know of nature.' St. Augustine
'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic' ....Arthur C. Clarke
'There are only two ways to live your life. One, is as though there are no miracles. The other is as though everything is a miracle.' Albert Einstein
pH Miracle Living Center
16390 Dia Del Sol
Valley Center, California 92082 US
© Copyright 2008 - Dr. Robert O. Young
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