Re: Mirena IUD- Possible class action lawsuit- please stop by
Hey everyone...
I just remembered...I too suffered from a feeling of fuzziness and general scatterbrained type episodes. I had the Mirena removed yesterday - no- actually I had it removed Monday (2 days ago) and on Tuesday for the first time since I had the thing, I woke up with energy! I couldn't believe how immediate the change was. I was in a good mood. I didn't snap on anybody. Later than night, I actually had a conversation with my boyfriend that lasted for HOURS. He even commented by saying, "You know, this is like the old you. I thought I would never again get to have conversations like this again with you." When I was on Mirena, anything and everything he said would be a cause for me to want to kill!!!
I also had periodic feelings of something 'stabbing' me in my side. I also almost fell asleep while driving a couple of times. It was like I was so fatigued that I had no control whatsoever. My body felt as if it would simply 'shut down' during normal waking hours. It didn't even matter if I got a full nights sleep.
Now, I am having alot of bleeding and I'm wondering how long that will last. But I'm just thankful that this thing is gone!