Re: Mirena IUD Side Effects-Similar Problems
Hi everybody.This is my first time on this site. I have literally fallen off of my chair!!I had my Mirena inserted in Germany after the birth of my son 3+1/2 years ago. My gyno's wife had it, he said there were absolutely no side affects, no weight gain.I have never been the same since.My period just stopped about a year ago,but alot of spotting. Cramps,weak,permanent cramps are one of my #1 complaints.I've gained appr.30 pounds,of which I take sole blame for 10.I always feel bloated,well I am,and tired.The terrible pressure,crampy feeling in my pelvic region never goes away. At first I thought it might have fallen out of place, but after 2 years of 6 month check ups I stopped thinking that and now I accept this terrible feeling as an everyday permanent part of my life. Yes, vaginal wetness does come back,you don't have periods and it's a good birth control,but either manufacturers are hiding something or they just plain don't know what we are all experiencing.IMy glands under my right arm are more swollen too. Has anyone also experienced thirst more than usual? You ladies have woken me up and I want to get this THING out of me, but I don't have the money now.Are there any risks taking it out?Nothing can be worse than keeping it in,we still don't know the long term side affects, do we? Please respond to me, I need it, and Thanks,I really thought It was in my head that it could be this iud doing this to me.