I just finished reading over 200 postings and cannot beleive this company for merida has gotten away with this for so long!! Even though I have had my share of BC problems and have written the hormones off personally, I found this site after getting off the phone with a close friend who has basically become wheelchair bound within the last year but is feeling much better now. Although she is afraid to get her hopes up. I only know her story second hand but she has been tested for everything, was sent to shands hospital for extra test and no one found anything, WELL... she told me that she had her merida IUD removed 2 weeks ago and felt releif the minute it was removed! She wanted to know if I knew of any side effects since she could not find any literature on it and I found this site. She also called to tell me she was taking her daughter to disney world (1hour away) tomorrow & has worked a couple days, I was so happy I started crying. She was eventually told it was MS but the doctor just couldn't see it yet. I am going to tell all my friends about this to see if any one else has these problems. I will give her the class action site also. I wish everybody luck!