I have been using the Mirena for the last nine and a half years; I had it replaced after the first five. After falling pregnant on the pill twice and the cap once; I was very relieved to find a contraception that worked and required no attention. Three children 3yrs and under were enough demands on my attention. Firstly I have not had a period since and at times this did concern me but generally the freedom was wonderful. Secondly my weight went up and down but I put this down to having three children. Thirdly my moods swings have been up and down too, lately this has increased and as it affects everything in my life I went to see my GP. She believes that the Mirena may have something to do with it; so today I had it removed and replaced with a copper IUD. The blood was a shock to the system as it has been so long. I often experienced twinges in my side but no other physical discomfort.
I would advise anyone with excessive bleeding or discomfort to consult her Dr. or another for a second opinion. I would be interested in hearing from anyone else who has experienced similar symptoms as I.