Hi I read your message about the IUD. I had mine put in about 5 weeks ago. I have yet to stop bleeding. I thought that it might be helpful to you to know that I have also been a basket case from the day I had the IUD put in. Im hoping that the reason for this is the IUD. I have had a rough year though. I lost my father in Jan., single mom and giving a kidney to my mother Aug. 8th. However I have been more stressed in the last 5 weeks than I have ever been in my life. When I lost my father I knew than that I was giving my mom a kidney and was handling things fine! The only thing that has changed is that about the time I had the IUD is when I have had difficulty handeling situations that I have had no problems handling in the past. I hope this message is helpful to you. Please feel free to email me back at anytime. Good luck to you.