I have had the mirena for about 9 months, unfortunatly, this was my last option before a hysterectomy. I have polycystic ovarian syndrome with insulin resistance which has caused me huge problems. I had bled for 8 months straight, been on every birth control pill, usualy triple the dosage to get the bleeding under control, and the last option was the iud, what is worse, I've never been able to have a child, i've had 2 miscarriages, and i'm only 31, so that totaly sucks. The first 3 months with the mirena, i still spoted and had cramps, but nothing too abnormal, then i would only spot for about 3 days, and it was amazing. But I always would get this dang itching and horrible pain and thought it was a yeast infection, the doctor gave me anti itch creams, prescriptions for yeast, all that and nothing helped, then my hormones would balance out and i'd be fine. Well in July, i didn't have a period at all, and I thought finaly, it's adjusted, WRONG, August came, I started having a period, and here it is middle of sept. and i'm still bleeding, no breaks at all, the itching and pain are back, talk about mood swings! My poor husband just got back from 18 months in Iraq, he's dealing with civilian life and i'm trying to hide mood swings so he doesn't have to deal with that. I've looked everywhere for help on side effects and the manufacturer website doesn't give enough info. kind of like they're hiding stuff, and i fee violated for that. Well anyhoo, i'm thinking of just getting it out and taking my chances, if i have to, i'll get the hysterectomy, which i don't want, but i'd rather do that then go through this!