Wow! I just finished reading all of the postings on this forum and am so relieved to see I am not alone. I just wish I'd read them, or thought to look on the internet before I had the Mirena inserted. I read all the package lit and it does say mood swings, weight gain and many other things, but it sort of glosses over alot of it.
I thought I'd become completely whacked from the hormonal trauma of having my first baby. I got the iud put in ten weeks afterward and breastfed for five months. Who knew? I can't take the pill either (tried 5+ kinds), and, like many of you, was told by my ob gyn that the hormones in this aren't absorbed into the blood stream and wouldn't affect me like the pill had. I'm scheduled to have it removed in four days - that is if they can find the string. Not sure what I'll do next for birth control. Thanks to this experience, I'll be doing a web search on the nuovo ring and side effects to hopefully save myself further heartache. If that turns up bad results I'll probably retry the pill called Yasmin 28. That gave me the least issues except for some breakthrough bleeding right before my period.
Depressed and no energy
Night sweats
mood swings
no sex drive
Acne - been having it, but didn't tie it in
crying for lack of sleep over all of it.
constant spotting 30 days, two weeks on two weeks off
no regular period
I agree with the woman earlier who wrote that if you can't take the pill you should be very very cautious with this. It's a pretty painful insertion and tough trial and error period to be trying things out. I feel grateful my insurance covers insertion and removal. I can't imagine having the thing in me and not being able to get it out, that's the thing that's kept me from trying shots or implants.
As a last resort I'll probably turn back to a calendar an temperature method that I used to get pregnant to begin with. My mom just reminded me I can use it in reverse - to determine when I'm NOT fertile. Check out the book called "TAking charge of your Fertility." An awesome read for every woman.
Thank you to all who posted. Please pray for me. It hurt so bad to have the baby, then the iud and still not feel like myself. I just want me back & I dread having this thing taken out. I'm scared.
Thank you.