Thx for replying hardup. Actually I had the mirena mainly for preventing my uterine polyps from recurring (went for surgery to remove polyps twice in less than a year...sobsob...and my doc insisted mirena). What makes me feel disguisted is that doc did not mentioned the possible side effects to me. She only said things like...."dun worry, u wont feel it's a contraceptive to suppress uterine lining and hence polyps".
Having uterine polyps is such a terrible thing to me (wonder anyone of u hv it?). Unexpected spotting anytime or even continuously throughout the month. Once I heard how mirena can suppress those polyps, I juz naturally said I want it!
If I really suffer from all those mirena side effects, hmmm...I duno what to do...remove it and mayb have polyps again? Or live with the side effects....
/*Sorry for the long paragraph...juz want to pour out my frustrations*/