I just want to tell the women out there that it is not the best thing to use, especially if you have not had children. I ended up in the hospital last night with the most horrid stomach pain. I waited for ever for them to come in, well when they did, come to find out it was not kidney stones or even my appendix, it was that damn mirena, and it came me cervicitis! I could not sit up I had to sit on my tailbone, i couldn't lay down, i could not get comfortable if i tried. BUT the good news is that they took it out and instantaniously sit up and it not hurt. The Dr. told me that the IUD was pushing on my swollen and very irritated cervix causing all the pain that I was having and yes there is still pain but nothing like it was when I had the stupid thing in! I t really doesn't hurt that bad when it come out but it is also very relieving. The worst part about it was that I only had it in for, well about 2 weeks.THE WORST 2 WEEKS OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!