I have been reading all your comments on the mirenas and they are all bad.
While having my 3rd c section 4 years ago i had my tubes clamped, as I am unable to take the pill as I have funny turns, unsure if they are TIA's or migraines. I have always suffered from very heavy long and painful periods so I had endometrial ablation done. This didn't stop my periods but made them lighter but they are now very irregular and I pass lots of clots. For the past 18 months I have had awful pain in my left side and at ovulation time I am lucky to stand up. After going to my gyno I found out I have a deformed uterus (from c sections) an enlarged cervix and cysts on my ovaries. The doctor has me booked in to have a mirena fitted on the 18th of next month, says this will help. Have any of you ladies had one fitted for these kinds of reasons? Did it help? I am really worried about having it put in after reading the comments on here. I would love some advice from you ladies.
Please help.