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Re: Mirena IUD- Possible class action lawsuit- please stop by
Babymakesfive Views: 58,059
Published: 19 y
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Re: Mirena IUD- Possible class action lawsuit- please stop by

I feel as if I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! I am a 29-year-old mother of three (newest being eight months old) who had my IUD placed when the baby was six weeks old, which is about six and a half months ago. The placement of it was one of the most painful things I have ever experienced but I attributed that to just having given birth and a sensitive cervix and uterus. And thus my attributing "things" to other things began. I was so tired but I reasoned that was because I was the mother of three small children. I couldn't lose my baby weight 20 pounds (which had happened easily with my first two pregnancies) but in my mind it must be because it had been five years and I was about to be 30. I have had pelvic pressure and pain which I attributed to giving birth to three children (preemies with complications) and thought that it was just my female organs telling me that they were worn out. The extreme vaginal dryness and PAINFUL intercourse I of course attributed to breastfeeding. My aching joints I thought that was just another sign of what giving birth multiple times does to your body. There are more but I will stop here. For the past six months I have thought that I must certainly have something really bad wrong. From the moment I had the Mirena inserted it did not feel right. I went back six weeks later to check placement which I felt sure it had to be out of place, it wasn't. So, for the past six months I have been telling myself to give it time and my body would adjust. As I listed above all of the "symptoms" I have been having I thought were problems coming from other areas of my life, I never even considered that it was the IUD. I have been telling my husband that surely when I stop breastfeeding the vaginal dryness and painful intercourse would go away and recently he lovingly reminded me that it wasn't that way with the first two children who I also breastfed. So, as the time has worn on I have begun to think and ask myself what is wrong with me? Is is postpartum depression, am I lazy now that I am a mother of three (I will fall asleep sitting in a chair which has never been a trait of mine) or do I have some sort of serious illness (MS I have wondered). So, about a week ago I decided after looking on Mirena's website that there was no information there and my doctor had assured me that it wasn't the IUD, I decided that I would search the web until I found out something that could help me decide what is wrong with me. About a week ago I stumbled across this website with a Google search and me jaw dropped as I began to read. I read for a couple of hours (late at night) and then woke up my husband who thought that I must be crazy to tell him that I really wasn't crazy. The next day I called him at work to tell him everything and how so many women have the same things wrong with them that are wrong with me and they have or had the Mirena. And the good news is that there were several that wrote after having them removed to say that the side effects started to go away with the removal of it. I made an appointment today for next Tuesday at 10:30 a.m. to have it removed. I really hope that my OB understands and has an open mind because that is how she has always been but if for some reason she doesn't then we will agree to disagree and I am having it removed regardless. I am so excited to think that in a little over four days this nightmare will have a beginning to its end! I feel that surely there should be some federal guideline that would force the company to publish these possible side effects, even if it doesn't effect everyone the same way. It is only fair to any woman that she knows what could possibly happen to her. I am going to be contacting the FDA ASAP to tell them my story and I urge anyone else who is out there to do the same. I hope that you all are well and I look forward to soon rejoining the land of the living!!


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