I had the Mirena iud put in right after my third chid was born.i have had problems ever since,and she is four now.when i had it put in my problems started with horrible back pain then to bleeding all the time,bloating as if i was still pregnant.i went from being 145 pounds to 180 in about 6 months.then i went from being normal to a crying panicing mess. so bad i would have panic attacks in my sleep.i had to get on antideppresants.and a nerve pill for the panic attacks.after about a year i had it removed.well the problems only got worse i still felt the same way i did but had new problems i had servere displasia on my cervice and in between 3 and 4 stage cancer cells on my cervices and i had two cist on my ovaries my cervics was dialated and would not close up from where it was put in. and i had so much infection.my doctor went in and did a d&c on me. and ever since that i keep a bacterial infection.it has really messed my life up with my children and my husband and for my friends as well. everyone was used to me being a great mother and being able to take care of everything to someone who was falling apart mentally and pyhscialy. i stay so tired now and i sleep alot. i had a couisin that had the mirena put in and 22 days later almost lost her life from blood clots in her lungs.this is a very dangers thing to have. i hope this possible class action lawsuit can be won for all of us who have sufferd.