So, on we go.
The women the OAS pulled out and hung in a security cell in the town square, with their memories and list of crimes from the last 1000 years posted on each, were put there for the king to decide their fate. There were about 25 there by the end of the nite.
The king was expecting this after the OAS told him what he'd found. So he, plus the four high lords, went down the row, reviewing the memories and observed crimes of the women, deciding their fate. Of that 25, the group in judgment couldn't find one single woman who wasn't so thoroughly corrupted that a life reset would help, even Zen's mother. They rarely ever resort to reading memories, so she'd slipped thru that first time.
They were all sentenced to death, permanent death. Which, their bodies were killed and their heads destroyed and the spirit was sucked out into a soul container. The king asked the OAS to take them out somewhere beyond the galaxy and destroy the spirits so there'd be no way they'd ever make it back to earth. The king really wanted far more punishment for them, but he realized it'd just give them the chance to escape and be more problem. See, somebody learned something from all those TV shows where the good guys go soft and don't get rid of their enemies, with lasting bad results. Lol
So, whew I thought, finally I could get back to normal and get rid of all these attacks spell/curses. But nope, they started up the thirst/dehumidfying spells started as soon as I lay down. I couldn't believe it---the women doing the attacking knew the consequences for this behavior and so the OAS found 5 women this time and hung them up for judgment; crimes and memories posted with them—again all very corrupt.
Well, that ought to do it! I thought. But the next nite another group attacked me, with the same results. And finally after about 4 nites of this, the OAS was getting quite annoyed so when he noticed one of the women had an energy trail which he traced it to it's source. It led downwards deeper and north. Hum, both of us were thinking they had another talisman buried down there somewhere, maybe. After a bit, we popped out on this rough stone balcony thing.
And down in the vast cavern below there was this huge black beast thing, complete with black horns red eyes and a gaping hole where the mouth should be. It was extremely powerful and as soon as it saw us, it roared up to attack us. We, being of good sense popped ourselves right back out of there. We turned and looked at each other. What the hell was that???
We went back to the surface and sought out the king. We told him what we'd found. I suggested we keep very quiet about this and be very careful about who was around in any planning sessions because clearly this was a huge threat that needed dealing with. And after the witch thing, we might not know who was working for that monster.
So more tomorrow. Sheesh, that was one really terrifying being.
So we got our heads huddled, the OAS, (actually the El-*th and the grey's OAS too), me, the king, the four high lords, and started trying to figure this out. First what/who was this beast?? I could see from his skin being all flat black looking and very rough, he was a demon universe entity who was incredibly old; they, like dragons get bigger with age.
I've been thinking about how in heck you kill the entities from that universe for a while now. They're silica based, not carbon, so essentially, they're stone. So first off, energy bolts or bullets or swords had little effect. It chipped them or melted little spots on their surface—no big deal and a waste of time and precious energy.
So I explained that to the group. I told them, in my thinking, it was like figuring out how you'd destroy a stone statue or building—something like a wreaking ball, sledge hammers, air dropped explosive bombs, big rocks dropped on them, jack hammers, anything that would crack or shatter them. And maybe one of those industrial lazers that could cut stone. And just keep pounding.
This monster was, we figured out trying to be an OAS without becoming one. Just by controlling forces of el-*th, humans and demon world entities. Most of which didn't even realize they were serving him. His name was Bael.
Must be a common name over there, because that was the name of that demon spirit I had helping me. He knew I was destined to deal with the El-*th, who wouldn't really deal with those types of entities because they were very aggressive about people on their land and attacked the traveling caravans of El-*th regularly. So he said he'd helped watch out for me so that I could ask the El-*th to stop the hybrids from shooting highly damaging powerful nuclear weapons thru the portal and destroying the access to this world and making a large section of the demon side unusable. It was near where his people lived and he believed that destruction would annihilate them. I did ask, of course, and the El-*th were able to stop that. The hybrids were trying to get rid of witnesses.
Anyway, this Bael was actually behind the hybrids too, although I'm not sure they ever realized it. He literally was Satan. The most evil force in existence. I've been wrong—there was a satan being pushing all these dark evil agendas. The hybrids were his pawns. Wow---I never even saw a glimpse of him and of course the coven was devoted to his service (luckily it was already disbanded). The breath of his power and influence was staggering. The OAS has 7 billion but this character had close to 6 billion with all the different species. This battle was going to be basically Armageddon---he'd been preparing for a very long time.
But we wanted to make sure it didn't go like he wanted. I could tell he had all of his demon world help in the tunnel and warrens behind him. His plan was to lure us into the tunnels where he and his minions had lots of traps set up. I just knew we couldn't face him in there. Somebody, think it was one of the high lords, suggested we get energy netting down below and around his location, underneath him, and pull his whole cavern out of the ground (yeah, they can do things like that). The OAS saw that would just open up those tunnels and all those angry demons would come boiling out. He decided before we lifted that cavern, maybe he should go stomp around on top of the tunnels really hard, collapsing them. Demons wouldn't be killed, just trapped for a while. We didn't see any humans or el-*th down there, so it seemed a good start to keeping the demons from being a problem.
The plan then was drawing that monster out into the open and start bombarding him.
Of course you do. And I'd hate to be responsible for depriving 461 of quite possibly her only acolyte, but academic curiosity has once again got the better of me. So please enlighten me, if you will. What exactly is the attraction for you? What is it about her version of human history and the human/alien condition that has you so enthralled or convinced?
For example, what's wrong with David Icke's version, or that espoused by Scientology, or Erich von Daniken, or almost any number of other simialr theories doing the rounds? Why are they all wrong, when the theories they espouse are not a million miles removed from those promulgated by 461? They share so much in common that they amount to little more than variations on a theme, though none of them seem able to sweat the small stuff. Aliens this and aliens that, and aliens everywhere blah blah blah. Please.
And all from a person who, by her own admission, witnessed scenes as a child that would screw the mind of almost any sane adult, never mind that of a child. I feel sorry for her. I really do, despite my 'attacks' on her delusions. But if they offer her comfort, some form of psychological protection or 'buffer' against the horrors she witnessed, I'm more than ready to concede that I may have rushed in where angels fear to tread. But to share in her delusions? Are you being serious, or were you simply humoring her?
Seriously, I'd like to know.
Of course, I can't stop you reading or responding to something that was intended for your 'discerning' fan, but since you took it upon yourself to do so, you still manage to avoid the central question I put to him.
As for being 'nasty' about it, I'm happy to let others be the judge of that. For myself, I can think of few things nastier than crediting Satan with authorship of the Bible/Gospel, or wishing your adversary a grisly death by way of a debt to karma, or accusing him of lying after citing an old post that is as good as 'written in stone', etc etc.
But you really should stop putting words in my mouth. It's really unbecoming of someone who claims to be the sole and exclusive repository of all truth. If Celeste helps you cope with life, I'm happy for you, but that's about as far as it goes as far as my interest in you both is concerned.
BTW, make that 3-4 weeks for the Big Pharma expose if you're still interested, and I will answer the questions you raised about my faith in Christ - eventually. Unless you explicitly request that I forget it.
Beyond that, I wish you well and all the hapiness your god can offer you.
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