Now, it's pretending to try things I use to get well....
The employees are still at it, pretending to use the methods/protocols I've used with great success. The first one tried it with the silver gel to get rid of a lip skin infection, that left untreated, makes your lips peel and get crusty-ish around the edges.
I had it for a while, mostly because it wasn't constantly a problem, so if it flared up, I'd just silver gel it and it'd subside. NO BIG DEAL. Finally I decided to get rid of it so every morning and nite and after meals I just put it on. In less than a week, there was no sign of it and It hasn't flared up again. I figured it was some version of my scalp fungus aka dandruff, and my lips must have gotten too dry or something and I scratched my lips after scratching my head. It's easy to transmit infection around your body like that.
So this person says they tried the gel--I'm pretty sure they don't have it---someone around them might. Of course they said ohhh, that didn't work! (I am sure they didn't even try) but later posted some lips (the real suffer) who didn't hear about the gel, I'm sure. But his lips definitely looked in the throes of a total allergic reaction. Which I'm sure the poster will never inform him of. Their street cred, ya know.
Then someone else, who I know is an employee was going to try (at my recommendation of course) something I use just like that 'lip' person. I made some further recommendations, which were of course ignored. I could tell they were planning on proving olive leaf didn't work for fungus, as flippant and yeah, this better work! as they were--so I bet that in a post or two, they'd probably be trying to say it doesn't work, because they 'just tried it and it failed'.
Then this same poster in another forum tried to do it again--asking for details but not really bothering to sound genuine. Again, I said I doubt the whatever was going to work, because I was getting the feeling that certain posters were trying to discredit the methods I use. They never replied.
And now, some 'new' poster who's 'never dealt with
parasites before' pops up, and 'painfully' is thanking me for my help (but not one single question which they should be asking as one would expect from any one serious. Of course now the 'new' poster will ask questions, since I just said that) leads me to believe one of those other previous posters are at it again trying to pretend they're a 'new' poster.
But this time they going for whole scam from beginning to end--of course ending in 'failure' as proof Dr. Clark's protocol don't work, or the zapper doesn't work or both; And it doesn't work because they really aren't doing it. It's just a role play. In support of keeping people sick to support the pharmaceutical product sales here on Curezone. Well people don't use many, not like sick people.
I guess they gotta earn their paycheck somehow. Although the OAS says they haven't been paid in a while.