Avoid DMSO and a insulin detox update...
So, a bit more health stuff. My warning for DMSO first from a couple posts I just made. And this isn't fear mongering; this is a real danger.
"Be extremely careful with DMSO. It really does accumulate in the eye and make the tissue very fragile, and probably could lead to blindness.
I used it for a while, noticing my eyes getting easily irritated and the whites started getting saggy. Then I had a bad eye bleed (which had never happened before or since). Luckily EFT to the rescue to remove the toxic build up in my eyes, and I never used it again, so my eyes are back to firm and healthy again. So unless you are planning on learning EFT, steer clear of using it much.
My guess--the pharmaceutical cartel's behind all the false information about it not being dangerous because it will cause all sorts of problems for them to treat profitably, plus support their medical doctor minions *cha-ching* by multiple visits and prescribing all their 'medicine'/supplements. Plus add a whole new layer of fear to a person's thoughts--fear they'll go blind.
Since the 'elite' own most of the big any type industries, they coordinate strategies, and fear keeps people unable to think very well. They stay reactive and overemotional and VERY easy to manipulate."
Well, that being said, I'm updating my 'insulin' detox next. Wow, It's finally gone but it took a good month of aching and severe cotton mouth that had me so very thirsty I ended up having to get up several times a night to hit the bathroom. It was pretty miserable, but at least it'd done.
And the glucometer kept saying over 300 the whole time, with a couple days over 400 even although I hadn't eaten any differently the day before. But if I'd averaged my previous months I bet it would have been high. In fact I did three reading from the same blood drop with a half minute between readings for 20 days, and got readings that varied by as many as 70 points. How can you trust a 'meter' that does that, really??
It's a bit nerve wracking, even though I had absolutely NO symptoms of high blood sugar, and at that high a reading if it was real, my feet would have been miserable. The thirst wasn't the same kind as I'd felt before I was re-diagnosed with high blood
Sugar (I suspected but didn't really want to know). That kind is a thirst in the back in the throat, no dry mouth, just a general feeling of needing more water.
Muscle testing (and I've been doing it with everyone around me, testing their blood sugar, and getting right and similar readings as mine).
I did find a nerve had been severed and tapped for that and it brought my blood sugsr down to the more perfect range. They and I usually are between 90 and 98 or so.
I think that finally help my sweetie believe that the meter was lying, versus me in denial. :)
It did basically take my stroke recovery back to about seven months after too, since that was when my body stared using the insulin reside to build with. It's like it coated anywhere it was put with plastic, capping the site preventing further growth. Blah. So I've lost what little growth I had attained. But at least now my nerves and muscles can actually regrow all the way. It's worth the weakness.
And the spasming/cramping I was noticing was that I wasn't rebuild the removed areas, so the tendons and muscles were getting stressed. I had been eating a beef sandwich for lunch for a week or so, when I noticed the cramps had subsided. I din't think about it then, and stopped eating the beef and in a couple days, the cramps resumed. Hum... So I had a nice prime rib (not as much fun when your sweetie has to cut it up for you) and a couple days later, the cramps went away again.
So, the building blocks my body needed were from beef, and muscle testing indicates this whatever is only available in beef or deer and antelopes type animals, but not buffalo or other food animals like chicken or pork, or from any plant source of protein. I knew there was a real reason we need some beef in our diet.. Weird I know, but when I forget and don't, the cramps start up again.