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Fiddle-fuss methods...
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Fiddle-fuss methods...

And more drivel about all the twisty turny ways that might get you better. Even the answerers don't sound very convinced. I know the employee regular 'posters' were pushing the fiddle fuss methods for the pharmaceutical cartel's natural healing industry, but really--trying for months and months the same old thing with minimal results---how long will the regular folk settle for never getting well??

Or all these back and forths about Miracle-Mineral-Supplement and dichotomous earth and other slightly helpful things are just the employees talking to each other, still trying to set the norm that fiddle-fussing is the only answer?

If you use a zapper, in addition to the deparasiting herbs, you actually get well. Why do folks appear to settle for the fiddle fuss in the face of actually getting better? I'm quite ready to throw in the towel---obviously these idiots WANT to suffer. Or cruelly make other folks suffer because of the misleading norm they're setting.

I'll still throw in my obversations but I expect they'll just ignore me cuz I'm not in the script, saying the 'right' thing.



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