Re: It's true--you've tried your best with the 'elites' methods.
Yeah, I got that. Not subject to any independent verification in the physical realm - the one in which we all live, breath, have our being, perceive thru all our senses, etc etc. Very handy.
And by all means likewise please feel free to continue with your exploration of the cosmic consciousness, which provides us with the only valid truth about the universe. If only Einstein knew that, imagine what he could have done with it. Instead all we got out of him was that E=MC2 crap, then spent another 10 years working out General Relativity. What a loser.
Well, it's been surreal, if not a pleasure. Have a great life, and look out for my humdinger of an expose. I might just give you a heads up when it hits cyberspace.
Toodle pip chuck, and please, don't have nightmares on my account. I'll be just fine, honestly.