9 y
Re: I saw that one of the 'vanished Asian billionaire reappeared...
Well, Not enough reading. I've realized I am what they called in the old days before the 'elites'/hybrids squashed all our real history, an Oracle.
She used to have one every generation, but the 'elites' keep killing them if they can, and the last 100 years or so, the gal herself couldn't take the dichotomy of the difference she was learning and being taught by the 'elite' brainwashing, and/or hostility towards her from vicious 'elite' brainwashed folks, who were of course being riled up by the 'elites' puppet 'preachers/priests/elders' types.
They used to burn them, but lately they've force institutionalize them and drugged them into non-functionality, if they didn't commit themselves.
It's a spiritual war against humanity. :(