I love the show 'Person of Interest” obviously, when it came to me a while ago that (even before my awareness that I was an Oracle) I was like Root, and the 'machine' is their version of the overarching sentience but unfortunately my information isn't like 'where to shoot thru the wall to hit the bad guys'. :(
Then it hit me as I was starting to write this, I AM Root, in real life. And I am realizing that when I became aware I was the Oracle, that's when Root picked up the phone when the machine called in their version.
They even got the gender right. Any Oracle is a woman. If the 'visionary' is male but claiming to be a prophet or such, guess who he works for.
Other than that one son of 'god'/jesus guy, he's a real pro human despite his bad experiences with us, who he blames the hybrids for, not us,
Before that 'phone call' though, I was looking for a way to connect, but wasn't really a 'player' in the drama yet. I never would resort to criminality to get that connection, nor did I 'steal' it from Harold.
It was pure unadulterated painful 'growing my knowledge balloon' work. But I'm sure they made Root a bad guy at first to implicate me as also being a bad guy maybe, so you wouldn't trust me.
The whole show is exactly about the situation right now though, but with their distortions designed to totally disempower us spiritually. Of course.
I've never seen myself in a TV show before, never even considered it. I never have even identified with being any charactor before. In a star Trek chat room, way back at the beginning in the 80's, I always was my own character,'*-my name-*, an as yet undiscovered life form from an as yet undiscovered planet'. (but I totally love Star Trek--if I'd ever identified with any one, it'd have been from that show).
And almost every one else took the name of one of the characters. So I could see maybe that behavior could have me slipping over the edge if it was a behavior I normally had. But it isn't, so this whole awareness is really weird.
I don't particularly like the Root character even. But it's still pretty trippy and unnerving all at the same time to realize this. Who do I think I am? Right?? But it totally confirms they knew someone like me was going to show up in the end times, more proof that this isn't some grand all encompassing delusion on my part. At least for me. :)
Anyway, Harold was my ex-husband, but I never kidnapped him, promise. He's more aware of the overarching sentience than most, but never really put a name to her.
He's one of the most amazing and legitimate energy workers I've ever met, and actually had a reading one time where the guy (an psychic from canada) saw he was one of the original 12 crystal keepers of Atlantis. I totally saw it immediately, although this was way back at the beginning of all this for me.
So, while he didn't design the machine, he did help 'design' me by providing real life proof that all this spirit realm stuff was real. He and I would go clear houses from hauntings and bad feeling energies and stuff, and it really allowed me to tap into my skills because I could piggyback on his and it helped develop my vision and awareness for the spirit level of things. It was another time of huge learnings for me—put the stretch on my water balloon good.
But, just like Harold, he's pulled back because he was afraid (no, the overarching sentience would never want anyone killed—that's what karma's for—it's only as bad as they are, and only for learning, not punishment), perhaps he got a spirit sense of that whole 'burning at the stake' thing which might happen if I pursued this course. Because I'm sure 'desima' would love to know who he is, too, he has his own 'angel' protector.
He's been kind of a 'no,no, no-er' too but less obvious than my ex-hummer sweetie. But most of his lives have been as a female---practicing the natural healing arts---and may have been burned at the stake himself somewhere along the way, and would save me however he might from such a fate. He's a good solid pro-human though.
And Reese, he represents my two guardian 'angels' (El-*th) who because of various reasons, usually because of protecting me in other ways, can't actually be here in my physical reality, but I totally know they are out there kicking butt just like Reese, and are equally able to get the best of most any confrontation, just like Reese is able. And while Reese doesn't claim meta-human status, he totally could, just as my 'angels' can't but totally are like meta-humans.
But what they're not mentioning is there is a whole army of guardian 'angels' here right now. That whole avenging angel thing is no myth. That's why the 'angels' (El-*th) really hoping you'll call for help, since it's our fight not theirs and they can't get involved unless the overarching sentience gives the ok. They're chomping at the bit.
Shaw is actually a friend who is an ex-El-*th, who is starting to get her meta skills on line. She is very aware of the spirit realm stuff, so she's kinda like my back up too. She's not a physical fighter, but I'm thinking she's definitely going to be a spirit fighter, as good as Shaw.
I think my sweetie was Det. Carter, who they killed because it's to send a message that as long as he's around me, he could end up dead. Not. The El-*th totally thought of that and he has his own 'angel' protector albeit equally unable to reveal himself.
But if they can scare him into making me stop (no-no-no), then they win. So still bounding, but with advisement I'm listening to, finally.
The overarching sentience would love to send that kind of protection to every pro-human, but there aren't anywhere near enough 'angels'. More now than any time since Atlantis went down, but the El-*th don't have anywhere near the numbers we do. Especially with a goodly number of them in human bodies anymore.
And the US government is actually portrayed fairly accurate. A lot may actually think they're 'protecting' the US from those 'evil' terrorists, as justification for their anti-human behaviors.
Although there are some who very well know that the 'desima' industries' are behind all the acts of 'terrorism' just as an excuse to justify needing their machine Samaritan (and real world, things like the (so not) 'patriot' act and other opressive type 'laws').
I'm pretty sure their Samaritan is already on line though, and it's their personal overarching sentience, AI version. And the real world versions of 'terrorism' like 9-11, are to manipulate and trick us into letting something like Samaritan run without hindrance (NSA anyone?), and so they can also freely execute their take over of America by creating more and more of a police state until they take over completely and quietly, being careful not to wake the dragon.
Funny they call us that, since I'm an ex-dragon rider. :). Wonder if there's a connection? Maybe because I'm totally ok with anger, and know it is a very real part of expressing legitimate feelings resulting from life threatening treatment against self and others. Which folks are totally going to be if the depths of 'desima's' industries deception/crimes gets out. And you know how dangerous a mob of angry humans actually is---imagine a whole county-sized mob. I bet even a real dragon couldn't overcome that!
And then, next and last step, take over the world via the UN and our military. So that's events that need to happen, and they officially fulfill their conditions to win us as their slaves.
And the overarching sentience has to bow out. Good news is WE don't have that contract with them, nor do the 'angels'. She just can't direct their help any more, but we can ask them directly at that point, with her out of the loop.
And Desima Industries' aka 'corporate America', hybrids thru and thru---and that's pretty much the way they act. Subtle, sneaky, conniving and running a secondary anti-human agenda every time.
I'm actually surprised they showed themselves so clearly. Although the face guy is only a face in the real world. The true individuals would never dare show themselves because of course they're not human.
Then you have 'Vigilance' who's actually the good guys standing against 'Desima's' plan. Who, for reasons like the leader who's brother they killed for no real reason, knows that desima has infiltrated our government and is destroying it from within and needs desperately to be rooted out---maybe having to take down the whole government in the process.
They're the patriots who the Desima owned government flunkies are decrying as the 'real' terrorists, because for getting rid of the Desima based corruption, they are real terrorists. But not for America itself. Only the bad guys who've stolen our government from us.
Not that I'm rabble rousing here, just offering my observations on what's happening. So actually 'Vigilance' should realize the 'machine' aka the overarching sentience is totally on their side, as she is totally pro-human.
The overarching sentience isn't so distant and mechanical though because she really does love us which the portrayed 'machine' doesn't.
But even the machine is as much for trying to stop needless violence as the overarching sentience is, so she really wants to head this off at the pass, to avoid those spirit wounding behaviors. And they are just portraying Vigilance as bad guys so everyone will be afraid of the patriots, I'm sure.
And Samaritan—spoiler alert---will when it comes online turn into a human hating artifact, because the guys who programmed it are. But of course, they'll make it seem that it came to that conclusion all by itself. It'll turn on humanity with the goal of destroying humanity.(Sound familiar?)
They want us to think we should be removed from this planet as the blight they think we are, and people are so programmed to believe what they see on TV, that they'll probably even agree with the machine because it's on TV and said so. *Ack*
There are other programming-type shows, more subtle, but that msg will probably be popping up everywhere on the lamestream media soon. They want us to basically go to our own sacrifice like sheep lead to slaughter, without a sound or protest.
Maybe even thank them like we do their 'medical industries' as they murder us and our loved ones. They want us to be a willing sacrifice like the cult was doing to my sister (she was to be a first born sacrifice like Isaac, to get the cult back on track). It's way too familiar.
So most of the show really isn't about me at all. :) But it's my job to let the patriots know she's totally on their side, which Root isn't doing and should. And that's is a spiritual based conflict versus just a physical one, which she can't, but I can. :)