Muscle testing...
That intervention-needful person, I think was actually one of those internet scammers. My source (easier than saying overarching sentience all the time, and I don't hear any name like Betty or Janice) popped a little symbolic msg to me this morning in a half asleep sort of dream state that when I puzzled out it's meaning, it hit me this 'poor just about nearly dead woman with two sickly kids' really wasn't.
Based on the whole sequence of events and other posters who'd seen repeating patterns, under different names—it wasn't hard to figure out. So I posted my suspicions, and said this probably wasn't a matter for healers, but instead the police. And not a peep from the 'poor woman'---probably too busy packing his bags to post.
So adding some muscle testing to EFT--- I have found this amazing tool for getting answers. It's yes/no, but with the varying degrees of resistance, it gives you even more information. Another name is Kinesiology . Plus while the original version takes two folks, I've found some one person versions which are just as effective plus easier.
The original version has a friend push down on your arm, as you stand, with your arm raised out to the side as you ask your question. If your arm stays strong, usually it's a yes. If you can't hold it up, no. Accurate but very quickly tiring. But since I thought it was based on muscle resistance, I used the method where you push your circled fingers apart with your other thumb and middle finger which does get tiring but not nearly as quickly.
Used that for quite a few years. If the resistance is strong, it's usually a yes—if you can't hold them together, its usually no. Some folk's body do it the other way, so it's good to do some obvious true/false type questions like 'Am I female' or 'do I have pets'. With names though, I've found sometimes you get answers that seem wrong. I'd get a solid yes to names that weren't mine at all. Huh? But since I've been remembering past lives, I realize those were my names from those other lives. Like Bob—I get a strong yes on that, as strong as I get on my real name.
And I've found you can get answers even about that whole spirit realm stuff. :) Since we really are all the same energy interconnected, all the other energy is available for answers too. Anyway, then I read where you can just rub your finger and thumb together—that it's the resistance in any form in any part of your body that the indicator. That's sooo easy and worked great until til my fingers got too dry. Now they don't give the resistance very well. I had to switch to a spot on the side of my forehead that has stayed fairly moist. But if you get creative, you can get always find some way to access that whole level of information.
You can, of course influence your answers sometimes if you don't say you are looking for the highest objective truth. Otherwise it may grab the answer you or society believes—-not necessarily the overall truth, I've found.
Or if you pick a question that doesn't have any truth in it—like one of the hybrids fake versions of stuff. Sorta like asking if your coat is green or purple, when in fact it's a yellow sweater. You are blind and are depending on others for your 'facts'---so how can anybody answer yes/no to a question like that? There isn't a truth there. I've found the resistance won't stabilize—it sorta feels yes then it'll sorta feel no, and back and forth. I've learned at that point, to stop and ask if any part of this is true. Usually it'll be a strong no.
Or if it's partly true, like you've got a sore shoulder, and you ask is it a sprain. If it's a yes, but kind of draggy, it means a partial yes. If you keep asking, eventually you can get it to a full yes. Like adding did I maybe tear the rotator cuff too? Or is there an infection in the muscle, or is it a torn and sprained muscle? Anything you can think of. I personally found it got to where a hunch would pop into my head, and I'd ask—sure enough, that was the missing component.
But there was something I just couldn't figure out about my type 2 diabetes—I'd asked about every thing I could think of—infection, parasites, allergic reaction, toxic build up, even lately hostile energy being used to attack me---everything, but I never could get a yes. And my diabetes never got better no matter what I did or tapped for—extremely unusual. I tried for the better part of 3 years to break it.
One day, I was again pondering this unyielding problem, kinda drifting in thought, and all of a sudden it was like my body 'burped' this image to me. It showed me my pancreas with a bunch of bug like creatures swarming around it, digging at it. What?? Bugs?? What kind of bugs could possibly live internally?? I looked closer and realized they were moving very jerkily—like robots. Then it hit me. Nanobots. I muscle tested and for the first time I got a solid yes.
There was a big hoopla years ago about how wonderful and helpful nanobots were going to be for medical applications and then I never heard anything more. They got 'disappeared'. Like Tesla's work or the 100mpg engine.
I realized then, the hybrids had subverted them to hurt us medically—to increase their profits even more because they'd be damaging us on the inside which would of course weaken us further and we'd get even sicker, needing even more drugs and doctor visits. I might not have mentioned their invented 'medical' industry, with all it's lies and falsified research and misleading information yet.
It's been my biggest source of those no truthful answers, actually. It's their most successful scam ever. They have stole more of our money and got away with murdering more of us than any other scam they've run, including their wars and even the federal reserve—which might be close money wise, but nowhere near the same levels of successful murders, which we are brainwashed so badly about we actually thank them for 'trying' to save our loved ones. *ack*
I actually surprised my source when she saw this nanobot thing though. The hybrids had hidden it so deeply by only using their alien allies to create them. And any human involvement was done in the dark---although I'm sure they never told them what they were actually doing. A memory in the dark and quiet, is easy to miss—it kinda just blends into the background. Hence there weren't any obvious human memories to see of it, and she can't access other racial unconscious, any more than they can access ours.
But that's why I couldn't figure it out—she couldn't either, so couldn't give me those 'hunches'. Since then, my insulin usage has dropped significantly, and I know, within a couple months (depending on how long it takes to repair the wicked bad damage I can tell the nanobots did), I'll get to a point where I don't need insulin any more.
A bit outside of muscle testing there, but anyway, obviously, you can just ask which points you need to tap—instead of 15-16 points twice, you only need two, maybe three. The time and effort saved is tremendous. It gives you a lot more time to investigate, before you get worn out thinking about it—at least I do. I usually burn out at about 3 hours.
Well, maybe next time a more thorough examination of their currently running scams. You hybrid employees already know those I bet.