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Re: !!BEWARE!! Crystal Clear Energized Water machine and John E. !! Beware of this machine!!
redmn9 Views: 31,279
Published: 18 y
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Re: !!BEWARE!! Crystal Clear Energized Water machine and John E. !! Beware of this machine!!

Ok, I have been monitoring this posting site for years now. Finally feel it is time to offer a point of view.

There are 2 definite points of view going on here.

This thread started with the point of view the John E.' machine is just pure and simple bunk.

But, I don't think that the original poster and the other main poster that always seems to agree, get a fundamental angle on this whole topic.

Their main theme is: there is no SCIENTIFIC evidence of this machine doing anything.

That is the key! But the phrase is incomplete. It should be stated something to the effect of: no Western Scientific evidence.

I don't think I would argue the point that there is no western scientific evidence to support the effects of the John E. machine. If pressed I could come up with a caveat or 2, but that is a different point.

As such, that is exactly the point: western scientific methodologies CAN'T measure what is potentially going on here.

Not only is the western scientific method specifically limited to the 5 senses material realm, but much more importantly, it is TOTALLY hobbled by the technology that exists at any given time to measure whatever is under investigation.

Every day western Science says: "Hey look at THAT, now we have a new instrument that can measure THAT, so now 'we' deem it to be real, measurable and testable."

The day before, it apparently was unreal, simply because the measuring instrument was not sensitive enough to detect the existence of THAT. Or, a totally new paradigm of measuring instrumentation comes along, and again, Gosh look at THAT, now THAT is real too.

Not per se knocking the western scientific method, just pointing out that if you only determine the viability of a product by the western scientific method, you will always be subject to the very limitations of this same methodologies.

In summation: the condescending tone that always comes through when stating 'no scientific evidence' is at best annoying, at worst showing a lack of knowledge on the topic.


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